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Chapter 217 Winning the National Composition Award

Chapter 217 Winning the National Composition Award

"What are you eavesdropping on? What secret do you have that you can't let others know?" Qiao Yifeng rubbed the place where he was bumped and hurt. Is this girl's head made of iron?

Su Jian looked at her in surprise, "Su Huan, have you ever cried?"

At this time Zhou Meng and his wife Ren Hui came out, and seeing the four of them, the couple looked at each other.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Meng asked sullenly.

"Teacher, we didn't do anything. We just passed by here and went to the Chinese team to find Teacher Jiang." Qiao Yifeng said first.

The language group and the mathematics group are separated by three rooms, so it is normal to pass here.

"Let's go quickly, keep your voice down, don't disturb the teacher's rest."

"Yes, Teacher Zhou."

Su Jian looked at Su Huan, he must have been criticized by Zhou Meng, right?
As her eyes moved down, Su Huan suddenly said viciously, "What are you looking at?"

Su Jian smiled and said, "Your shoelaces are untied."

Sneakers also have laces.

The four of them went to the language group, and Jiang Renjiu was eating a meal brought by his wife.

His family lives in the bungalow area near the school, and his children all work. In a few years, he will retire and go home to take care of himself.

"What are you doing?"

"Mr. Jiang, I am Qiao Yifeng from Class Five, he is Yin Quan, and he is He Xin from Class Seven."

Qiao Yifeng pushed Su Jian to the front, "This is Su Jian from Class Six, I didn't attend your class this morning..."

Jiang Renjiu interrupted him impatiently, "Are you someone else's microphone?"

"Huh? No, I just..."

"Just what? Does she have no mouth or can't speak?"

The three boys looked at each other, "Smiling Tiger" Jiang Renjiu really lived up to his reputation.

"Mr. Jiang, my name is Su Jian, a student in Class Six." She didn't want to drag her friends down because of herself.

After suppressing the 3D video, Su Jian sincerely apologized, "I shouldn't have left school without asking for leave, and I will make up my homework in time."

"Homework?" Jiang Renjiu put down his chopsticks and wiped his hands with a piece of paper.

"I heard you can't afford exercise books?"

ah?The three boys looked bad.

"Yes." Su Jian replied without changing her face.

"The physics teacher allows you not to hand in your homework, but only if you are the first in the class?"

Su Jian looked at him and waited for the next sentence.

"I don't need you to hand in my homework, provided I win the first prize in the National Composition Competition."

No, Mr. Jiang, why are you doing this?She spent money to buy a language exercise book, and she didn't say she didn't want to hand in her homework.

After being reborn, she only used supernatural powers to help her learn the basics of Chinese in junior high school. She only scored 108 points in Chinese in the senior high school entrance examination, which was the worst of the five subjects in the high school entrance examination. The points were all deducted for the composition. She might have gone off topic. .

"Mr. Jiang, I will finish my homework on time."

"What do you mean, dare not boast in front of me?"

"...Teacher, I'm not talking big, physics...I can get high marks in physics..."

"Chinese is your weakness?"

Jiang Renjiu snorted, "Okay, why are you bragging about being a top student?"

He waved them out impatiently, "Su Jian, I heard that you read irrelevant books in other teachers' classes."

"If you dare to do this in my class, just go home and drive you crazy, and I can't control you anymore?"

Su Jian was scolded, and the three boys were filled with righteous indignation.

"Zhou Papi didn't scold us, did Xiaomianhu eat gunpowder?"

Yin Quan covered Qiao Yifeng's mouth, "Brother, you are the representative of the Chinese class, be careful! Be careful!"

He Xin looked at her worriedly, "Su Jian, I heard that Mr. Jiang is very strict. In previous years, he took care of liberal arts students. I don't know why he taught us science this year."

It's such a pity that science students are poor in Chinese, and would rather do a hundred questions than memorize "Zhi Hu Zhe Ye".

It was obvious that Jiang Renjiu had investigated Su Jian, and he didn't come to class because he was poor in the language test, so it's no wonder he wasn't angry.

(End of this chapter)

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