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Chapter 218 Green Tea Online

Chapter 218 Green Tea Online
Su Jian and others caught him eavesdropping, Su Mingming was frightened all the way, found a place where no one was around, sat down, patted his chest, and finally calmed down.

Oh my god, Su Huan is pregnant!

It's just breaking news, she's going to go back and tell her mother.

As soon as she reached the school gate, someone stopped her suddenly.

"Hey, female classmate, is your name Su Mingming?"

Li Liang waited all afternoon and didn't see Su Jian coming out. He was full of anger, and when he saw Su Mingming, he rushed forward to say hello.

"It is you!"

"Yes, yes, my name is Li Liang, the manager of Jingwei Real Estate Company..."

Oh, okay, has Su Jian hooked up with the real estate boss?Su Mingming looked down on this middle-aged man who smelled like copper at all.

Only good boys like Zhongli can interest her. She will never be like Su Jian and Su Huan, who just pounce on a man and look cheap and worthless.

"I don't know you, why are you telling me this?"

"Miss Su Mingming, once you are born and second you are familiar, you and Su Jian are sisters, right? You are much prettier than her."

Glib and slick, eating what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot?He made a wrong calculation, so he wouldn't sell his self-esteem for a few petty profits.

"What's the matter with you? Don't waste my time, okay?"

Seeing that the other party didn't agree, Li Liang said with a sneer, "I've been looking for Su Jian, but I haven't waited all afternoon, and I haven't found anyone."

Su Mingming sneered, "Are you stupid? Do you know how many gates there are in No. [-] High School?"

No, I don't know, why build so many gates?As a result, he was a real estate boss in the sun all afternoon.

"Miss Su, are you going home? I'll see you off!"

Su Mingming saw Su Huan who was in a daze.

"Hey, Su Huan, third uncle and third aunt are going to my house, why don't you come home with me for dinner?"

After crying, Su Huan felt faintly uneasy, what if she was really pregnant?If parents knew, would they kill themselves?

If Su Mingming greeted her in the past, she would have loved to ignore her, but today is different, she urgently needs someone to care about her.

"You don't look very good. Did you stay up late at night to study? Don't get tired."

Su Huan was stunned for a moment.

"Let's go, go to my house for dinner. We sisters should love each other. You can't write two Su characters in one stroke, don't you think?"

She said to Li Liang playfully, "Boss Li wants to send us back? I'll trouble you."

Li Liang smiled cheaply, "Yes, yes, I am very happy to serve the two Miss Su."

Whoops!The three sisters are in the same school, and one is prettier than the other. If I take them all down, wouldn't it be a blessing to be equal?
"Who is he?"

Su Huan disliked the greasy Li Liang, who looked like a short wax gourd and had a wretched smile.

"This is Boss Li from Jingwei Real Estate, and he is friends with Su Jian."

She purposely spoke vaguely, just to make Su Huan think in a wrong way.

"Come on, get in the car, are you hungry?"

The two sisters sat together intimately, and Su Mingming pushed Li Liang back when Li Liang tried to strike up a cliché along the way.

Su Huan looked at her with admiration. He was too assertive before, thinking that Su Mingming was scheming and selfish, and he didn't want to get in touch with her.

Looking at it now, she really cares about herself, otherwise she would not work hard to protect herself and prevent the greasy man from taking advantage of her.

"I originally invited Su Jian too. You know, the uncle's family has a weird temper and always thinks that we look down on them. She said she was going to the math group to ask questions from the teacher. I guess she was just an excuse. The teachers all went home at noon. , ask a fart question."

Su Huan's face was as cold as ice.

(End of this chapter)

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