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Chapter 219 Hurry up and have a second child

Chapter 219 Hurry up and have a second child
Su Mingfeng's house.

After being paid 1 yuan by the routine, Wang Chunmei lay on the bed for three days as if she had hurt her muscles and bones.

Mrs. Su was dissatisfied with her not getting up to cook when she was not at work. She accused Sang and Huai in the yard of calling her an idiot and a pig. She was so angry that she got up and had a fight with the old lady. The old lady called her third son to come and comment.

Ding Xiaoxue has been drinking water with her head down. She doesn't like to participate and doesn't want to participate in her husband's family affairs. It is absolutely impossible for her to take care of the two of them. Anyway, her marriage with Su Mingsong has been red-lighted, and Su Mingsong dares to accept them. In the provincial capital, she immediately told him to leave!

"Ming Song, your father and mother are about to die of anger, why don't you even say a word?"

The old lady lay on the kang and pretended to be sick, and she babbled on for a long time, but the young couple, like the guests, kept drinking water.

Unable to procrastinate, Su Mingsong had no choice but to put down the teacup in his hand, and secretly glanced at his wife.

"Mom, how can the lid of the pot not touch the side of the pot? The second sister-in-law is the one who knows the character best. There will inevitably be conflicts when living together. Please be considerate and considerate to the second sister-in-law. You are still arguing about her illness, and I can't stand it .”

What?Telling him to come back is not to reprimand his old mother. They say that after marrying a daughter-in-law, they forget their mother.

"The third one!"

The old man Su knocked the cigarette pot on the edge of the kang, Ding Xiaoxue gently covered his nose, the old man's mouth was so smelly that it could suffocate people to death, he probably had never brushed his teeth, and his mouth could stink for miles.

"I've discussed with your mother that in the future, we will live in your house for half a year and your second brother's house for half a year. In addition, Xiaoxue is not very old. Now that you are going to have a son, your mother and I can help Wear it."


The tea in Ding Xiaoxue's mouth sprayed out far away, and she stared at old man Su in horror.

"Oh, look at you, you are quite a big person and you can still choke on drinking water?"

The tea splashed on Old Madam Su's face, she got up in a rage, and glared at the third daughter-in-law angrily.

"We won't have another child." Ding Xiaoxue said with a cold face.

"What? You want my third child to die?"

Mrs. Su has always been worried about the lack of a successor for her third son.

"Your uncle and second brother both have sons, but you are the only daughter. When you get old, who will take care of you? Do you expect your son-in-law to take care of you two?"

"Besides, how lonely is one child? If you have a headache, two children can still talk about it. Look, who doesn't have two or three children? It's not that you can't afford to raise children because of your high salary. Why? Let the third child in my family have no son?"

Ding Xiaoxue stood up abruptly, and said coldly, "If you want us to divorce, just say so. You don't need to talk about your son. Also, what do you mean by going to my home for the elderly for half a year? Didn't you decide the issue of your elderly care a few days ago? You regretted it so soon ?”

ah?When the third daughter-in-law pointed to her nose and asked, the old couple were a little dumbfounded.

They have always been afraid of Ding Xiaoxue, not only because she is from the provincial capital, but her parents are high-ranking cadres, the key is that she looks too cold, she is not close to anyone, and her anger is even more earth-shattering.

The two suddenly became shriveled eggplants.

The old lady Su murmured unwillingly, "Isn't this a discussion? Your second sister-in-law is out of work and sighs at home every day. Brother and daughter-in-law stretch out their hands at this time. She still doesn't appreciate you for the rest of her life?"

I bother!

Ding Xiaoxue glared at Mrs. Su fiercely, turned around and walked out without giving anyone face at all.

Su Mingsong hurriedly chased after her, "Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, don't be angry, your parents are confused, and what they say should be ignored, and you can't take it to heart."

 Thank you for the cute little ones who voted for the recommended and monthly tickets every day. I love you. The recommendation meeting will be updated in two days. I hope you can continue to support [-]
(End of this chapter)

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