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Chapter 259 Su Mingming lives in school

Chapter 259 Su Mingming lives in school

Su Mingsong slammed the door and came out, and found that the people around the door hadn't left yet, so he couldn't help saying angrily, "It's all gone, it's all gone, you can take care of your own homes, don't join in where there is excitement."

There was a burst of ridicule in the crowd and then it gradually dispersed. Only then did Su Mingsong see clearly that there was a big red banner under the tree.

"Su Baogui, the old turtle bastard, with a wicked belt smoking, he will die!"

There are so many words that one banner cannot fit. Two big trees are 20 meters long from one end to the other.

Su Mingsong only felt dizzy for a while. He covered his face with his hands, jumped into the car as if flying, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and fled.

Su Mingming didn't know what was going on at home, so Wang Chunmei tricked her into sending Su Mingfeng to another place to work and let her stay at school.

"Why? I don't want to live on campus. My dad is on a business trip. Why can't he live at home?"

"No reason? Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Wang Chunmei's natal family, she is packing the sundries at home to make room for the new owner.

"Mom, what's your attitude? You can't ask if you have any questions?"

Wang Chunmei straightened her waist and exhaled foul air.

"Obviously, you are already sixteen. You know something and help the family with some things. I don't have a job now. Your father, your father has been transferred to another place. He can't take care of you for a long time. You live on campus temporarily. When I find a new job, I will take you home."

In any case, Su Mingming agreed to live in the school, but the sixth class of girls is enough for a dormitory, so she can only be inserted into another class.

Jin Xiaohui asked in surprise, "Why live on campus? My parents won't agree."

"Why don't you agree? You tell them that I let you live on campus."

That night Jin Xiaohui went home and told her parents that the parents agreed without hesitation, Xueba took the initiative to invite his daughter to live in school together, why not agree?
The evening self-study has been going on for a week, and tonight is the first time for Su Jian to attend.

"Qin Du, have you gone to the hospital for an examination?"

The last time I found out that he had a congenital heart disease, because there were so many things, I forgot to ask him if he had a checkup.

Qin Du took a deep breath, "My parents said we'll wait until the winter vacation."

Su Jian looked at his 3D video again, "Your illness should be sooner rather than later. Don't wait for the physical examination in the third year of high school. You won't be able to apply for many majors."

Qin Du lowered his head lonely, "Su Jian, how long can I live?"

"I don't know, I'm not a fortune teller on the bridge."

Qin Du blinked sadly.

"Don't be discouraged, go to the hospital for an examination first, and the doctor will cure you."

If the problem was big, he wouldn't be sitting here in class now.

Zhao Jing told her a few days ago that the school attaches great importance to her current class of students, and every day a teacher will be arranged to tutor students for free.

Bio tonight.

"Are you going? There is a biology test tomorrow, and I heard that the old lady is going to reveal some test questions tonight."

Thinking of that unsmiling teacher, Su simply shook his head, rejecting Qin Du's kindness.

"You go, I haven't finished my homework yet."

What homework do you write?She came to class today, did she carry her schoolbag?
"Lend me a pen, hehe!"

Jiang Ren left a composition for a long time, titled: A photo with special meaning.

"Oh, I don't have a single group photo at home."

Seeing the title, Su Jian remembered that her parents only had a very small wedding photo, which was stuck in the gap of the big mirror.

On weekends, I went to the photo studio to take a family portrait, and brought my uncle and grandma and grandpa. The two old people have never had a photo in their life, so they have to keep something in mind. They can’t be like the last life. Memories recall their voices and smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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