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Chapter 260

Chapter 260

Most of the students in the class went to listen to Teacher Tian's class, only a few stayed in the classroom, very quiet, and Su Jian finished writing the composition quickly.

The representative of the Chinese class said that she was the only one who didn't hand in the composition. He went to the biology teacher's class and asked her to go to the Chinese group to hand it over to Teacher Jiang after finishing writing.

She didn't want to go, but when she thought of Jiang Renjiu's expression of not smiling, her thoughts slipped.

Qiao Yifeng and Yin Quan walked over shoulder to shoulder, and Su Jian called them.

"Help me with my homework."

Qiao Yifeng's mind was active, and he immediately noticed something strange.

"Boss Su, and your frightened teacher?"

"What's different about me?"

Many people hate the old biology lady, and are also afraid of taking Jiang Renjiu's class, because they always make surprise attacks and ask questions that are not covered in this class. Students are nervous in class, afraid of being suddenly called up to answer question.

If you can't answer it, it will be a blow to reduce dimensionality. There is a reason why Mr. Tian is not liked by students after he is over sixty years old.

"A Photo with Special Significance?"

"Boss Su, the composition topics written by your class are different from ours?"

"Really? What are you writing about?"

"A Little Red in the Thousand Mountains"!"

"Oh, well written."

Qiao Yifeng looked disgusted, "Sister Xueba, please shut up and be a good person, maybe your class will be writing in a second."

Before Jiang Renjiu left, his house was right in front of the school, and he could enter his yard by turning a corner and walking a dozen steps after leaving the gate.

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that a house in front of your house collapsed?" A teacher greeted him.

"I haven't heard of it? When did it happen?"

"It's just this afternoon. Didn't it rain heavily two days ago? The house has been in disrepair for a long time, and a beam was broken."

Jiang Renjiu rubbed his temples, his house is getting older, and he needs to find someone to look at it on weekends, and how to fix it is the cheapest.

When I looked down, I saw the composition book on the table, with the student's name and class written on the cover.

"Class six a year, Su Jian."

All the teachers in the school are talking about the students with high marks in the senior high school entrance examination.

He picked up the composition and flipped through it casually for a few times before stopping.

"Teacher Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

The colleague stretched out his hand in front of him, and Jiang Renjiu regained his composure, "Mr. Li, is the National Essay Competition due next Friday?"


Oh oh, there is still time!

"What? Did you find a good composition?" Seeing that he was holding a student's composition in his hand, he laughed jokingly.

"Talented people come out from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years!"

Yo, is this affirming the student's composition level?It is the highest reward for those words to come out of his mouth.

"Mr. Jiang, can you let us circulate the content of the composition?"

Before the end of the evening self-study, the representative of the Chinese class ran in panting, grabbed the chalk and wrote a few big characters on the blackboard.

"Students, the homework assigned by Teacher Jiang must be handed in tomorrow morning. If you don't hand it in, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"A Little Red in the Thousand Mountains"?"

Tsk!Facts have been verified again, Qiao Yifeng's mouth has been opened.

Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei were waiting at the school gate early on.

The two were very excited, as if they were part of it.

"Sister, sister?" Su Dan raised his arms and shouted.

When Su Jian came out, she glanced at Yu Zhen, who was smoking a cigarette.

Yu Zhen smiled and said, "Your brother? He looks very similar to you, but he's just stupid."

Since Zhang Yiwen's declaration of love failed, Aftershock drove away the gangsters who had been entrenched near the school gate all year round. Now the surrounding is clean, and students don't have to worry about being blackmailed on the way to and from school.

Su Dan stared at Aftershock angrily, "Sister, let's go, let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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