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Chapter 31 Save Another Person

Chapter 31 Save Another Person

Su Jian let out a long breath. She was working in the right direction. In time, she should be able to stand in front of the operating table and become an excellent doctor like Song Ze.

"Student Su Jian?"

After rescuing the seriously ill, Song Ze went upstairs with his colleagues and accidentally saw Su Jian who was in a daze.

"Ah? Doctor Song?" Su Jian greeted with a blushing face.

"Why are you here? Did you come to see me?"

Song Ze has a younger sister who looks very similar to Su Jian, but unfortunately died of illness when she was very young, so Song Ze treats her very kindly, just like his little sister.

"An old man in our village was sick, and I helped send him here."

"Have you read the medical book?"

"Well, I don't understand some places."

Song Ze smiled, "It's normal. When I was your age, I didn't even know what medical books looked like."

Su Jian blushed, and suddenly a person ran over behind her, bumping her into a stagger.

"Doctor, doctor, please save my daughter."

The man was holding a five or six-year-old child in his arms, his face was blue and foaming at the mouth.

It was a foreign object. The little girl was stuck in her throat by a foreign object. Su Jian saw a small black shadow in her airway.

Before Song Ze could react, she hugged the little girl and used the Heimlich method to give her first aid.

The child's father was terrified.

"what are you doing?"

Where did this crazy girl come from?His daughter is already sick, what is she doing?How can you bear to torture a young child?

"Go away! Are you going to kill my daughter? Whose child? What are you doing to my daughter?"

He panicked and asked Song Ze for help, "Doctor, doctor, stop her quickly, she is going to kill my daughter."

Song Ze grabbed his arm and comforted him with a smile, "Your daughter will be fine."

He was surprised that Su Jian gave first aid to the little girl one step earlier than him.

Every year, children lose their lives because they swallow foreign objects by mistake, and their parents do not know first aid.

The parent didn't know if he lived near the hospital. He was glad that the child could be sent here as soon as possible, but many children were not so lucky. Most of them delayed the best rescue time and stopped breathing when they arrived at the hospital.


A brown mass came out of the little girl's mouth.

"Ah? Plum Tang?" The child's father hugged his daughter.

"Jiajia, are you talking to Dad?"

"Woo, Dad, I'm scared."

The little girl's face gradually turned rosy, Song Ze checked and said, "Okay, it's all right, be careful in the future, don't feed such a small child with lumpy food, it will easily cause suffocation."

"Thank you, thank you doctor."

"You don't need to thank me, the one you should thank is her." Song Ze pointed at Su Jian and said.

ah?Only then did the man realize that what Su Jian did just now saved his daughter's life.

"Girl, thank you, you are my family's savior, Jiajia, come here quickly, thank you sister for saving you."

The little girl bowed to her respectfully, and said in a childish voice, "Thank you, big sister."

Su Jian blushed, "You're welcome."

Song Ze looked at her with a smile.

"Doctor Song, am I being reckless?"

"No, you did a good job, your prediction was accurate, and your measures were appropriate. You saved that little girl."

It was embarrassing for him to say, "There are still many things I don't understand."

"How many days are left for the high school entrance examination?"

"next Friday."

"Oh, ten days, what are your plans for the summer vacation?"

"Help around the house." She's going to pay for her tuition and might find a part-time job.

"Well, I recommend you a place, you go to him, just say I let you come."

(End of this chapter)

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