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chapter 32

chapter 32

Song Ze wrote her an address and a string of phone numbers.

"Su Jian, I wish your dreams come true."

Leaving the hospital, I accidentally met the little girl's father at the gate.

"Oh, my benefactor, I forgot to ask your name just now, and my wife scolded you."

Su Jian said, "You have already thanked me, and anyone who encounters this kind of thing will help."

"That's what you said, but how many people really lend a helping hand?"

He brought his daughter to the hospital to visit a sick relative. Shanshan took out a piece of candy and stuffed it into his mouth.

"This little thing, the girl must accept it. I said something unpleasant that time. It really shouldn't be done. Don't take it to heart."

"Uncle, I can't ask for money..."

"Not much, just take it. I think you are still a student, and you should always need to review the materials. If you refuse, I will feel sorry."

The little girl's father handed her a hundred yuan and left in a hurry. Su Jian grabbed the ticket, found a small appliance seller, and bought the Walkman of her dreams.

In the village, Aunt Xu came over with a basket of eggs.

"Thanks to Xiao Jian who discovered it early, that old man in my family never makes a sound when he is in pain, and the dead can be pissed off by him."

Liu Fang declined, not wanting her eggs, "Save them for Big Brother Xu to replenish his body."

"There are still some at home, and Mingcheng of your family also needs to make up for it. In the future, if there is anything at home, you can tell me, sister-in-law can help you, absolutely."

Xu Dazhuang's family planted vegetable greenhouses and made a lot of money in the past two years, and he seemed to be an upstart in the village.

"Ah Fang, if your family wants to close the vegetable greenhouse, just ask me, and I will help you."

"Sister-in-law, that's great. Mingcheng and I also have the same idea. When the corn matures, we will have to trouble you."

"It doesn't matter, we folks in the village, we all know what kind of people you and Mingcheng are, let's not talk about it, I have to go home and cook."

"By the way, your little Jane is a good seedling. My son said that we must let little Jane go to high school and college. When the time comes, she will be well-off. Don't forget about us."

Liu Fang's heart is as sweet as eating honey. This time, her daughter really made the couple look good. As long as she wants to learn, she will definitely support it with all her strength.

In the evening, Su Jian took out her walkman and told her parents what happened in the hospital.

"Ah? Little Jane, are you really good at saving people?"

"Mom, you don't know yet. My sister is studying medicine now. She wants to be a doctor, and I want to join the army. She saves lives and heals the wounded, and I defend the country." Su Dan answered first.

Su Mingcheng and his wife looked at the children in surprise.

"Okay, okay, as long as you are willing to learn, your mother and I will sell everything for you to go to school."

In the city, Wang Chunmei came home from get off work with a gloomy face and said nothing.

Su Mingfeng, who was cooking in the kitchen, didn't dare to breathe heavily. After placing the food on the table, he came over cautiously to ask for instructions.

"Honey, why are you unhappy? Are you tired from work?"

"Su Mingfeng, if your parents still live in our house, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce procedures tomorrow."

"What's wrong? Wife? Did I do something wrong?"

"You are not wrong, the fault is that you are the son of your parents."

Su Mingfeng was confused, "Honey, I don't understand."

"Heh! Su Mingfeng, ask yourself, how have I treated your parents these years?"

"Very, very good. My parents always say hello to everyone. There is still a sign of Wuhao Family on our door."

"Hehe, say hello to me everywhere, and then stab a knife in the back?"

"Your mother arranged for her niece's daughter-in-law to work in the printing factory. I really underestimated her all these years, and blamed me for tearing it down?"

(End of this chapter)

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