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Chapter 4 Being ridiculed for being too big

Chapter 4 Being ridiculed for being too big

During this period, technical secondary school was more popular than high school. Zhang Hui's academic performance ranked first in her grade group. She always wanted to study in a teacher's college and start working early to reduce the burden on her parents.

"Zhang Hui, don't your parents support you in high school?"

"Why go to high school? My grades are so good, of course I went to technical secondary school!"

"But I think you should go to high school, then go to college, and in the future..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Zhang Hui, who looked at her coldly.

"Su Jian, are you worried that I will rob you of your quota? Your grades won't allow you to enter the teacher's college. I think you should stop working hard."

"I won't go to technical secondary school, Zhang Hui, and I hope you don't either."

"You can put it down, I didn't expect you to be such a person, isn't it just a second aunt who is a teacher? What's so great about it?"

Su Jian blinked her eyes. In fact, Zhang Hui didn't need to look for anyone. Her high school entrance examination results were very good, surpassing many people in the No. [-] Middle School. In the end, she went to the teacher's college she wanted.

However, with the expansion of university enrollment, technical secondary school diplomas were gradually eliminated by the society. After Zhang Hui started working, she was crushed by undergraduates who graduated from the normal school within a few years, and finally became a logistics teacher, earning a pitiful salary every month.

Zhang Hui angrily took her book and sat in another seat.

After the first get out of class, Mr. Li, the class teacher, came in with a volunteer form.

"Let me tell you, there are a total of 18 people in our class taking the senior high school entrance examination. Except for Zhang Hui and the squad leader who went to the technical secondary school, the rest are a little bit self-aware. Don't waste your volunteers. If you can go to a vocational high school, go to a vocational high school. It's all because of your ancestors who passed the exam. cigarette."

Zhang Hui turned her head, looked at Su Jian contemptuously, and whispered to the girl next to her, the two covered their mouths and snickered.

Teacher Li asked Su Jian to go to her office by name, and when she passed by Zhang Hui, she let out a cold snort in a moderate voice, "Synonymous with sycophancy!"

"Report!" She knocked on the door and went in.

"Su Jian, how do you report your volunteers?"

The reason why Teacher Li cared about her was because her son was in the class of his second aunt Wang Chunmei, and this was the relationship. In the past three years, she was the only student in the class who had not been verbally abused by her. Speaking of which, I would like to thank Wang Chunmei.

"I want to apply for a high school."

"What?" Teacher Li scratched his ears suspiciously.

"Are you crazy? No. [-] High School is a key high school in the city, where only top students like Zhang Hui and He Xin can go. Don't you know how much you weigh? Why don't you enroll in No. [-] High School?" Teacher Li's tone was raised by an octave, mockingly .

"Have you discussed this with your second aunt?"


"Why don't you discuss it? Your parents are farmers, what do they know? Can they make decisions for you?" Teacher Li picked up the phone and called Wang Chunmei.

"I have to talk to your second aunt carefully, you are too ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth, does it mean that you can pass the exam in the first high school?"

Finally, when the phone was connected, Teacher Li first asked about his son's study situation, and the topic turned to Su Jian.

"You said that this child has no idea at all, and it's a waste of volunteering. Isn't this a dream?"

Wang Chunmei sneered, "Her parents are uneducated, so there's nothing I can do. Who will let me, an aunt, worry about it? Teacher Li, give her the phone and I'll talk to her."

Su Jian took the microphone, and on the other side, Wang Chunmei was like a high-ranking queen, and asked coldly, "Su Jian, why do you want to apply for a high school? Do you think that if my family can go to a high school, you can also pass the exam?"

Su Mingming is the second uncle's daughter, the same age and grade as Su Jian, studying in No. [-] Middle School.

They also have a son, Su Jun, who was studying in the Provincial Experimental High School, and was ranked No. 1 in the city in the senior high school entrance examination.

(End of this chapter)

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