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Chapter 5

Chapter 5
"Let me tell you, Su Jian, you won't pass the exam anywhere, obediently return the application form to Mr. Li, don't waste time."

Noticing that she was silent, Wang Chunmei continued to sneer, "I found you a job in No. [-] Middle School, and you are not young, so you should help the family reduce the burden."

Su Jian asked, "Second Aunt, what kind of job can you help me find?"

She was like a mirror in her heart, she was reborn after all, there was a printing factory in No. [-] Middle School, and Wang Chunmei arranged for her to work there.

At first glance, it seemed that she was indeed very kind to Su Jian. Not only did she think so, Su Mingcheng and his wife were very grateful, and even bought a lot of gifts to express their gratitude.

After working for three months, she was dismissed without reason. Wang Chunmei complained that her hands and feet were not clean, which made her unable to hold her head up in school.But later, her niece from her natal family took over her job. It took several years for her to find out that Wang Chunmei arranged for her to work in the printing factory at first, just to keep her niece's employment quota, and then she just found an excuse to fire her.

"The No. 300 Middle School Printing Factory is short of people, and they are given [-] yuan a month. This is a sweet spot. I have worked hard to get a place."

She lowered her voice, in fact she was the only one in the office, giving Su Jian the feeling that you don't know what's good and what's wrong, so hurry up and agree.

"Second Aunt, I'll go home and discuss it with my parents."

"What is there to discuss?" Wang Chunmei frowned displeased. In the past, Su Jian obeyed her orders without any opinions, but today she was very upset.

"Su Jian, you are sixteen years old, you are not suitable for studying, so hurry up and make money, otherwise you will follow your mother's orders, find a husband's family, and marry a man who is several years older than you."

Every time Wang Chunmei scares her like this, Su Jian will shake her head desperately, as long as she doesn't marry, she can do whatever she wants.

"Second Aunt, I don't want to marry." She didn't want to expose herself too quickly, so she shook her head.

"Come to work in the printing factory without getting married. That's fine. I don't have time to argue with you. Give Teacher Li a call. I have something to tell her."

Back in class, the students were still talking about volunteering, Zhang Hui kicked the table leg.

"Su Jian, did Teacher Li tell you about going to a technical secondary school?"

Zhang Hui's family conditions are not good. Although she is good at studies, Teacher Li still doesn't want to see her. Take this application for volunteering as an example. The other class teachers give advice to the top five students in the class, but Teacher Li only watches the monitor.Oh, and Su Jian.

Su Jian shook her head, "Zhang Hui, you will definitely be admitted to the Teachers College."

She sat down and took out her textbooks. Wang Chunmei was right, she couldn't get into high school with her grades, and it's no wonder that Teacher Li screamed in surprise when she heard her say that she was going to enter a high school.

The time for the senior high school entrance examination is June 6. If you devote yourself to studying, you may be able to get a good result.

When I came home from school in the afternoon, my parents were working in the fields. On the stove, there were two empty bowls and an aluminum basin with some boiled potatoes and a bowl of farmhouse miso made by Liu Fang.

In the morning, I brought meals for my siblings, including meat and vegetables, but my own lunch was dipped in scallions.

Su Jian felt a pang of grief in her heart, and quickly cleaned up the kitchen, cleaned the pots and cooked.

Seeing Su Dan going out with a fishing rod, Su Jian called to him, "Go and do your homework quickly, I heard that you have a quiz the day after tomorrow."

Su Dan had a hellish expression, "Sis, I already mentioned the quiz, so don't take it to heart."

"Su Dan, you won't listen to me, will you?" She scolded her face.

Seeing Su Jian like this for the first time, Su Dan murmured in his heart. Under her pressure, he had no choice but to put down his fishing rod and take out his books.

Standing up suddenly, Su Jian felt dizzy for a while, but when she saw the test paper in Su Dan's hand, she was surprised from ear to ear.

(End of this chapter)

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