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Chapter 438 Self-righteous

Chapter 438 Self-righteous
"Where are Yin Quan and He Xin?"

"Old Yin has something to do at home, let's go first, as for He Xin..."

Qiao Yifeng had a gloomy face.

He and Yin Quan had a good time. The two have been together since kindergarten. These years, they have been inseparable from Meng, Meng Buke, elementary school, junior high school, and high school.

He Xin joined later.

On the eve of the high school entrance examination, Su Jian suddenly appeared. Qiao Yifeng told Zhong Li as a joke, and the other party wanted him to find an opportunity to get close to Su Jian, so that he could become a good friend.

Don't look at his usual foolishness, let him take the initiative to talk to girls, he doesn't have the courage.

It happened that He Xin was planning to go to Weitang Village to ask about Su Jian's volunteering. Qiao Yifeng seized the opportunity and warmed up with Su Jian.

He Xin played with them, but his relationship was not strong. He was still introverted and couldn't get along with Qiao Yifeng and Yin Quan.

This incident was the trigger. It is estimated that He Xin and them will gradually drift away in the future, and Qiao Yifeng doesn't care at all.

"Are you really willing to see Zhang Hui's mother?"

"I'm not a god, so I may not be able to understand what's wrong with her mother. Besides, we're right and wrong, so don't take it to heart."

She knew that Qiao Yifeng was disappointed with He Xin, mourned his misfortune, and was angry with him.

Things in the world must be divided for a long time, and they must be divided for a long time. One or two true confidants are enough, and the others are just passers-by.

He Xin was in the hospital. He came out of class a class earlier. Zhang Hui's crying eyes were swollen into peaches. The two sat side by side on the lighted bench in the hospital corridor.

"Su Jian promised to come over later, don't worry, for the sake of her classmates, she will definitely help you."

"He Xin, thank you, you didn't get angry when I treated you like that before. I'm really ashamed."

"It's okay, everyone makes mistakes sometimes."

Zhang Hui seemed to feel cold, and leaned closer to him. He Xin was tense, not daring to make any small movements.

"He Xin, Su Jian is very powerful now?"

"Yeah, she is good at studying and works hard. She can get No.1 every time."

"Really? Didn't realize she was a top student in junior high school."

He Xin smiled wryly, "Maybe she hid it well."

"Did you study hard in high school?"


"If you don't pass the university entrance exam, will the high school students be assigned jobs by the state?"

"This is unlikely."

Zhang Hui felt more balanced, "Why didn't you go to a teacher's college? Did you look down on technical school students?"

"No, no!"

"What's that for?"

"Because, because Su Jian said that the technical secondary school education will not be recognized by the society in the future..."

"You really believe what she said?"

"No, no, it's me, it's me, I don't think I'm suitable to be a teacher. I want to do research work. My parents hope that I can major in architecture."

"Oh, so that's what you planned."

Zhang Hui did not choose the major of teacher training, but chose the major of tourism management that no one would choose.

This professional name looks tall, but it doesn’t actually have any gold content. After graduation, she competes for the same waiter position with those girls who have not completed junior high school or even elementary school education, and are younger and more beautiful than themselves.

She thinks that the major she chose is very good, and she will go to work in a big city in the future, become a white-collar worker, manage a big hotel, and never go back to the countryside.

"Why hasn't Su Jian come here? Did she lie to you on purpose?"

"No, she is a very trustworthy person."

He Xin looked at his watch anxiously. His parents were very strict with him. He would be scolded if he came home late, but he left and was reluctant to leave Zhang Hui behind. Su Jian and Qiao Yifeng were late.

(End of this chapter)

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