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Chapter 439

Chapter 439
Zhang Hui saw the tall and handsome Qiao Yifeng at a glance.

She asked He Xin, Qiao Yifeng's parents are very rich, they live in a very big house, they ride a bicycle worth more than 2000 yuan, they are good-looking and their family is rich, isn't that the standard for a boyfriend she pursues?
He followed Su Jian with two schoolbags on his shoulders, like a small follower, which Zhang Hui disliked very much.

Does she have no hands?Or do you just like to enslave boys?

"Qiao Yifeng!"

Qiao Yifeng's face turned sour, he ignored her.

Crazy, begging Su Jian to come and see her mother for free, and say hello to herself first?What a scheming woman.

He Xin also sensed that something was wrong and hurriedly tried to smooth things over.

"Su Jian, you are here."

Su Jian hummed and asked, "Where is the patient?"

He Xin immediately opened the door of the ward, pointing to a bed near the door.

Zhang Hui lowered her head and remained silent.

The three-person ward was very narrow, and when the door was opened, the smell of urine wafted in, making people sick.

Without even frowning, Su Jian walked in and took a look at Zhang Hui's mother.

There is no need for medical treatment anymore. This hardworking and simple rural woman, like Liu Fang in her previous life, became sick from overwork and refused to see her when she was sick. Over time, minor illnesses accumulated into serious illnesses. Can hang his last breath in salt water.

"what did the doctor say?"

He Xin hurriedly handed her the medical records.

"Heart failure, emphysema, shadows in the liver..."

The 3D images she saw were even more frightening. She worked in the fields all year round, her spine was severely bent and deformed, and her sciatic nerve and trigeminal nerve had lesions.

I can understand Zhang Hui's thinking in technical secondary school. It is right to come down early to help the family earn money, but now it seems that things have changed. Not to mention that He Xin can't recognize her, even when she sees her on the road, she will think about it before saying hello.

Curly curls, big earrings, scarlet lips and knee boots.

This attire was out of tune with her poor family.

The woman on the bed had her eyes tightly closed, her eye sockets sunken, and she was skinny. The sweater on her body was old and colorless, and the collar and cuffs were severely pilled.

All the money earned through hard work was given to her daughter, and she never enjoyed a single day of happiness until she died.

"Qiao Yifeng, thank you for coming to visit my mother."

Facing the woman who was about to die, Qiao Yifeng was too embarrassed to scold her shameless daughter, and said to Su Jian with a cold snort, "I'll take you home."

"Hey, Qiao Yifeng, can I have a word with you?" Zhang Hui asked urgently.

"I have nothing to say to you. You want to borrow money from me, but there is no door."

Zhang Hui was speechless after one sentence, and finally she had to look at Su Jian.

"I won't lend you money even if I have money. You asked He Xin to beg me. Is it a pretense to see your mother?" Su Jian looked at her.

"Zhang Hui, your mother's illness can't be cured, please bear with me."

"What did you say? The doctor didn't even notify my mother that she was critically ill, so you came to curse my mother?" She was in a hurry, unable to keep her face exposed, and couldn't help but sneer at Su Jian.

"I didn't invite you here at all, don't be sentimental, okay?"

He Xin lowered her head in embarrassment, "Stop arguing, there are other people in the ward, so don't affect others' rest."

"Su Jian, can you help me think of a way, my aunt is so pitiful, she couldn't sleep all night because of the pain, the doctor just gave me a painkiller injection to barely fall asleep."

"I'm sorry, what does this have to do with me? Her daughter pointed at my nose and told me to mind my own business. I'm not stupid enough to come here to show my presence."

(End of this chapter)

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