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Chapter 45

Chapter 45
She knew the two elders of the Su family very well, if it wasn't for the purpose of being city residents, they wouldn't live in Su Mingfeng's house with shamelessness.

"Grandma, you and my grandfather are getting older and older, and there is no one around to take care of you."

"You're right. Haven't you finished your studies? Come down to work, or stay at home to take care of me and Grandpa Ni."

"No way, Mom, little Jane still has to go to high school and college." Liu Fang preemptively said unwillingly.

"You and Mingcheng work so hard, how much money can you earn a year? And pay for her to go to school? Xiaojian will marry sooner or later, and spend money to train someone else's daughter-in-law? Are you out of your mind?"

"Grandma, have you told Su Mingming and Su Huan?" Su Jian asked coldly.

"Am I stupid? Tell them that?"

"Then why did you tell me?"

"Don't you know the conditions of your family? What do you compare with Mingming and Huanhuan?"

Su Jian narrowed her eyes, "Grandma, there are a lot of people who want to support me to go to school. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see."

Mrs. Su rolled her eyes, she didn't have any skills, she learned to brag, and there were still people struggling to pay for her to go to school, so she thought she was Su Jun?

"Grandma, it doesn't matter whether I go to school or not, what matters is how you get back to my second uncle's house."

"One more thing, my third uncle didn't come back for Chinese New Year last year, and Su Huan also took the high school entrance examination this year, why don't you just call her and ask her to come to the city to play, you miss my third uncle, right?"

One sentence hit the pain point of the old lady. The third son left home at the age of 17 to serve as a soldier. This journey has been 20 years younger. The son travels thousands of miles and the mother worries that it is official language. The younger son's ability is a material for her and the old man to brag about. It's a pity that the third son's family never gave them a chance to display their talents.

"Do you have a way to get your third uncle back?"

"Grandma, you are sick!"

Ok?The old lady rolled her eyes and thought about it.

"Okay, I don't need you to tell me, your second uncle and third uncle are all filial children, only your father doesn't live up to it, and knows how to dig food all day long."

"Yeah, if my dad is like the second uncle, how good it would be to be an accountant in the Materials Bureau?"

The old lady was shocked, and looked at her granddaughter in horror. This girl has become eloquent recently. She wouldn't deliberately test herself, would she?
"Take me to your second uncle's house. I want to take a sedan chair, not a three-legged sedan chair."

All right, all right, as long as she doesn't go back to the village, even by plane, Su Jian is also happy.

Although Su Mingfeng lives in a one-story house, it will be relocated within a few years. I don’t know if they knew some inside information in advance. The neighbors on the left and right have moved out a lot. They are the only ones who still live here and expand the size of the house little by little. , adding up to more than 150 square meters, square and clean.

"Second Uncle? Second Uncle, are you at home? My grandma is sick, come out and have a look."

Mrs. Su stomped her feet impatiently, brat, what are you shouting for?People thought that the second son was not filial when they heard it, and deliberately prevented the old lady from entering the house.

Seeing this, Liu Fang couldn't help but sneer, "Mom, what's so shameful? How many neighbors do you know?"

Old Madam Su was furious, "Do you dare to talk back?"

Liu Fang also thought about it, she was weak and would only let the old lady ride on her head and shit, for Su Jian and Su Dan, she also wanted to fight for more benefits.

After lunch, Su Mingfeng was just laying down to take a nap when the big iron door was knocked loudly.

Wang Chunmei has gone back to her natal family, and there are only him and Su Mingming at home.

"Mingming, you go to open the door and see who is calling outside."

Su Mingming pouted, "It's Su Jian, I won't open the door for her."

Su Jian?

Su Mingfeng was full of anger. This niece is stupid, clumsy, and stubborn. She handed over the job that his wife had managed to get, how dare she come?

(End of this chapter)

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