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Chapter 46 It feels good to be a bad guy

Chapter 46 It feels good to be a bad guy

"Grandma, you lie down!"

Hearing footsteps coming from the yard, Su Jian turned her head and winked at Mrs. Su.

There is no need for anyone to ask, the old lady is determined to stay at the second son's house, otherwise she may have to compensate the second son's family for economic losses when she returns to the village, and leave the mess to the eldest son to clean up. She is old and should enjoy the blessings.

"Whoops, whoops!"

Pushing open the door, Su Mingfeng was stunned, and his old lady was lying on the ground humming.

"What's going on? Mom, why are you sleeping on the floor?"

He asked angrily, "Sister-in-law, how did you take care of your mother? Why did you let her lie at the gate of my house?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Fang suddenly tilted her body and lay down next to the old woman, humming too.

The old lady Su was so angry that she almost sat up. She cheated on her son. What does it mean for you to be a sister-in-law and lie down?
Pinching Liu Fang hard, the pain caused her humming to change, almost failing.

Su Jian couldn't help laughing, she should give her mother applause at this time, the hardships of life have turned a girl who once loved life into what she is now, and she is even more determined that she can change the fate of the whole family by studying.

"Second Uncle, don't stand there stupidly, quickly carry my grandma into the house, I'll take care of my mother."

Su Mingfeng was confused, his mother was out of tune, but she had never frightened herself like this before, she panicked for a while, and wanted to hug the old lady, because it was too heavy, the mother and son fell heavily, hurting the old lady's tailbone , almost gave him a slap in the face.

"Mingfeng, mom won't survive, how pitiful you are without mom."

"Mom, with me here, you'll be fine. My son will carry you in."

This is his good son, and the old lady climbed onto his back neatly.

"Mingfeng, Mom misses you these few days, do you miss Mom?"

At this time, she had already entered the wing room where she lived, and the old lady climbed onto the kang without taking off her shoes, for fear that her son would repent and throw her to the gate.

"Little Jane, go back to the village and tell your grandfather that I'm sick, and let him come back to see me."

"Good grandma, take good care of your illness. The doctor said you can't be angry, and take good care of your heart disease."

She said loudly to Su Mingfeng, "Second Uncle, my grandma is so seriously ill, hurry up and ask my Third Uncle to come back and have a look, if you are sick, get treated quickly, don't wait for it to get serious, and regret that you won't be able to buy the medicine then."

Hurry up, Liu Fang took her daughter and ran away, the mother and daughter were out of breath laughing.

"Mom, how do you feel?"

"Little Jane, let me tell you, Mom has never been so comfortable in her 17 years of marriage to your dad."

"People are good at being bullied, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others. Mom, although what I said is a bit extreme, but in the future, you don't have to obey my mother's orders. Resist if you have to."

"Yes, I should learn from your second aunt and third aunt. Your grandma has scolded me so badly all these years. No matter what I do, she thinks it's wrong. I won't serve her in the future. Whoever wants to take care of her."

On the way home, Su Jian asked, "Mom, did my dad pass the exam as an accountant in the Materials Bureau when he was young?"

Liu Fang was taken aback, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Just ask."

"Yes, I took the exam with your second uncle, your second uncle passed the exam, and your father went home to farm."

"Mom, is there a possibility that the person who passed the exam was my father, not my second uncle?"

"Ah? Little Jane, have you heard someone say something?"

Su Jian's face darkened, "Mom, did my dad pass the exam?"

"No, I don't know." Liu Fang was in a mess and found a place to sit down.

"Mom, tell me the truth, do you know that my dad passed the exam?"

"Well, it's been many years, so we won't mention it. Your dad finally forgot about it."

(End of this chapter)

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