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Chapter 47 The person who is grateful is her

Chapter 47 The person who is grateful is her
Liu Fang was in a bad mood, and Su Jian didn't want to push too hard, and had time to investigate what happened back then.

"Mom, let's go home."

The mother and daughter originally thought that they would have to face the troubles of the Erlianzi's family when they went back. The old man caused trouble, and the younger generation took responsibility.

"Dad, don't worry about getting angry. I will go to the city to work tomorrow to subsidize the family."

Su Jian comforted her father first, and then went to the east room to have a look. The old man Su was lying on the kang with his head facing south and his feet facing north, pretending to sleep.

"Master, quickly take out the 500 yuan. Uncle Er Leng's family is going to sue you. Let's pay compensation first and strive for leniency."

"Fart, isn't it just a few corn sticks? At worst, let him go to my private land to break it, and I can afford it."

"That's fine too. I'll call Uncle Chang Gui over to be a witness."

"My dad said, the 500 yuan will be the New Year's money for you and my grandma in advance."

"You have also seen that this year, my family has just paid off the 1 yuan gift money owed by my third uncle to get married, and my father was in a car accident again, and the hospital expenses and surgery expenses wiped out the whole family. There is really no extra money to compensate Uncle Erleng. Are you Elders, you shouldn't be causing trouble."

The old man Su stared bull-eyed and yelled, "Boss, is this how you educate your children? With whom? Are there any rules?"

Su Mingcheng replied weakly in the warehouse, "Father, Xiao Jian is right, it was you who made the mistake first."

"Well, you are a wimp, let a yellow-haired girl be in charge of the house, boss, you really look good on me!"

The old man cursed and got up to teach his granddaughter a lesson, when Wang Changgui came in with two comrades in uniform.

"Third Uncle, what are you doing?"

Seeing the "big cap", the old man Su was shocked, and immediately turned into an angry little daughter-in-law, shrinking her neck and hiding aside.

"You destroyed the corn field of Erleng's family, and he was also mad at you. He wants to ask for an explanation. Today I brought two comrades from the township police station. You should cooperate well."

Old man Su was dumbfounded. He looked at his eldest son and his wife.

"Damn it, isn't it just a few broken corns? Can you still shoot me?"

"Third uncle, I also want to seek justice for my father. By the way, you can recall to the police comrades, where you were and what you did when the reservoir flooded."

Su Jian became vigilant. When she returned to her soul, she only saw what happened after her parents got married. She didn't know anything about what happened before.

This time, I just wanted to use the matter of Erleng's family to teach the old couple a little lesson. If old man Su killed Wang Changgui's father, it would not be something that can be solved with money.

"Uncle Changgui, my grandfather..."

"Oh, Jane, I forgot to say that your Uncle Erleng was able to get medical treatment in time. You deserve it. I heard from your father that you have been reading medical books recently. You are doing well. It is the bounden duty of a doctor to cure diseases and save lives. You should study hard. I will be a qualified doctor in the future."

"The Erleng family said, I'll come back to thank you after he's discharged from the hospital. One thing is another thing. The wrong things your grandfather did have nothing to do with you."

The fool still wants to thank Su Jian?So there is no conflict between the two?What does he mean by bringing someone over to scare him?
"Wang Changgui, don't use power to oppress others, the Erleng family has forgiven me..."

"Stop, stop, third uncle, it has nothing to do with you. You go to the village department and cooperate with the investigation of the two comrades. Everyone's time is precious, so don't grind your teeth here."

Old man Su was dragged to the village forcibly. As a son, of course he couldn't just sit by and watch. Uncle Wu next door rolled out a tricycle and wanted to pull Su Mingcheng there.

(End of this chapter)

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