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Chapter 48

Chapter 48 It's Amazing

In the evening, the old man Su was pushed back by the tricycle. He was very sick. Su Jian activated her supernatural powers, but she didn't find anything wrong with his body, she was just scared.

"I'm going to the second child's house, take me there."

Uncle Wu asked, "Do you want Mingfeng to pick you up? Let me make a call for you. My landline has a caller ID. I have already remembered the number."

Before the old man Su agreed, he ran faster than a rabbit, and was more anxious than anyone else to send him away to "thousands of miles away".

Su Mingfeng came to the eldest brother's house in a hurry, and before he could say a word, old man Su took the initiative to get into the taxi and lay down in the back seat, unable to survive.

"Brother, did dad get angry at your house?"

Su Mingfeng is not a vegetarian, his wife had been making a fuss all afternoon, and his father would take over, so he can take it back, but he must earn the reputation of being unfavorable for the boss to take care of him.

"Grandpa, you can stay at home. My second uncle and aunt go to work. You are not in good health. How can you have time to take care of you?" Su Jian shouted loudly.

"Shut up, brat, you want me to die here?"

Su Jian spread her hands together, and said in embarrassment, "Second uncle, look, my grandma destroyed Erleng's corn. It's not a big deal, and compensation is enough, but they don't want to say anything, and everyone is sick. Now, clamoring to go back to your house."

ah?Oh I see?No wonder why he asked, my old lady was like a gourd with a sawn mouth, and refused to say anything, so he took a taxi to the village and asked to understand.

Emotion is to take refuge in your own home?
"Master, let's go, you take me to the city."

The old man was afraid of his second son's repentance, so he urged the driver to leave quickly, but Su Mingfeng stomped his feet, got into the car angrily, and walked away.

In a short time, the two elders of the Su family will not appear in the village again. For some reason, someone wants to hang a small whip to celebrate.

"Mingcheng, take good care of your illness, and I'll help you with the work in the field."

When he got home, his son, who happened to be studying in the provincial capital, called. Uncle Wu told him about the fact that Su Jian noticed that the villagers were sick twice.

"Dad, I said long ago that Su Jian and Su Dan are not simple, especially Su Jian, how smart and smart she was when she was a child? Later, she was abducted by her second aunt, and she didn't like studying in junior high school."

"But fortunately, she has come to her senses now, and she might be admitted to the best school in the country in the future."

"I think so too, Huai Yuan, you often say that you need to be discerning and make friends with talented people. I think Su Jian is very good. She will marry into our family in the future..."

Wu Huaiyuan on the other end laughed loudly, "Dad, I have always regarded Su Jian as my younger sister from the beginning to the end, so don't mess with the couple."

Uncle Wu blushed. He really liked Su Jian. Recently, this little girl gave everyone a lot of surprises. She helped the family sell a thousand sticks of corn. Xu Dazhuang and Er Leng fell ill. It seems to have become the talk of the villagers after dinner.

"When do you have summer vacation? Yesterday I gave Su Jian all your high school textbooks. She wants to take advantage of the summer vacation to preview in advance. If there is something she doesn't understand, you can give me guidance."

Wu Huaiyuan frowned, "Dad, I'm going to spend some time. I heard that the department has recruited a special student this year with strong strength. I want to hear the professor's advice."

"Huh? Special student? Isn't the college entrance examination started yet?"

"Well, he is recommended, but there are rumors that he may go to the first school in Kyoto, I have to make two preparations."

Uncle Wu only knows how to farm, and he doesn't know anything about what his son said. After a few words of comfort, he hung up the phone. He believed that he could overcome the current difficulties by giving birth to a son who was talented.

"Wu Tiejun, I've had enough of you. In the future, you don't run to the next door. What are you meddling in other people's affairs?"

(End of this chapter)

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