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Chapter 481 Brother Going Bad?

Chapter 481 Brother Going Bad?
Three days ago, Weitang Village.

Wang Changgui brought Dr. Shen over to give Su Mingcheng and his wife injections.

"You two think about it, the two children are extremely smart, there is no possibility that something will happen, why don't you try calling now, what if you get through?
Su Mingcheng shook his head weakly, "Stop calling, you're right, Xiao Jian and Xiao Dan will be fine, just called in the morning, they may be sleeping and didn't hear the phone ringing."

Seeing him like this, Wang Changgui didn't even know what to say, his temper that can't be kicked can kill anger.

"Brother Mingcheng, what do you want me to say? That's all right, you and your sister-in-law can rest at home to recuperate. I'll bring someone to help with the work in the shed. It's useless to get angry. Don't think about it. Where are you two going?" Looking for a child?"

Ask Su Mingcheng for Su Jian's phone number, call him and get through right away.

"Is it Su Jian?"

"Uncle Changgui?"

Wang Changgui patted his thigh, "Little Jane, it's really you."

At that time, Su Jian had just come out of the stone gambling village, so she didn't turn on the phone all day because she was afraid of attracting too much attention from others.

"Your parents can't get in touch with you and Xiao Dan. They are in a hurry to find you. You should quickly call home and tell them, don't make them panic."

Su Jian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she reported her family's safety and told them not to worry about Su Dan, and we'll talk about it when she goes back.

After the two sisters got off the car, they went straight to the bungalow.

"You bought the second uncle's house?" Su Huan asked in surprise.

"Grandpa sold it, so the fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields."

"Are you planning to return later?"

"Am I crazy?"

Thumbs up, Su Huan said, "If Su Jun comes back and finds that the house is gone, will he cry?"

Later, Su Jian felt that he was not satisfied, so he simply found a demolition team and demolished the big house that Su Mingfeng's family had refurbished five or six years ago. Now there is only a piece of rubble and a door left on purpose.

Who told him not to come back for a year?He can't even look after his own home, what kind of man is he?
In the bungalow, Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei were having fun playing.

After winning the Olympic trophy, Lao Zheng rewarded Zheng Pengfei with the latest game console and Su Dan with an expensive mountain bike with variable speed.

The yard was in a mess, kicking away the empty jar, Su Jian frowned.

She has the ability to see two people sitting in front of the TV playing "Contra" without entering the house.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go back from luxury to frugality.

It seems that I have to beat Su Dan hard.

"Old Su, why are you so good? I have taught you several times, why can't you pass this level?"

Tired of playing "Contra", the two started playing "Super Mario".

Holding the game controller, Su single finger clumsily controls the buttons, the latest 21-inch TV, the casing is hot, and both of them have dark circles under their eyes.

Stay up late to play, hehe!

"Don't play, it's not interesting, Lao Zheng, don't play, if my sister knows we are hiding here to play games, she will be angry."

"Let's just play for a while, not always."

"You can play by yourself. Let's finish the homework quickly. I may not have a good rest these two days. My eyelids are twitching so uncomfortable."

"The left eye jumps for money, the right eye jumps for disaster, your left eye jumps, there is a lottery in front of the mall, why don't we go to the lottery later?"

"Go away, you spent ten yuan last time, didn't you get nothing?"

After chatting for a few words, the two picked up their homework and started to work on the questions.

Su Jian at the door let out a long sigh of relief, she almost blamed the two of them by mistake.

But study why turn on the TV?Will it be bloody for 3 minutes?Write two questions and then continue playing?
(End of this chapter)

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