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Chapter 482

Chapter 482 Let's Go Back to Our Homes
Hearing footsteps, the two looked up in surprise.


"Sister Huanhuan?"

Su Jian glanced at their winter vacation homework, one was doing mathematics, the other was writing Chinese, they were quite self-conscious and did not copy each other's answers.

"Well, are you two watching TV?"

Su Dan's face turned red in a flash, and he stammered, "Sister, that's, that's just now..."

Zheng Pengfei stopped him from continuing, but seeing Su Jian's sharp eyes, he had no choice but to bow his head and admit his mistake.

"I played the game with Xiaodan."

"Fun for a long time?"

"No, no!"

"I didn't play all night, where did the blue under my eyes come from?"

"Sister, Xiao Dan and I competed last night to see who can write the winter homework faster, don't believe me."

Zheng Pengfei brought over a stack of homework behind him, and there were about a dozen papers alone.

"Why is the TV turned off?"

"Ah? Why is it closed?"

Laughing back in anger, Su Jian asked, "Why not?"

"The two of us want to watch cartoons later."

Afraid of being scolded by Su Jian, Zheng Pengfei quickly said again, "Didn't sister always say, combine work and rest?"

"Zheng Pengfei, you don't need money for household appliances, do you?"

Su Dan took a step forward, quickly turned off the TV, and glanced at Su Jian with a guilty conscience.

"Xiao Dan, as Pengfei's good brother, why don't you help him correct some bad habits?"

"Sister, I was wrong!"

Holding back her anger, Su Jian didn't want the two of them to be separated.

Zheng Pengfei's current changes are already very good.

This rich second generation who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth is very good at making friends with poor children. Some minor problems are inevitable, but Su Dan clearly knows that it is wrong to waste electricity. If he does not guide him correctly, his problems will be even bigger. .

"You told your parents to live at Pengfei's house?"

Calling my younger brother to another room alone, Su Jian asked.


"Haven't been home for a few days?"

"Seven, seven days."

"What if my parents suddenly call Pengfei's house in the past seven days and find that you are not there?"

Su Dan's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Why are you looking at me? Tell me, parents and aunts can't find you two all over the world, what should I do?"

Zheng Pengfei, who was eavesdropping outside the door, slammed the door open, and was about to kneel down with a "plop".

"What are you doing? Stand up and talk!"

She has never been so angry as she is now, and she didn't expect her brother to be so ignorant and willful.

Floating just after getting a little score?

"Su Dan, do you know that your parents are sick?"

Su Jian called home on the second day after Su Mingming played tricks, and she was very annoyed that she didn't report her safety as soon as she arrived in Yunnan. She never thought that Su Mingming would be a variable in this.

Swearing to God that Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei will be fine, Su Mingcheng and his wife are relieved.

As long as Su Dan is more mature, even if he tells his parents that his sister bought a house in the city and that he has to work hard and study in the city, his parents will not be frightened.

"Now pack your things and follow me home."

Su Dan was dejected, he had let his sister down again, why couldn't he have a snack?Smarter?
"Old Su, it's all my fault, I shouldn't be dragging you to play games."

"It's none of your business, it's my immaturity."

He sighed, looking at his good friend who was half a head taller than himself and had lost more than [-] catties.

"Pengfei, I'm so well protected by my parents and sister, I won't study with you this winter vacation, you go back to your own home, I'll go back to my own home, we agreed to meet once every ten days, what do you think? ?”

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

"In addition to studying, I should shoulder the burden of the family. Starting tomorrow, I will go to the market to sell vegetables."

(End of this chapter)

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