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Chapter 539

Chapter 539

Wu Huaiyuan narrated his distress.

Lin Shuang is the same as him, both students of Professor Liu, except that Lin Shuang was admitted by another school, and Wu Huaiyuan was directly recommended by this school. In contrast, Professor Liu prefers Wu Huaiyuan who has been with him for four years.

Lin Shuang's family lives in other places. It is said that her family is poor, and her school expenses are all dependent on her work-study program.

Maybe it was because of Wu Huaiyuan's warm-hearted personality, gradually Lin Shuang approached him more and more, and even changed his address, calling him brother directly.

Engineering boys don't have twists and turns in their stomachs, and one intestine leads to the end, so they don't think so much.Wu Huaiyuan treats her just like he treats Su Jian, and really treats her like a younger sister.

One day in January, when it was Wu Huaiyuan's turn to be on duty in the laboratory, someone ran over and told him that Lin Shuang had fainted and told him to go and have a look.

At that time, he was recording the experimental data, and he couldn't leave at all, so the classmate said he would watch for him and told him to go and come back quickly.

Wu Huaiyuan didn't want to do this at first. Although these experimental data are not confidential, he has followed them for almost half a year from July to now, like raising a child.

That classmate kept urging him to go quickly, saying that if Lin Shuang had an accident after a long delay, wouldn't he, as an older brother, feel guilty?

Encouraged by her, Wu Huaiyuan put on his coat and rushed over, but it turned out that Lin Shuang was fine and sat in the dormitory chatting with his classmates.

Su Jian probably guessed what happened later, because Zhong Li told her about it.

"That's right, that person lied. She didn't record the data for me at all. The numbers above were all written by her. She can deceive others, but Zhongli cannot be deceived!"

After being scolded by Zhong Lihao, Lin Shuang came to apologize to him the next day, crying and begging him for forgiveness.

But the experiment was destroyed, and he, the person in charge, could only knock out his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

"Brother Huaiyuan, let me meet that tea girl when I have time."

"What tea girl?"

"Oh, sister Lin, I said to meet Miss Lin."

I thought Wu Huaiyuan was in love, but it turned out that he was played around by the green tea girl.

The two climbed up and looked into the distance, feeling a little better. At Su Jian's strong request, lunch was settled in his university cafeteria.

"I have been to my brother's university, and the food in the cafeteria there is delicious."

"Washington University, I really want to see it too." Wu Huaiyuan said longingly.

"Brother Huaiyuan, you can go if you want. I'm going to Washington this year too. Why don't you go to Washington to study for a Ph. D. Then the three of us will be together."

Wu Huaiyuan smiled wryly, "That's not easy!"

Not everyone has Zhongli's IQ. The subject he is now discussing with his mentor was established with Zhongli's help. What's the use of going to university four years earlier?Isn't it the same as being trampled underfoot?

"Brother Huaiyuan, is the girl over there Lin Shuang?"

She has supernatural powers. From the moment she enters the campus, she can have a panoramic view of the entire frame structure, let go of thermal imaging, and precisely locate the "living creatures" scattered in every corner.

At a table not far from them, there were three girls sitting, one of them smelled like tea, it was probably Lin Shuang who liked to pretend to be dizzy.

Wu Huaiyuan quickly looked away and asked her, "Are you full?"

"Uh, I want to eat another bowl of sliced ​​noodles."

Wu Huaiyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this younger sister wasn't something that anyone could manipulate at will in the past, he just didn't want Su Jian to worry about his own affairs.

At the sliced ​​noodle stand, two girls gathered around. They are all roommates of Lin Shuang. They met when they were climbing the mountain today.

"Wu Huaiyuan, we also want to eat sliced ​​noodles."

Putting away the distance from them, Wu Huaiyuan said coldly, "Master, do it for them first."

(End of this chapter)

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