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Chapter 540 You Have To Forgive If You Apologize?

Chapter 540 You Have To Forgive If You Apologize?

"Aren't you going to invite us to eat?"

"No!" Wu Huaiyuan said expressionlessly.

"Fantastic and ruthless, Wu Huaiyuan, how much is a bowl? Will you be poor if you invite us to eat?"

Seeing Brother Huaiyuan being besieged by two girls, Su Jian didn't stay idle, sat down opposite Lin Shuang, and stretched out a hand.

"Hello, my name is Su Jian, and I'm Brother Huaiyuan's neighbor's sister."

Lin Shuang was taken aback, she didn't expect Su Jian to take the initiative to talk to her.

"My name is Lin Shuang."

"Oh, I heard brother Huaiyuan talk about you."

Lin Shuang's eyes lit up, "He mentioned my name?"

"That's right, today I climbed the mountain with him, and I met two of your roommates. They asked Brother Huaiyuan to meet you, and they said that you have to tie the bell to untie it. Sister, is there any conflict between you?"

"No, nothing." Lin Shuang explained with a blushing face.

"We are very good. Wu Huaiyuan is considerate and helped me in my studies. I am grateful to him."

"Is that so, what your friend said, it seems that Brother Huaiyuan is a heartless person, sister, do you know how much trouble this has caused Brother Huaiyuan?"

"Ah? Little sister, did brother Huaiyuan tell you something?"

"He didn't say anything bad about you, but the behavior of you and your roommate shows that he is a heinous villain."

"No, no, no, we didn't. You misunderstood. My roommate was just joking."

"In this case, you can tell Brother Huaiyuan clearly, don't pester him all the time."

Su Jian waved to Wu Huaiyuan, "Brother Huaiyuan, come here quickly, this sister Lin has something to tell you."

Lin Shuang's face turned from red to white, and she watched Wu Huaiyuan get closer and closer in horror.

"Hey, sister Lin, what are you doing?"

"I, I want to go to the bathroom."

"What's wrong? Are you nervous? Brother Huaiyuan is not a man-eating monster. What are you afraid of?"

Wu Huaiyuan frowned, Xiao Jian was right, you can't be careless in doing things, it will only make things worse and worse.

"Student Lin Shuang, let's talk."

Lin Shuang looked at her two roommates, and said bravely, "Brother Huaiyuan, don't get me wrong, they were joking, and I don't blame you anymore."

Wu Huaiyuan sneered, "What do you blame me for? Did I do anything to you?"

"Ah? I said something wrong. I apologize to you."

"Student Lin Shuang, we are all students of Professor Liu. We don't see each other when we look up. I hope we can say what we have in the future, and don't beat around the bush and deceive others."

"Okay, okay..." Lin Shuang burst into tears as he spoke, at an astonishingly fast speed.

"Wu Huaiyuan, are you finished? Lin Shuang has already told you too modestly, why do you keep holding on to her mistakes?" Her roommate, the girl who laughed at him on the mountain, was aggressive.

Su Jian sneered, "Sister, I don't know if you've heard of it, but not all apologies are worthy of forgiveness. Back then you had the ability to hurt my brother, but now my brother has the right not to forgive you."

"You! What's the matter with you here? A brat can't get involved in adult affairs."

"How old are you? Isn't it ten years older than me? My brother's business is my business, and I really take care of it today."

Of course, it is not easy for boys to participate in women's bullying. If Wu Huaiyuan can solve it by himself, he won't be manipulated by them until now.

Although the term did not start, there were many students who returned to school early, most of them were graduate students. When they heard the noise, they all looked sideways, and Lin Shuang felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Little sister, don't be angry. It's our fault. You have a lot of adults, so please forgive us."

(End of this chapter)

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