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Chapter 564

Chapter 564

Su Jian immediately saw that Su Mingming was dressed like a feather duster. This was indeed her style of dressing. Wang Chunmei liked to dress her up as a princess awakened by a prince's kiss.

"Miss Su Jian, today's dinner is a buffet. You may not have seen it before. You can pick up what you want with a plate, so you don't have to be restrained." Tang Hexiang turned her head and told her.

"Okay, Mr. Tang, let's go to work first, thank you for your hospitality."

"Eat and have fun, tell me when you leave."

Tang Hexiang left in a hurry. When she turned around, she couldn't find Zheng Huiwen.

Silly aunt can't lose it, she's an expert in eating, drinking and having fun, from the train last night to now, she only ate one sweet potato and two apples, she is probably so hungry that she can swallow a pig now.

Tang Hexiang sent someone to call Su Mingming away.

"Su Jian is here, go and receive her."

"What? Damn, godmother, why is she here?"

"I invited you. The little girl is pretty good. She has a high EQ. She can speak well and know how to advance and retreat."

Tang Hexiang had never commented on her like this before, and Su Mingming's heart sank.

"Okay, I'll go take a look outside."

"Also, pay attention to who she has been in contact with, and come back and report to me."

"Godmother, do you think she came here for another purpose?"

"Well, it seems that you are not scheming to stare at her."

Su Mingming, who was already disheartened, rekindled her fighting spirit. How did she know Tang Hexiang's plan to raise Gu?

It is said that the Gu breeder will put more than a dozen kinds of poisonous insects in a container to bite each other, and the last one who survives is the Gu king.

She knew that Su Mingming was not as intelligent as Su Jian, but in her heart she wanted the two sisters to fight to the death so that she could reap the benefits.

A little girl who came from a poor country, finally climbed up to Zheng's house to borrow some light.

Give her a little sweet taste today and see how she reacts.

As long as she takes the initiative to contact any lady here, it shows that she is a scheming girl who yearns for the life of a rich man.

"Su Jian, you are so patient!"

After taking some staple food and vegetables, I found a table in the corner and sat down. Su Mingming appeared behind her like a ghost.

"Well, I've always been smarter than you, did you know that?"

"Tell me, what is your purpose here?"

After taking a bite of the golden and crispy tortilla, Su Jian looked at her and said, "Did your godmother ask you to question me?"

"If I were you, get out of here right away, and someone throws you a steamed bun, and you run over to eat it right away, what's the difference between you and a stray dog?"

"Sister Mingming, you shouldn't be so miserable about yourself? I was really invited by your godmother. If you don't believe me, go ask her."

Zheng Huiwen came over with a bunch of pastries, talking to himself.

"It's strange. After I passed forty, I became more and more fond of sweet things. I can't go on like this. What if I become diabetic?"

Ok?The "parrot" in front of her seemed to be Su Mingming who had been to her house and chatted with her.

"Smelly girl, didn't you say to pick me up at the station?"

Su Mingming was taken aback. For tonight's dinner party, the wives were all dressed appropriately. Zheng Huiwen was wearing a yellow mink fur coat, looking silly, no different from a nouveau riche.

She can't lose her composure, she can scold Su Jian, but she can't lose her dignity in front of other people.

"Aunt Huiwen, I'm sorry, you also saw the situation today, I did... Oh no, my mother asked me to entertain guests, I can't leave!"

"You have to make it up to me."

"Aunt Huiwen, what do you want me to do?"

"In a while, you will introduce me to the ladies. I want to integrate into the circle of noble ladies in the capital as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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