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Chapter 565 Stay Here Forever

Chapter 565 Stay Here Forever
After replenishing her energy, Su Jian wanted to visit the male guest's place.

She didn't know Feng Yuanjun well. According to the old man Su, Feng Yuanjun was very mysterious. It was said that he was also an educated youth who went to the countryside. No one knew where he was from.

While Zheng Huiwen held Su Mingming back, she avoided Tang Hexiang's sight and came out of the hall.

Thermal imaging showed that at least a dozen people were gathering in another yard not far from here.

With the blessing of supernatural powers, she quickly got into the courtyard and hid behind a pillar.

There are men and women here, unlike what Tang Hexiang said, all the female guests are in the hall.

There are two gates in the small courtyard. The gate leads directly to the parking lot outside, and the small gate leads to another courtyard, which is where she and Zheng Huiwen went by mistake.

Old man Su was stopped outside.

"Why don't you let me in? I'm also a guest of this house."

The gatekeeper gave him a blank look, "The guests invited by Mr. Feng today are honorable, you can't go in."

"How honorable? The royal relatives?"

The man ignored him, and the angry old man spit on his shoe.

"Bah! Feng Yuanjun raises a good dog!"

My mother said that he is not allowed to participate in the excitement at home. This is the disadvantage of having no elderly in the family, and I don't know how to respect the elderly.

What's wrong with him, Feng Yuanjun?

Tang Hexiang has something in his hands, and when he gets angry with him one day, tell her all about it.

"Grandpa, what are you doing here?"

Su Jian appeared suddenly, and the old man almost peed his pants in fright.

"When did you come?"


Su Jian lowered her voice and dragged him to the base of the wall.

"Master, have you gone to my third uncle's house?"

"Well, third uncle Ni gave the villa of 20 yuan to Su Jun."

"You don't want to come back?"

The old man Su looked at her vigilantly, "I said, are you holding back some evil intentions, girl?"

"Master, don't believe Su Jun's words. He said that he will raise you in the future. When will the future be? A house is called a house when it is in your own hands. Have you forgotten what I told you?"

Old man Su was taken aback.

He went to Su Mingsong's house to make a fuss, and Su Jun came back to persuade him when he knew about it, and wrote a letter of guarantee that he would provide for him until the end of his life, so the old man gave up torturing his third son and returned to the capital to continue enjoying life.

"Master, it's not that I'm sowing discord. Brother Jun is unreliable. He won a house, so he didn't tell Second Aunt about such a big matter. He made it clear that he didn't want anyone to know."

"If I have a big house, I will be the first to tell grandpa."

"Your little mouth is as sweet as honey. It's not convenient to talk in this place. Come, go to my room. I have something to tell you."

Old man Su took her, turned left and right to the house where he lived, the room was not big, with a table, a chair and a kang, it was very hot, it was much more comfortable than at Su Mingfeng's house.

"Master, have you never met my second aunt's parents?"

"Hehe, they dare not show their faces. I'll see how long they can hide, you two bastards."

"Master, you should pay more attention to what you say in the future. Rich people are capricious. We can't offend them."

"Fart! They still dare to kill and silence?"

"Why don't you dare? It's not like I haven't killed anyone, is it?"

When the old man heard it, he was startled and asked her in a low voice, "Do you think Feng Yuanjun will deal with me?"

"I don't know, isn't it always played like this on TV?"

What rank do you have in mind?If it wasn't for his occasional jumping, it would be useful to him, so he wouldn't say these words to point him out.

"Little Jane, have you met Tang Hexiang?"

"Well, she invited me to the banquet today."

"Do you want to stay here forever?"

(End of this chapter)

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