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Chapter 586 A taste of being a donkey

Chapter 586 A taste of being a donkey

Show Tian Mi the plan for setting up a decoration company.

"Look for a few people who can work with you, and use the previous workers for the decoration. After the other procedures are completed, flyers will be printed and stuffed in the cracks of every door in the community."

"I reached an agreement with the sales office and asked them to help with sales, and I will give a 10% commission when I sign the decoration contract."

"Is it too high?"

"A lot? You can raise the decoration price, but you are not allowed to sell inferior products as good ones. If Cui Youfa's incident happens again, you will pack up and leave."

Tian Mi blushed with embarrassment.

"Okay, go to bed early, don't sleep on the floor tonight, girls be nice to yourself."

The next day, Su Jian arrived at the train station on time.

Five minutes after the appointed time, Tang Hexiang arrived late.

"When there is a traffic jam on the road, Xiao Jian is very punctual."

"I'm late, I'm afraid Mr. Tang won't take me back."

"This kid is still teasing me."

Tang Hexiang wiped the sweat from her forehead, "I don't know if it's because of early menopause, but the sweat hasn't stopped all day long. I'll find someone to take care of my body when I return to Beijing."

Su Jian had never used a supernatural ability on her, but she couldn't help frowning when she saw it today.

Tang Hexiang is very fat, and must have underlying diseases. There are no problems with the major organs, and they are very healthy.

Good people don't live long, but evil people last forever!
The two got into the car. They didn't know what she was doing last night. Not long after the car started, Tang Hexiang began to doze off, snoring loudly, causing the surrounding passengers to look this way frequently.

This old woman is very cautious, she wears very plain clothes when she goes out, without any accessories on her hands or neck.

Don't think that Su Jian doesn't know that there are two thugs behind her to protect Tang Hexiang.

In the city, Tang Hexiang proposed to visit her parents at home.

"We are all relatives. We haven't moved around in these years. We don't know how hard Brother Mingcheng is going through. If we help you earlier, it won't be the case that Brother Mingcheng is still farming in the village."

Su Jian said, "My parents are honest farmers. They like the land and the countryside, and they don't yearn for life in the city."

After going to the store to buy a bunch of gifts, the two took a taxi and returned to Weitang Village.

"I haven't lived in the countryside for many years. Now when I think of the juicy vegetables in the field, I can't help but want to be a farmer again."

"Mr. Tang, my parents should be working in the field now. If you want to experience it, I'll take you there later."

It happened that the family lacked a donkey to work.

"Okay, okay!" Tang Hexiang said with embarrassment, raised her orchid finger, and brushed her hair.

Sure enough, Su Mingcheng and Liu Fang were not at home. After Wu Tiejun was seriously injured, he couldn't do heavy work. The couple volunteered to help him farm the land.

Wu Tiejun was feeding the chickens. When he saw Xiaojian coming back with a fat woman, he hurriedly asked, "Are there any guests at home?"

"Uncle, this is the big boss from the capital, here to help my family with work."

The corners of Tang Hexiang's mouth twitched, and he smiled unnaturally at Wu Tiejun.

"Your parents are both in the fields in the south, and they are plowing in the spring soon, and they are plowing the fields."

"I'll go take a look in a while."

Liu Fang was thin, and Tang Hexiang couldn't even wear her clothes. She was sweating profusely. Tang Hexiang said, "Just wear these clothes. I haven't worked for many years. Whether I can do well is another matter."

"Tang is always a strong woman, what can be difficult for Mr. Tang?"

Who wouldn't wear a tall hat?
In her last life, she lay dying in a dark and damp basement. Tang Hexiang didn't say to seek a doctor to see her, and even tied her up with a rope to humiliate her. Today, let her have a taste of being a donkey.

(End of this chapter)

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