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Chapter 587 The house is gone

Chapter 587 The house is gone
Planting in spring and harvesting in autumn, the life of an old farmer is like this, day after day, year after year, today repeats what happened yesterday, and occasionally there are small episodes, such as an unexpected guest coming to Su Mingcheng's field.

There is nothing fancy about the clothes, they are very simple, but just by looking at his face, he can tell that he is a pampered master.

Now Tang Hexiang was wrapped in a rope, bowed in embarrassment, and pulled the plow forward vigorously.

"Mr. Tang, can you do it? If you can't, just say it, don't force yourself." Su Jian advised kindly.

"Yes yes yes yes!"

Su Mingcheng and Liu Fang were dumb, and when their daughter said something, they immediately said "Yes, yes, yes". There were no other words like a repeater. An angry Tang Hexiang greeted the eighteen generations of Su family ancestors in his heart.

When I was young, I used [-] tricks to escape from the countryside. When I was old, I returned to the countryside to plow the fields like a donkey.

She was crazy, crazy crazy.

After finally plowing a ridge, Su Jian moved her foot off the hook.

Alas, I'm really bad, knowing that Mr. Tang is not working hard, but deliberately stepping on the hook with my foot to increase her burden, it's a sin.

"Mr. Tang, are you okay?"

Tang Hexiang sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

"Little Jane, I have to go back to the city to check my body. I'm really uncomfortable. I'm afraid it's really early menopause."

"Ah? Are you tired from working at my house?"

"No, no, it's my own poor health, which has nothing to do with you."

"I'll help you find a car."

As soon as she looked up and saw Lin Laowu, she hurriedly shouted, "Uncle Wu, what are you doing?"

"Go into the city and pull shit."

"Would you like to see a guest for me?"

"Okay, as long as she doesn't dislike the smell of dung trucks."

So Tang Hexiang, who was dizzy, was pushed onto the dung truck, bumping all the way, and when he reached the village entrance, he vomited and stared at his eyes.

Su Mingcheng and his wife asked in fear, who is here.

"Dad, Mom, if you receive a call from Tang or Feng at home, you should say that you made a mistake and tell Xiao Dan and Pengfei not to let them slip up."

"Okay, okay."

So this woman is not a good thing, unlike Boss Zheng and Boss Li, she has bad intentions.

When the couple came home, there was a pile of high-grade nutritional products on the ground, and they threw them directly into the barn without even looking at them, and kept them to feed the chickens.

Besides, Tang Hexiang, who vomited all the way, got a room in the hotel and took a shower for two hours, but still felt a stench on her body.

Damn girl, she played tricks on her!
Feeling uncomfortable, she wanted to find someone to talk to. She called Wang Chunmei's house, but no one answered.

Strange, I couldn't get in touch when I was in the capital, what did they do?

Don't worry, Tang Hexiang took a taxi to Wang Chunmei's house.

"Huh? I remember there was a house here. Where did the house go?"

The big willow tree at the entrance is still there, the small square is still there, and the old people basking in the sun are still there. Why is Wang Chunmei’s house gone?

"Ma'am, let me ask you something. Was there a house in this area?"

Mrs. Wang looked at her, vaguely as if she had seen her somewhere.

"Are you asking about Su Mingfeng's family?"

"Yes, I am their cousin. I stayed here for a few days last year. Why is the house gone?"

"It was demolished."

"Demolished, demolished? Who did it? So bold?"

Mrs. Wang gave her a blank look, "Why are you so loud? The owner of the house demolished it himself. Are you in charge?"

"You said my cousin dismantled it herself?"

"Then I don't know. Anyway, we slept all night, and the next day we saw that this area became brighter, and I felt very comfortable."

(End of this chapter)

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