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Chapter 588

Chapter 588

The roots of Tang Hexiang's teeth itch.

Regardless of the use, old man Su must have taken my cousin's house book, and then sneaked back to sell it.

The buyer was even more powerful, and instead of keeping it, he directly dismantled it into ruins, probably because he was afraid of future disputes, so he would do nothing.

"Go out and look for it, go to the police station and ask if there is an unnamed corpse recently, and if there is any, come back and report to me."

Arranging two bodyguards to run errands for her, Tang Hexiang became more and more angry, and called the capital to complain to Feng Yuanjun.

"Why do you think little Jane is so bad? It's you who asked to work in the fields yourself. This woman just has a lot of things to do, so she can't do anything right."

Tang Hexiang was stunned, "Old Feng, this is the first time you have played against me."

"Do I have it? I'm just discussing the facts. Who told you to be brave?"

"I've been tricked by a stinky girl now, and you don't comfort me, but call me troublesome?"

"Okay, okay, I still have a meeting, come back early if you have nothing to do, there are a lot of things waiting to be dealt with in the company."

Tang Hexiang couldn't swallow this breath, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep well, and turned around like a donkey in the house.

The bodyguard returns.

"Mr. Tang, your cousin and her family of three are currently locked up in the detention center."

What the hell?

I hurried to the police station to understand the situation, and an old policeman received her.

"Wang Zhang was involved in an intentional homicide case. While the police were arresting her, her wife Wang Dejiang and daughter Wang Chunmei injured one of our comrades and lay unconscious in the hospital. She was prosecuted for intentional injury. "

Tang Hexiang's eyes widened in shock.

"You said my aunt killed someone?"

"I didn't say that." The old policeman said in awe.

"Can I meet them?"

"Okay, go over there to go through the formalities, and you are their family members, help the three of them buy some daily necessities."

Seeing Tang Hexiang, Wang Chunmei rushed over excitedly, grabbed the railing and began to cry loudly.

"Cousin, save me quickly, I don't want to be locked up here."

"Stop crying, tell me what's going on?"

"They, they said that my mother killed my mother-in-law, my father and I couldn't get angry, so we reasoned with them..."

"The police comrades said that you injured someone, how serious was the injury?"

"Don't listen to their nonsense, just pat him lightly."

"What did you use to shoot it? Where was it taken?"

Tang Hexiang suddenly had an ominous premonition, only to hear Wang Chunmei say aggrievedly, "There is a brick on the ground, I just picked it up, and then, for some reason, I slapped it on his head."

It's over, no wonder the old policeman's eyes are fierce when he speaks, this is a hornet's nest, besides, if you fight, you just look for the head?Suffered once, never remember?

"You should reflect on it inside!" Tang Hexiang turned around and left, regardless of Wang Chunmei's howling.

Not enough success, more than failure, even dare to beat the police, is the brain just a display?I was really dragged down by their family.

Sending people to deliver daily necessities to them, Tang Hexiang went straight to the provincial capital to find Su Jun without delay.

Su Jian went back to school for two days. The third year of senior high school had its first mock exam next Tuesday. Director Guo personally went to class six of senior one to inform Su Jian, and found her sleeping on the table.

"It's really strange. It's the first time I saw classmate Su Jian sleeping in class."

"She just made a bet with Qiao Yifeng from Class [-], guessing what to eat in the cafeteria at noon, she may have used her brain too much, and fell asleep after talking."

"What does she guess for lunch?" Director Guo asked curiously.

"Cabbage soup, steamed buns, and braised chicken drumsticks." After speaking, Qin Du sucked the overflowing saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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