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Chapter 595 Sending You a Big Gift Package

Chapter 595 Give You A Big Gift Package
Su Huan was also there, very happy to see her here, chattering around her non-stop.

"The monthly exam results are out, do you want to see them?"

"If you want to show it to me, I'll just watch it."

Su Huan took out the report card as if offering a treasure, and waited for Su Jian's compliment like last time.

"I did it, how do you reward me?"

The grades in the suburban middle school were average, and the exam papers were not difficult. They were all basic knowledge. In nine subjects, Su Huan got full marks in six subjects, and [-] points were deducted for the other three subjects.

The result set a record in the suburbs, and no one could break it for at least three years.

"I'll give you a big gift."

Su Huan gleefully stretched out her hand and said, "It's agreed, one big meal is not enough, at least two meals."

"Several meals will do, and these are small gifts."

"Is it bigger than this?"

"Such a good test, of course you need a big gift to be worthy of it."

Didn't he sue her for unjust enrichment?They are all brothers and sisters, so it is necessary to reciprocate!

After hearing her plan, Su Huan was silent for a long time.

"Su Jian, I listen to you."

"Go, go now."

The old policemen paved the way for her in the provincial capital, and when they came to the police station where the Provincial Experimental High School was located, Su Huan took out her ID card and the will written by her grandfather.

To sue Su Jun for occupying her private property.

The Provincial Experimental High School is one of the best high schools. The number of students admitted by Washington and the United States each year is far ahead in the province. It is just that it has been suppressed by the county-level high schools in the math competition in the past four years, and it is a bit embarrassing.

Following the police who handled the case into the campus, students in twos and threes looked at them curiously.

The appearance of the two is very outstanding, standing together like twins, instantly attracting the attention of all the male students.

Su Huan was very nervous. Without Su Jian's company, she would never want to come to this school in this life, because she was afraid of seeing the scumbag who hurt her.

"Su Huan, stand up and hold your head up. You are the plaintiff, so you should act like a plaintiff."

"okay, I get it."

The vice-principal received them.

"Are you looking for Su Jun? Today is Saturday, he went home, not at school."

In any school, it would be strange for the police to come looking for students.

The vice-principal asked what happened.

"Student Su Jun is suspected of using unfair competition to steal property belonging to his cousin."

What?Simply unheard of?
Su Jun's academic performance is very good, and he has always been the focus of the school's training.

It's just that since this year, disappointing things have happened to him one after another.

He didn't win the gold medal in the mathematics competition, and Washington University didn't disqualify him from recommending him because of this, so he should have cherished it.

However, on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, he gave the school a generous gift, and even voluntarily gave up the recommended quota. The school teacher was so angry that he couldn't eat for several days.

Such a good student was accused of occupying his cousin's property, can't it be a mistake?

"I hope he didn't do such a thing. The college entrance examination is coming soon. If the investigation is true, he will lose the chance of the college entrance examination."

The whole school was in an uproar!
Soon someone contacted Su Jun, who was studying in the city library.

"What you said is true?" Su Jun asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true. I think the police will find you soon. Su Jun, what if you lose your qualifications for the college entrance examination? Didn't you swear to get into the University of Washington on your own?"

Su Jun clenched his fist angrily, his back molars creaking.

"I'll be fine."

Packing up her schoolbag, she hurried to the hospital to find Ding Xiaoxue. When she learned that her daughter had sued Su Jun, Ding Xiaoxue didn't realize it for a while, and was stunned for a long time.

"Which play is she singing? Why did she suddenly think of suing you for occupying the property?"

Su Jun was in distress, he was the first to sue Su Jian for unjustly gaining benefits, this dead girl is really a stinging bully, she won't let go when she sucks blood.

(End of this chapter)

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