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Chapter 596

Chapter 596
"Third Aunt, I am the blame for you. You must help me resolve the immediate crisis."

The college entrance examination is three months away. Isn't he enduring the humiliation just for the sake of raising his eyebrows in July, giving his parents face, and avenging their parents?

Su Jian is really bad, all of them underestimated her ability, the dead girl didn't know what kind of witchcraft she had cast on people, so many people regarded her as the leader.

It's abominable, this is what he dreamed of, and he let her take the lead, and now he is even more aggressive, trying to deprive himself of the right to take the college entrance examination, but there is no way.

"Xiao Jun, don't worry, Third Aunt will uphold justice for you."

Now that home is not like home, and even her daughter betrayed her, Ding Xiaoxue was disheartened, so she simply broke the pot and smashed it. From then on, she only loves herself, and anyone who opposes her is regarded as a scourge, including her own daughter.

I asked for leave from the unit and hurried home with Su Jun. As expected, comrades from the police had been waiting for a long time.

Long Xia is a competent watchdog, as long as Su Jian is around, no one can enter that door.

"Su Huan, are you short-sighted or are you being controlled? Sue Jun? Why don't you sue us all? Who can you learn from eating dog food? Learn from a lunatic who eats bones but doesn't spit dregs? "

Su Huan looked at her expressionlessly, "Get out of the way, this is my home."

"Your house? Have you written your name? If you call it, it will agree?"

"You! Did you write your name? Try calling it?" Su Huan countered angrily.

"I won't call it. My name is really written on the house. Ask your parents if you don't believe me!" Long Xia proudly hugged her chest.

"You were expelled from this family, no matter how far you go, your parents will treat you as a daughter, and no one will care if you die outside."

Su Huan's eyes were filled with tears, how could she be the match of the shrew Long Xia?Being scolded pitifully, she turned to Su Jian for help.

"Uncle policeman, you have also seen my sister's situation. She is treated like this by her family when she is underage. It's really pitiful."

The comrades of the police are also very angry. The middle-aged woman in front of them is just making trouble for no reason. They have seen this kind of person a lot.

"Comrade, you don't want to be talked about by your neighbors, so let us go in and wait."

"I'm right, what am I afraid of?" Long Xia shouted desperately.

"Okay, just outside."

The neighbors gathered more and more, and those who knew Su Huan curiously asked her what happened. Su Huan cried and told her everything about being kicked out by her parents and being insulted and beaten by Long Xia for a long time.

"You fart, when did I hit you?" Long Xia put her hips on her hips and scolded her head and face.

"Hey, this is to eat people, and you said you haven't beaten or scolded?"

"That's right. I saw the little girl growing up. She often had injuries on her face and body when she was a child. I asked her parents before and said that it was the child who was naughty and bumped herself. Maybe they were the ones who beat her."

"The relationship in his family is quite chaotic. This woman is the child's aunt, not a relative. There is also a boy in the family, who is said to be Su Huan's cousin, who goes out all day."

"Kick out my daughter and let outsiders live with me, are Su Mingsong and Ding Xiaoxue confused?"

"I said that I haven't seen this child for a long time. It turned out that he was kicked out. What a pity!"

The discussion became louder and louder, and Long Xia also sensed that something was wrong. Ding Xiaoxue took a good face, and many of the people living nearby were colleagues from her hospital.

Too bad, I have to talk again when I come back, but she has said all the words, it would be embarrassing to change my words again!
(End of this chapter)

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