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Chapter 60 The Weekend Su Family Gathering

Chapter 60 The Weekend Su Family Gathering
Su Mingming was dumbfounded, and watched Su Jian sitting at the bar, skillfully putting away the bill.

Until they finished their meal, Su Mingming never appeared in front of her again.

Su Mingfeng's house.

The old couple also knew that they were not being liked by others recently, so the two days they came back were very quiet, unlike at the eldest son's house, where they made things difficult in every possible way.

Su Mingming came back angrily, and the old man Su who was sitting at the door enjoying the cool air asked, "What's wrong? Who are you angry with?"

"Su Jian, bad girl, really hateful!"

Old man Su also didn't like the granddaughter who dared to talk to him with staring eyes.

"Don't worry, marry her in a few days, and find a fierce husband's family to take good care of her."

"Grandpa, is what you said true?"

"Well, girls get married early, so as to save wasting rice at home."

"Grandpa, I'm a girl too."

"You are different. There is also Su Huan. You are both parents' favorites. How old is Su Jian? Still ignorant?"

It makes sense, no wonder my mother warned me not to talk to Su Jian, evil people have their own troubles.

Thinking about it this way, I felt much better in an instant, and went back to the room and took out the textbook for the first year of high school and started to preview.

Fast forward to Saturday, and unexpectedly, the Su family held their first family reunion at a famous restaurant in the city at 05:30 in the evening.

Su Jian went to ask her boss for leave.

"Go, go, you've been here for a week, and you haven't asked for a day off, so it doesn't matter if you leave a little earlier."

The male boss is a good person. If it wasn't for Su Jian's reminder, he wouldn't be lucky. Not only would his wife not divorce, but he would also like to be a father. He was always grateful to Su Jian.

Go home first, wash your hair, and put away the books and notes that Zhongli lent her.

"Dad, Mom, let's go, Xiao Dan said to go directly after school."

The couple had never been to a restaurant, and they stood outside the luxurious restaurant with trembling legs.

"Little Jane, you said that your second uncle is usually so stingy, why did you choose this place to treat guests? It costs several hundred for a meal, right?"

Su Jian said, "Maybe Second Uncle doesn't want to lower his price in front of Third Uncle."

Anyway, her family didn’t need to hide it. The three of them were dressed plainly. All these years they were just helping Su Mingsong to fight the famine. The folks took out the IOUs and patted them on the table.

A car slowly drove into the door, with the windows rolled down, the driver stared at Su Mingcheng for a long time and asked, "Excuse me, are you Su Mingcheng?"

"Yes, yes, I am Su Mingcheng."

The driver turned around and said something to the people in the back seat, got out of the car and opened the door for them.

This style immediately attracted the attention of the surroundings. If you guessed correctly, the woman who came down was the third aunt Ding Xiaoxue whom she had never met before.

Su Jian had never met her in her previous life, but she only knew that she worked as the chief nurse at a well-known military hospital in the provincial capital.

On the other side came down a beautiful girl in a white dress, she was Su Huan.

Coincidentally, the three girls of the Su family were all born in the same year.

Su Mingming is the oldest, with a birthday in March, Su Jian in May, and Su Huan in October.

In terms of beauty, it is still Su Huan, with big eyes, high nose bridge, thin lips, and dimples at the corners of her mouth when she smiles.

Su Jian also has dimples, but it's not very obvious.

A girl from a big city becomes the focus of everyone as soon as she appears. The second uncle Su Mingfeng's family took a taxi and happened to meet her.

"Siblings? Xiaoxue, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Wang Chunmei went to the provincial capital to study two years ago, and it is said that she stayed at Ding Xiaoxue's place for two nights. When she came back, she showed the watch on her wrist, saying it was a gift from Ding Xiaoxue.

(End of this chapter)

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