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Chapter 61

Chapter 61
Except for Su Jun who has not returned from summer vacation, all the members of the Su family gathered together.

Wang Chunmei is very good at life, and bought new clothes for the old man and lady in advance.

At the beginning, she was still supporting the old lady, but as she walked, she turned into hugging Ding Xiaoxue's arm, very affectionate, and never gave Liu Fang a look from the beginning to the end.

The room is on the second floor, and you have to climb a spiral staircase. A few days ago, she found that the old lady had a bad heart. Su Jian didn't think about anything else, so she walked behind the old lady to prevent her from falling down the stairs.

"Where's uncle? Why didn't Mingsong come? Did you come back directly from the provincial capital? Go live with me tonight, and I've packed up the room."

As expected of a Chinese teacher, he pressed the machine gun in his mouth without stopping for a moment.

Ding Xiaoxue's attitude was not very positive and enthusiastic.

"Ming Song is going to meet a friend, and he will be here later."

"Where do you live? Go to my house. I'm yelling to sleep with my sister tomorrow morning. I changed all the sheets and quilts to new ones yesterday, sprayed on perfume, and it smells delicious."

Su Mingming kept looking at Su Huan from the corner of his eyes. He was obviously half a year younger than him, but half a head taller than her, with a straight chest, a slender waist, and a reflective white skin.

She is a princess, so she looks like a follower, unlucky.

But when he glanced at the plain Su Jian, he immediately found his confidence.

Even if she is a follower, she is not comparable to a village girl like Su Jian. What's the big deal, she will leave here in the future, go to a big city to go to school, and live gracefully like a queen.

Ding Xiaoxue obviously didn't like Wang Chunmei's enthusiasm. She glanced at Su Mingcheng's family who came in, "Brother, sister-in-law, please sit here."

Su Mingcheng and Liu Fang are very restrained. Both of them are diggers in the soil. They face the land all day long. They come into contact with people from the city suddenly. Even though they are their sister-in-law, they still feel uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's okay, we just sit here."

Su Mingcheng pulled a stool from the wall, put his hands on his knees, behaved like a primary school student.

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of Su Mingfeng and Wang Chunmei.

"Siblings, when will Mingsong come? Let him sit next to Dad. He hasn't come back for several years. Dad and Mom miss him."

The lights in the private room were not on, and Mrs. Su's eyes were dim, and she didn't dare to stare at the third daughter-in-law, so she just said, "The second family sits on my side, the third family sits on your father's side, and the eldest family don't move. .”

After all, she was a women's director, and she could solve the open and secret struggles between daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law with one sentence.

She knew in her heart that the condition of the third child was good, and the third daughter-in-law took the initiative to visit them for the first time. If they established a good relationship, they might follow them to the provincial capital to enjoy the blessings.

After the seats were arranged, the next step was to order food. The old man Su didn't speak for a long time, just waiting for the menu to be handed over. He picked a few of his favorite foods and fed them to the roundworms in his stomach.

"Father, I've already ordered the dishes, and now I can serve them when Ming Song comes."

What the hell?He doesn't even have the right to choose?

Old man Su was a little unhappy, but he still needed to pretend on this occasion.

"Sure, wait a little longer, Mingsong likes to eat fish, have you ordered yet?"

"I haven't forgotten about it. Chunmei said that my younger siblings like to drink soup. I specially ordered a cup of pigeon soup. My younger siblings will try it later."

The old couple in the Su family felt very uncomfortable. The second son was eloquent and kept flattering his younger brother and younger siblings, leaving them alone. Now he feels the same as the elders and is not taken seriously.

Ding Xiaoxue nodded faintly, "Second brother and second sister-in-law are bothering you."

"Is this here?" A voice came from outside the door, and two people came in.

(End of this chapter)

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