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Chapter 62 Gifts

Chapter 62 Gifts
"Sorry, I am late."

Su Mingsong, the third child of the Su family, joined the army at the age of 17 and worked in the army for 18 years. He changed jobs four years ago and was arranged to work in a state-owned enterprise in the provincial capital. It is said that he has a lot of power. He lives in a big house where he can ride a bicycle.

Following behind him was Su Dan carrying a schoolbag.

Su Mingsong recognized his nephew at a glance, because Su Dan was simply a replica of his eldest brother when he was young.

He looked at the elder brother with dark skin and wrinkled face, and there were tears in his eyes.

"Brother and sister-in-law, you have worked hard all these years."

Su Mingcheng and his wife were flattered.

"Ah? It's not hard, it's not hard, it should be, it should be."

"Mingsong, come and sit down."

Su Mingsong nodded to his second elder brother and second sister-in-law, walked to the old man Su, and found that the order of sitting was wrong, he frowned.

"Brother and sister-in-law, you should sit here."

Ding Xiaoxue stood up gracefully, "That's right, brother, sister-in-law, please take your seat."

It was humility again, no matter how persuaded, Su Mingsong's family insisted on changing seats, Su Mingcheng sat beside the old man tremblingly, and his father sneered coldly in his ear.

"I came back in a hurry this time, Xiaoxue, where are the gifts you prepared?"

Ding Xiaoxue went out, found the driver, and soon several large gift boxes were delivered to the private room.

"Father, mother, my son is not filial. I have been busy with work for the past two years, so I didn't come back to honor the elders. This is a high-end tonic prepared by Xiaoxue and I. Take care of your elders."

Su Mingfeng has two boxes of West Lake Longjing tea. The moment the jars are opened, the whole room is filled with the fragrance of tea.

Wang Chunmei's is a piece of high-quality Hangzhou satin, with complicated patterns, it must look good when made into a cheongsam.

Su Mingming was not interested in the gifts the children received, except for books, which were school supplies. But before going out, Wang Chunmei told her to stand up and smile sweetly, thanking her uncle and aunt.

Su Jian and Su Dan's gifts were the same as hers. After they thanked them, Su Dan was a little absent-minded.

Tomorrow's final exam, he still wants to go home and do a few more questions. If he wins any of the questions, he will be thankful. Before he knows it, he has no desire for food.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone, Su Mingsong took out an envelope from his pocket, which was bulging.

"Brother, here is 1 yuan."


The wine glass in front of old man Su fell to the ground.

"Third..." he snapped.

"Father, let me finish my sentence."

"Back when I married Xiaoxue, there was a special situation and I needed money urgently. After thinking about it, the only person I could turn to for help was my family, so I wrote a letter of help to my father."

"Father soon remitted the money. I didn't ask how the money came from at the time. I didn't expect it to be borrowed from my elder brother's family and raised a whole 1 yuan for me."

Su Mingfeng asked strangely, "Father, why didn't I know this happened?"

He really didn't know that the third child asked for 1 yuan from his family when he got married. He thought it was the old man Su who gave it on his own initiative.

If he knows that the third child is in urgent need of money, and he has to contribute to whatever he says, wouldn't he be the one to thank now?

He glanced at his father resentfully, but he didn't want to think about it. With Wang Chunmei's temperament, he couldn't see how capable Su Mingsong was at that time, and it might be impossible to borrow money from others.

Su Mingsong is just a rookie in the army, who knows how to confuse Ding Xiaoxue and get married with the ball.

Going forward more than ten years, it would be embarrassing to conceive before marriage, and it was not because of her natal family, who suppressed everything, Su Mingsong rose steadily and became the best of the three brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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