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Chapter 63 I'm so happy

Chapter 63 I'm so happy

"My eldest brother and sister-in-law have been living in the countryside these years, and they have to eat in the wind and rain. They also have to support their two children in school. It is not easy to earn money."

He said ashamedly, "I should have paid back the money earlier. In fact, Qian Xiaoxue had already prepared it, because this matter has been delayed until now, and I am really sorry for my brother and sister-in-law."

Su Mingcheng belongs to the kind of person that others give him a little favor, and he returns it ten times. To put it bluntly, his EQ is very low and he has no scheming.

"Mingsong, this is what we should do..."

Su Jian looked at her father in surprise. Su Mingcheng felt a little embarrassed when he received her reprimand.

You should be tougher, why should he pay for it himself when he gets married?The dowry gift for Liu Fang was 100 yuan, and her natal family married a bicycle, which she still rides.

Gaining confidence, he changed the subject, "Your sister-in-law borrowed most of the money from her natal family. My uncle, like you, was a soldier. He got a second-class meritorious service and was injured before he returned. Some money was compensated, and with that money..."

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Before he finished speaking, Old Man Su scolded him.

"It's not easy for the big family to get together and say some disappointing things. The third brother came back all the way, not to listen to you."

"Dad, what I'm talking about is the truth. How can I borrow 1 yuan? Everyone in the village borrowed all the money, and only 5000 yuan was raised. The remaining 5000 yuan was borrowed by Liu Sheng."

Fifteen years ago, not to mention borrowing 15 yuan, even asking grandpa to sue grandma for 5000 yuan, it was undoubtedly like a big mountain, pressing down on Su Mingcheng's family. The couple worked hard all these years, and they couldn't even tell the truth ?
"Brother, I understand. Xiaoxue and I are both grateful to you, as well as sister-in-law's brother. I've heard that Liu Sheng, Company Commander Liu, is very powerful. If there is no such accident, his future will be bright."

Ok?The old man Su frowned, the eldest daughter-in-law's iron-like brother, has such a great ability?

"Third brother, don't say anything. He is the eldest brother, and the elder brother is like a father. Who calls him the boss? He should do everything. You take the money back. Why are brothers so clearly divided?"

This mind is biased, can't find the shadow?
Su Danyi said indignantly, "Master, brothers are the only ones who settle accounts. Isn't it only natural for my third uncle to pay back my father's money?"

Su Mingsong and Ding Xiaoxue had stunned expressions on their faces, they didn't expect the youngest boy in the family to speak, and it was so loud.

"Bastard! Who are you talking to? Yelling, not at all educated."

Su Dan didn't want to make false claims with these so-called relatives at all. When he was 14 years old, he was rebellious. He stood up with a "huh", shook his schoolbag and said, "You should do everything when you come to my father. You don't want to raise your own son. Want my dad to help you raise it? If you don’t have the ability, don’t give birth!”

Su Jian lowered her head, trying her best to suppress the laughter that was about to overflow. There should be applause here. Her second-hand brother is still a cutie at this time, so it's really heartbreaking.

"Bastard, bastard, boss, looking at the good son you have raised, are you trying to piss me off today?"

Su Mingcheng was dumbfounded. He is a good father who loves his children, especially his son Su Dan, who gets along like friends.

Although the son's words were a little too much, but his words were not harsh. He had suffered enough grievances over the years, so he just resisted for a while.

He and Liu Fang pretended to be quails, staring innocently, looking pitiful.

Su Jian breathed a sigh of relief. She had been worried that her father would be soft-hearted and would be controlled by her grandfather and two uncles. Now it seems that she was worrying too much.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, Ding Xiaoxue stood up, picked up the envelope on the table and walked between Su Mingcheng and Liu Fang.

"Brother and sister-in-law, take the money well. In the future, if Xiaojian and Xiaodan need our help, just ask."

(End of this chapter)

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