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Chapter 68

Chapter 68

In a blink of an eye, it was time to score in the senior high school entrance examination.

When she got up in the morning to help her mother cook, Liu Fang was still talking about it.

"Your uncle said that no matter how many points you get in the test, you should tell him, why is my heart slipping into my throat?"

On the other hand, my daughter, as if nothing happened, came home from get off work from the hotel, and studied for two hours unshakably, working as hard as before the high school entrance examination.

"Little Jane, it doesn't matter if we don't pass the exam. Your father said that there are horses on every road..."

Su Mingcheng came in from the outside, corrected with a smile, "All roads lead to Rome, Rome, the name of a city."

"It doesn't matter if it's Rome or Malaysia, girl, we're all normal, don't you understand?"

There are already rumors in the village that the two children of Lao Su's family did not know what medicine they took wrongly, and they suddenly turned on the lamp to cook oil to study. If they were not admitted to the best high school, they would be sorry for the electricity bills they spent.

Who said this, Liu Fang knew better than anyone else.

She was honest and responsible, she didn't want to cause trouble, and she didn't want the two children to be psychologically burdened, so she could only use her own clumsy methods to comfort the hearts of the two children.

"Mom, don't worry, my sister will definitely be admitted to a high school."

Su Dan didn't go to the restaurant to work, and he didn't know what to do with Zheng Pengfei these days, and he looked like a black iron tower, but he studied with his sister every night, and Su Jian couldn't find anything wrong.

She deliberately asked for half a day off. In fact, it didn't take long to get the report card. The main reason was that Liu Sheng worked a little far away, and she wanted to have dinner with her uncle at noon.

"Su Jane?"

At the school gate, He Xin, Qiao Yifeng and Yin Quan called her to stop.

"Do you know your grades?"

Su Jian shook her head, she looked at He Xin curiously, "You are the class monitor, Teacher Li didn't tell you the grades in advance?"

"No!" He Xin shook her head with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

Seeing this, Qiao Yifeng said, "You don't know yet, didn't Lao He ask his family to change their choice? After Teacher Li found out, he called him and scolded him."

Two technical secondary school places, don't tell me earlier, she can fool others, this is good, the duck in her hand flew away, can she not be angry?

"Su Jian..."

He Xin hesitated, and Qiao Yifeng slapped him hard.

"I said, Lao He, can you give me a little straight? Girls chirping, isn't it just a score? How can you drop it?"

He didn't dare to look at the score and wanted others to help him find out. Neither Qiao Yifeng nor Yin Quan wanted to run errands for him, so he wanted to ask Su Jian for help.

Su Jian smiled slyly, "I won't do it."

"That's right, isn't it just for the high school entrance exam? If you fail the exam, let's sell tofu."

Sell ​​tofu?
"Su Jian, you don't know yet. After the exam, we went to experience how to make tofu. It's very interesting. If you are interested, I will take you to see it tomorrow."

"no thank you."

The four went to class together.

There are very few people looking at their grades. Teacher Li is right. Their class can be admitted to high school, even if it is a vocational high school. To work.

"Why hasn't Teacher Li come yet?" Someone was anxious.

"Where's Zhang Hui? Why didn't Zhang Hui come?"

"I saw her on the street yesterday. She was very well dressed. She said that she had received the admission letter from the teacher college a long time ago, and the school will start on August 20."

"What major did she study?"

"It seems to be some kind of business? Anyway, it's not the original kindergarten teacher major."

Su Jian was a little surprised. In her previous life, Zhang Hui studied as a preschool teacher. Why did her fate change because of her rebirth?
(End of this chapter)

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