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Chapter 69 2 1 High School Places

Chapter 69 Twelve One High School Places
The class next door was in chaos, and someone rushed in and shouted, "Hey, your class has the highest score in the school, do you know who it is?"

The highest in the school?Classmates, look at me and I look at you, especially Qiao Yifeng and Yin Quan, their eyes are shining, they are determined to win.

"Your grades have been released?"

"It's over early, our teachers have all gone home."

"What's the matter? Why isn't Teacher Li in our class coming?"

"The highest score is in our class. Teacher Li shouldn't be happy, right?"

With her pissing nature, she should hold a loudspeaker and stand on the street to spread the word. No.1, the best moment to put gold on your face, Mr. Li was absent?

Just when everyone was at a loss, the teaching director hurried in, holding a handful of slender notes in his hand.

"Your teacher Li is ill, and I will announce the scores of your class's mid-term exam."

Good guy, the teachers are all talking in the office. The No. [-] Middle School has been established for more than ten years, and the teaching level has not been as good as the No. [-] Middle School, let alone the quality of admission.

Who would have thought that there would be a dark horse in the middle school entrance examination this year?It was jaw-dropping, and the math score of this dark horse was the only perfect score in the city, ranking sixth in the city, breaking the myth of occupying the top ten rankings for a long time.

"Have all the students in your class arrived?"

what happened? Why are there so few classmates in the "dark horse" class?Hiding such a classmate by your side shouldn't drive the whole class to achieve high grades?
"Ms. Li said that even if we take the exam, we won't be able to pass anywhere. Many students are now working in the south, so they didn't take the exam."

What the hell?As the dean, why don't you know these things?No wonder she dared not come on sick leave.

"Director, hurry up and read the score, we have been waiting for a long time."

He cleared his throat and glanced around the students.

"Let me tell you first, No. 5 High School has given us 12% of the school's quota, and [-] people will be able to go to No. [-] High School to study. Your class..."

One, two, three, four, five!

Oh, the grades of this class are pretty good. There are five students whose grades are up to the mark. Looking down, one of them has already been admitted to the teacher's college. It's a pity!

"I'll announce the score."

Su Jian's nervous palms were sweating. She was reborn and only spent [-] days to learn the knowledge of the entire junior high school. The exam went very well, but she didn't know if the score reached the admission threshold.

"Yin Quan, 507 points."

The full score of the high school entrance examination was 560, and the students were amazed.

"Director, can I get into a high school with my score?" Yin Quan asked with a smile.

The teaching director said with half anger and half joy, "What do you think?"

"I don't know, what if I'm not among the twelve places?"

"Stinky boy, you are inside, the fourth in the school."

Su Jian looked at him enviously. As expected of a top student, he went abroad to study in his third year of high school, and his future was bright.

"Qiao Yifeng, 507.5."

"Huh? Old Yin, I am 0.5 points higher than you?"

The two are at the same table, and their grades are not bad. Every time Yin Quan is in front of him, there is an accident in the high school entrance examination, and Qiao Yifeng overtakes him.

"I won't give you any chance in high school." The two laughed.

He Xin closed his eyes tightly, clenched his fists, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

Su Jian looked away because she heard the dean calling her name.

"Su Jian... Uh, Su Jian, why don't you show off your face? You've been silent for three years and you're waiting to make a big move, aren't you?"


"Don't say anything, Su Jian, you have given us a face in No. [-] Middle School, with a perfect score in mathematics, the only one in the city with a perfect score."

The classroom, which was originally chattering, was silent for a moment, and there were students from other classes standing at the door watching the excitement, and everyone looked at Su Jian.

Full marks!It seems that my assessment is correct.

"Su Jian, 534 points."

(End of this chapter)

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