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Chapter 98

Chapter 98

"Mom, who are you scolding again?"

Mrs. Su scolded for several minutes and still couldn't get rid of her anger. When the second daughter-in-law came in, she immediately fell silent.

"I didn't scold you."

"Keep your voice down. Mingming's tutor will come to class in a while. Don't talk. If you can't help it, go out for a stroll. You'll be cursing early in the morning. What a joke."

Granny Su rolled her eyes, "Chunmei, give me some money, your father wants to eat donkey meat for lunch."

"What? Eat donkey meat? What kind of donkey meat do you eat in this hot day? Then your nose will bleed from eating it. Your son is as tired as a donkey from work every day. How can you bear to eat?"

"He just likes this one bite, how many can he eat?"

"Don't eat any of them. Don't you have leftover vegetable dumplings from yesterday? If you don't eat them, you should grow hair."

"Chunmei, the old-age pensions given to us by the boss and the third child are all in your hands. You can't even buy us donkey meat, can you?"

"Mom, what do you mean by that?"

"That's, that's what it means." The old lady didn't know where she got the courage to argue with her second daughter-in-law.

"I'm afraid that others will know that you have money, and they will be cheated away. They kindly help you deposit in the bank and get interest. How can you bite me back?"

"No, no, I just said it casually."

"Hmph! Kindly treat you as a donkey's liver and lungs. I have served you for more than ten years in exchange for your suspicion? Mom, let's speak with conscience, which of your three daughters-in-law is better than me?"

"It stands to reason that you and my father would either live in the elder brother's house or the third younger brother's house. Mingfeng is filial and knows that you and my father want to enjoy life in the city. I have worked hard and treated you a little harshly all these years." ?"

"Your words today are too much. When Mingfeng comes back tonight, let him comment."

Mrs. Su hurriedly apologized to her daughter-in-law, "Oh, Chunmei, why are you so impatient? I just said it casually, don't take it seriously, my mother has no daughters, and has always treated you like her own daughter."

"It's healthier to eat vegetable dumplings instead of donkey meat."

"It's good that you understand, I won't tell you anymore, the tutor is coming soon, so don't make any noise, do you hear me?"

It was bastard who didn't move. Mrs. Su was still upset, she put on her shoes and went out.

I found old man Su in the park in the middle of the street, he was playing chess with someone with a cigarette stick in his mouth.

"Let's not go back at noon, the teacher is obviously here, Chunmei is afraid that we will embarrass her."

The old man Su had a gloomy face, and he was slapped. He lives in his son's house, and he still has to look at his daughter-in-law's face every day?

"Go to her mother's house. Old Wangtou still owes me a meal. Today I will eat donkey meat."

Zhu Ziming was wandering on the street on his bicycle with a bag of greasy oil cakes hanging from the handlebar.

In autumn, his place of work will be changed to a high school, and he hasn't been back to the city for several years. The place he played in when he was a child is a bit unfamiliar, and he can't find the shadow of the past.

An old couple rushed out from the side of the road suddenly, and he was so frightened that he tilted his car and fell to the ground.

"Oh, oh, my heart hurts, it hurts to death, it hurts to death."

The old lady Su was lying on the ground humming. The old man Su, who wanted to get up to see his wife, rolled his eyes, and his evil intentions came.

"Ah, my head, it hurts."

Now the most troublesome thing is Zhu Ziming, his bicycle didn't touch the two of them at all, and because he dodged, he knocked his knee on a sharp stone, making a long gash, bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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