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Chapter 99

Chapter 99
"Uncle, aunt, what's wrong with you?"

"It hurts everywhere, young man, why don't you have eyes when you walk? We were hit to death by you." Old man Su said.

"But I didn't hit them at all."

"Ah? How can you stare and talk nonsense? Come on, come on and help us, he won't admit it when he knocked us down."

Zhu Ziming is a mute who eats Coptis chinensis, and he can't tell what he is suffering. He doesn't want to be the focus of everyone, and he is also in a hurry to deal with the wound on his leg, so he asked, "Shall I take you to the hospital?"

"No, I won't go to the hospital."

The old man was stubborn, and Zhu Ziming was already in pain.

"What do you want to do if you don't go to the hospital? Lying on the ground all the time?"

"Give us the money to find a clinic by ourselves. If you go to the hospital without skinning, you won't be able to get out alive."

Searching through the entire pocket, there are only more than 200 yuan.

"Give it all to us, you can go."

Zhu Ziming limped away, and the old man Su was very happy. He had heard of pretending to be sick and extorting money, but he didn't expect it to be quite easy to do.

"Old woman, what are you still doing lying on the ground? The money is already in hand."

Mrs. Su's heart was really uncomfortable, but she was also happy when she saw the old man holding a handful of bills, as if she had found a way to make money.

"Let's go and eat donkey meat."

All the money on his body was extorted, and Zhu Ziming wanted to go home to treat the wound, and he couldn't bear the pain after riding a few bicycles.

Su Jian looked at him in surprise. If this man was born in the war years, he must be a brave and fearless hero. His trousers were stained red with blood, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

"need my help?"

Zhu Ziming looked up into the room, he was lucky, there was a clinic here.

"Is the doctor not here?"

Su Jian moved a stool for him, turned around and entered the disposal room.

She replied, "Teacher Fang has gone to other provinces."

Nuo Da's room was empty and echoed, Zhu Ziming, an adult, felt gloomy and chilly.

Su Jian came out with a tray, alcohol, gauze, cotton wool, tweezers, and a pair of rubber gloves.

Alarm bells rang in his heart, "What do you want to do?"

Su Jian looked at him strangely, "Uncle, the wound on your leg needs to be treated."

How to debride the wound, or how to suture the wound, in theory, she has memorized it fluently, but the practice is poor.

With the help of supernatural powers, she clearly saw the bleeding spots and the gravel and sundries embedded in the wound.

"Don't be afraid, it will be fine in a while."

Glancing at Zhu Ziming's pale face, Zhu Ziming's wounds are not worth mentioning compared to her father's previous injuries.

Fortunately, there was no need for sutures, and the wound was cleaned. After thinking about it, she found a tetanus needle on the shelf.

"I don't need an injection, do I?"

Zhu Ziming's face was horrified, but the capillary was cut, and the bleeding was a bit too much, so it wouldn't be enough for an injection?

"Uncle, you must call, just in case."

"But, but how old are you? Are you a nurse?"

Su Jian stared at him blankly, "I'm not."

"Then how did you give me an injection?"

What a joke!

"Little girl, thank you for bandaging my wound. I believe you have learned some first aid knowledge from your family, but you can't just give people an injection. If something happens, you have to be responsible."

She put down the needle and said respectfully, "Uncle, you are right, but please go to the hospital for a tetanus shot just in case."

"Okay, but I don't have the money to pay you, can I send it over later?"

"...No need, I'll pay for it."

(End of this chapter)

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