President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 101 Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Chapter 101
Are they both preconceived? "What do you think of the little money man?"

"Ask her what to do, I warn you..."

"Where did you think..."

"Where do you think I'm going, I said, it's not enough to find a wife for her. Someone has taken a fancy to her, so you don't get involved, and her child is not around, so you can complain."

She is not someone whose children dare to complain. Song Moshan reminded: "She treats her granddaughter very badly, and she won't let her children go to college."

Grandma Song was a little surprised: "No way, she has cared so much for Wanwan and has taken good care of her for so many years."

"Do you also think she is good to Wanwan?" She is so caring towards other people's grandsons, but so cruel to herself: "You find a reason not to let her do it, I am annoyed when I see her now."

Grandma Song felt that he was unreasonable: "She has been in our family for many years, and she has worked hard without credit. How can you..."

"Then give her the future wages, don't let her work and give her wages for free, what else do you want, I don't want to see her, let her go quickly, do you know who her granddaughter is?"


"Zheng Qiu's new apprentice, a student in my current class, those students said that she would throw her granddaughter on the mountain to starve to death. I really didn't expect her to be this kind of person. You believe that this kind of person will be good to other people's grandsons and granddaughters. If you want money, give the money and leave, in short, I can't let me see her again!"

That child, Grandma Song turned off the lights. I didn't expect such a coincidence. Speaking of it, the child she took care of was born. Unexpectedly, it offended her granddaughter. If Wanwan knows, she will have to turn over old accounts Arguing with her: "Why have you never heard of her?"

"Who knows. Let her go tomorrow, as far as she can go."

"I know." It's just a servant, no matter how easy it is to use, it can't compare to the stubborn donkey at home.


"Old lady, I dare to call you old sister. I have been in the Song family for so many years, and I can't say that I have been conscientious and responsible. I have watched the young masters, ladies and young ladies and young masters grow up. How can you If you say you don't need me, then you don't need me, my feelings for the Song family for so many years..." Qian Yuzhi didn't expect such a bad news waiting for her early in the morning, and she panicked.

How could she leave the Song family, she...for so many years, and...

Qian Yuzhi was far from panicked, this was something she had never thought about, she would want Wanwan to provide for her in the future, and live in this gorgeous house for the rest of her life.

How could she leave, how could the person in front of her want her to leave, did Song Wanwan's little hoof say something!It must be her.

She thought that if she left, no one would know her identity!It's so stupid, the ancient Cici is right under Song Guoshu's nose, after a long time, those people won't doubt it?Without herself, she will be finished sooner or later: "Old madam, is it because I did something wrong, I..."

Grandma Song took her hand amiably, smiled gently and generously, and motioned for her to sit down: "Old sister, where are you going? In my heart, you are like my own sister. I was thinking that you are here with us. It’s been so many years, and I haven’t gone back to see it. The last time you came home touched me a lot. We can’t always bully you. This is one hundred thousand yuan. It’s our little heart to spend more time with our children.”

"Old lady, I..." Qian Yuzhi didn't know why. Now it's not the past. She pays attention to loyalty and dies of old age at the client's house. It can really be changed..."

"Old sister, you are serious. You have done a good job, and you are a hero of our family." Qian Yuzhi was blocked to death.

Qian Yuzhi couldn't believe it when she returned to the kitchen, the Song family wanted to let her go.

The more Qian Yuzhi thought about it, the angrier she became. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She threw down the rag and went upstairs without knocking on the door of Song Wanwan's room. Regardless of Song Wanwan's newly combed hairstyle, she grabbed her hair: "What do you mean, You dare to let Mrs. Song fire me, you think that no one will know about you when I am gone!"

Song Wanwan thought she was crazy!Grabbing her hand in a hurry: "Grandma wants to fire you!" Song Wanwan swept her hand away in embarrassment, and looked out anxiously, now wishing to stab her to death: "You came into my room so early in the morning, let alone my grandma! , I will fire you!"

"You deserve it too!"

Song Wanwan hurriedly got up, tidied her clothes, looked at her haughty look, and wished to push her down from the second floor. Who ever talked to her like that since she was a child, she is worthy of shouting at her, beating her to death She doesn't need such a grandma, and she doesn't need their rotten family!
But now the big thing is: "Why did grandma fire you?"

"Grandma? You call me a real dear..."

"Stop rambling, why..."

"Who knows why—wait, didn't you say something to them?"

Song Wanwan frowned, what happened, why did she let Qian Yuzhi go for no reason.

Song Wanwan suddenly panicked: "Did they notice something?"

Qian Yuzhi was even more surprised: "You didn't ask them to do that?"

"That's not the point, do they know something?"

"No, no one knows about this except me and your mother..."

"That cripple knows too!" How could that cripple know!How can you tell a village woman such a thing!

"What can I do? She found out. She insisted that you had a birthmark when you were born, but that little bitch didn't have one."

"Listen, I don't know about this, I don't know, I'm a victim."

"Victim's fart! If I leave the Song family, don't even think about it. You can tell that old woman now that you can't leave me and want me to serve you, and you can't let me go. Otherwise, I think you will enjoy it too." I can’t have such good fortune!”

Song Wanwan said simply: "Me? You don't want a good life anymore, if you get me involved in this crap of yours, it will be the end of all your efforts—"

"Wanwan, Wanwan..." Ye Man knocked on the door: "What are you doing with the door locked? It's getting late, your father will send you to school, don't be late for the first day of school, Wanwan..."

Song Wanwan and Qian Yuzhi pushed each other in panic. The former wanted to hide the latter, but the latter asked her to go out and beg for mercy. She must not leave the Song family.


"Understood Mom, I'm changing clothes, I'll be here right away." Song Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, seeing her mother's attitude didn't mean that something had been revealed.

"Hurry up, your father is waiting."

"Understood." Song Wanwan stared at Qian Yuzhi: "I don't know why before! I absolutely can't plead for you, you hurry up and ask why, don't drag me into it, or we'll end together, and you don't want to see me with you Is it over?"

Qian Yuzhi didn't like this: "That's not necessarily the case. I was originally serving people. I will serve people after I'm done. You don't have to. Miss Qianjin has become a girl who serves others. It's not that I lost Zheng Qiu's apprentice. The quota is so simple, you will only suffer worse when the time comes, those people will laugh at you even more, and everything you have in the Song family may be taken back, that is to say, if this matter is exposed, only you will suffer worse, so, Give me a house, I can't squeeze in that crappy house with your parents, and I can't even turn around."

"I'll give you a house—"

"It's changed now, villa. Don't think I don't know how many villas you have under your name. I know what you have received from them on your birthday every year. Give me a villa."

Song Wanwan laughed angrily: "That's mine."

"It's mine. Listen carefully. Without me, you are nothing. I earned these things for myself by replacing you, and..." Qian Yuzhi suddenly said kindly: "You think so?" , What if the Song family finds out that you are a fake? Hurry up and transfer the things under your name to my name, or your brothers’ names, so that even if they find out, they will not be able to get them back. Our family, the family will not treat you badly, right."

Song Wanwan didn't expect Qian Yuzhi to be so shameless, to transfer all the things she wanted to her to the name of the Gu family, and what else was her own, that rogue-like younger brother was also worthy of being her younger brother.

She has only one older brother, Song Ruoli, who is excellent in all aspects and has attracted countless girls to pay her attention.

"Look at what I'm doing, hurry up, give me a key, I'll move the house first, tell your cheap grandma quickly, don't let me go."

"The Song family knows about my real estate, so I can't give it to you."

"That line, sell the gold and silver jewelry, give me two million in cash, and I will buy it myself."

"I—I don't have two million in total!"

"The New Year's money adds up to a lot."

"You count me as an asset, you..."

"Stop talking to me in that tone, it's not yours, it's mine."

"Wanwan, Wanwan..." There was another knock on the door.

Qian Yuzhi looked at Song Wanwan calmly: "Give me the money."

(End of this chapter)

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