President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 102 Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Chapter 102

Song Wanwan suppressed the hatred in her heart, took out a card from her wallet, and threw it to Qian Yuzhi!

She waited for her!She forced her!

"Our money will be fine, right? A few lines can determine the amount of money, why is it so unreliable?"

"Shut up if you can't speak, this is called stock trading."

"But... [-] yuan, such a large amount of money..."

Gu Ci gave him a blank look: "Then let me bring it up for you now?"

Gu Nian hurriedly said: "No need, I haven't spent such a large sum of money before, worry. It's not my sister, what are you doing for me, you are going to go to your boyfriend for nothing, and you will believe that you can get something for nothing."

"Gu Nian, are you bold?"

Gou Nian hurriedly let my sister see the stock market trend, money matters.

The three heads gathered in the lobby of the hotel where the ancient competition took place, all staring at the green line on the computer.

"Is it up or down?"

"It's increased... right?"

"Aren't you very smart in ancient times? Have we earned it?"

In ancient times, he asked his brother to shut up, whether he was annoying or not, and kept saying that it was his first time to touch these things. If it wasn't for his sister to take the lead, they would never touch these gambling games. Without him, they love money like their destiny. Pies, even if the pies miss them, they don't mind.

But my sister said to do it, and she did it, and the big deal was to save money again.

"It's frightening. We won't do it in the future. It's like gambling."

Three minutes later, Gu Nian spoke again: "You just said that our money can be recovered?"

The ancient words and the ancient times rolled their eyes at the same time. Who would believe that a person who dares to block a gun hole with a chair is so vulnerable in front of money.

"Sister, the red thread has moved!"

"Sister, the green line has moved again!"


"Sister, did you use my money to practice without paying any money?"

"How are you so smart when it comes to money? Keep going after school starts."

"elder sister!"

Gu Cici endured the shoulders that were about to be crushed by him, and couldn't bear to bully his brother who was about to go crazy, and comforted him: "Don't worry, if you fall, I'll help you find Lu Zhiyuan to get back,"

Gu Nian and Gu Shi glanced at her at the same time, even if they were all at a loss, they couldn't let the eldest sister do such a shameful thing, drop the price, how could she hold her head up in front of Lu Zhiyuan in the future.

In ancient times, when I closed the stock market book, I understood it completely: "It has risen."

"Really! Throw it away now, throw it away quickly, my heart can't take it." It doesn't matter how much you earn.

"Throw what, it's only a few hours."

"Then you throw away my fifty thousand."

"How did you throw it and cut you off?"

Gu Cici looked at the two of them chattering in front of the computer like a serious business, and couldn’t laugh or cry. It’s really fun to tease the two of them. Forget it, she is kind: “Shen Guangyao said that when the new product is released tomorrow, it will go up again, and the market value will triple. Fan, let you throw it away in about ten days, as a tuition fee for the two of you."

The two looked at the eldest sister together, who said yesterday that they wanted to see how the colorful stock market played and asked them to pay, they stared at it for two days in fear!

In ancient times, when the mouse was thrown away, it would not move on the sofa, so let him take it easy.

Gu Nian looked at the third child, and then at the elder sister, that said: "Thank you boyfriend."

Gu Shi glanced at him: "I didn't make any money, so thank you."

Gu Nian thought he didn't know good and bad: "Hurry up and go back, you have been out of the team for so long, what should you do if you lose the game?"

"Crow's mouth, sister, I want to go back to live tonight."

"Just stay here, what are you talking to my sister about?"

"Okay, I'll go back too, but don't you want to compete? How can your teacher lead the team after leaving like this?"

"Tomorrow is free at leisure."

"Okay." Gu Cici got up: "You two, this matter is not stable, what can you do, everything is calm and you don't know. After this battle, the third child will definitely not be nervous today."

"Don't be nervous, I'm scared to death by you."

"Okay, be happy, relax, I still have class in the second period, and Gu Nian will go first, bye."

In the past, he couldn't laugh or cry, but now he is relaxed, very relaxed.

When Gu Cici and Gu Nian came out of the hotel, they saw Lu Zhiyuan waiting outside.

He was standing in front of the car, talking on the phone. The knee-length windbreaker was luxurious and low-key, and he was also dignified and calm.

Look at my sister in ancient times.

Gu Cici's face changed a bit, and he has returned to normal. On the day Ji Yunxuan died, he was also waiting for someone outside the hotel like this?She greeted her with a smile: "Why are you here again? Didn't you say that I will go back with Niannian."

Lu Zhiyuan took the call, and said in a casual tone: "I'm here to do business nearby, so I'm here."

Gu Nian walked up behind his sister and greeted politely: "Hi Brother Lu, Brother Lu's car is really nice." It's different from last time, tall enough, is it a cheetah or a tiger?He saw it in a magazine, the real thing is more handsome, so cool, Gu Nian touched the car body.

Lu Zhiyuan didn't intend to say anything at first, but this is the old days, not the old days, his expression turned down amiable: "It's this year's new model, if you like it, let Shen Guangyao give you one."

Gu Nian turned around immediately: "That's not what I mean, I just think..."

Gu Cici kicked him from behind.

Gu Nian turned around in surprise: "It looks good..." What's wrong?Why kick him, he said, "Sister, do you think it looks good?"

Gu Cici smiled, nodded reservedly: "It looks good." Then he said to Lu Zhiyuan: "He's a child, he doesn't even know the road, how can he drive, let's go."

Gu Nian was a little dazed for a while, got into the car, and was still dazed, what does his sister mean?Let him want it?This is not good, it seems that their eyelids are shallow.

But what if my sister means to let him hold it, my sister won't be with him just to make a fortune!Didn't he miss the opportunity to help his sister earn money?

Although he didn't think his sister was that kind of person, the other party didn't seem like someone who could marry her casually. In this case, there was nothing wrong with her being more pragmatic.

Should he want it, or not?
"He's not young anymore. He's eighteen. He has a means of transportation. It's convenient for him to go out. Your parents have some things that are easier to deal with. Later, I will ask Shen Guangyao to bring you a modified one, so that uncles and aunts can push wheelchairs." boarding."

Look at my sister in ancient times.

Gu Ci Ci smiled and took a bag of snacks from the car for him to eat.

Gu Nian took it over in a daze, and thought for a while: "Thank you, Brother Lu..." The whole person felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. This is a car worth several million dollars, which is different from the [-] yuan he bought in the stock market. They really want it! ?

Gu Cici asked him to eat, don't be so cautious: "Shen Guangyao said that you are busy these two days and don't go to school." Gu Cici's voice was gentle, considerate and without temper.

Lu Zhiyuan drove the car himself, with Gu Nian present, with a calm and reserved attitude: "Well, it happens to be fine at this time."

Gu Cici opened the nuts for him and fed him a walnut and cranberries: "Don't be too tired."

Lu Zhiyuan glanced at her, then looked forward: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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