President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 103: Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Chapter 103
Looking at the two of them in Gu Nian, he has never been in a relationship, but he also knows that there is a word called...'spine'.

His sister... obviously not, worry.


Song Moshan stood behind Gu Cici, watched her copy "Scenery of the Small Town", and checked her consumables by the way.

He remembered that at the apprentice banquet, her senior brothers and sisters gave her a lot of good things, including a whole set of color sorting, yes, I used it, and I was not reluctant.

Song Moshan watched her pick up and write the pen, and nodded from time to time.

Professor Yang looked at the door of the studio boredly, and saw him standing still behind Gu Cici for more than ten minutes. He couldn't help snorting coldly in his heart, walked in, and guided and corrected others behind him.

This is a classroom, not his private studio, holding down a student to teach, self-willed.

Song Moshan didn't look at Old Man Yang at all. He wanted to hold a private class at first, but he was afraid that the ancient words would not come to him. After all, the surname Yang has no other skills, and he is very good at winning people's hearts.

Song Moshan looked at it again and again, and finally couldn't help but said: "There is also an ink painting version of this work."

Hearing the words, Gu Cici took a while to look back at him blankly and found him standing behind him.

Song Moshan nodded, and was very satisfied with her state. It was only after a two-hour class that she could go in silently to produce a work. The environment here was still too noisy, and there was an intermission every forty minutes, which was not suitable for her to paint.

She should be in an undisturbed studio, and it is only natural for her not to come out for a day when she is in the mood. At her age, it is the time when she is most inspired and creative.

Seeing that he hadn't moved, Gu Cici turned back and continued painting.

Song Moshan just remembered that he didn't finish: "You can try the ink version."

Gu Cici has a problem with the Song family, but she can be kind to Lu Zhiyuan, just like Song Moshan: "Is it okay to use Puxuan?" She once asked about the price of rice paper, it was very expensive, and Song Moshan asked, she was worried that if the rice paper was not selected properly As expected, Song Moshan thought she didn't respect him.

Song Moshan thought of her family conditions, she couldn't sell the presents that her senior brothers and sisters gave her to buy personal things: "I have some Xuan..."

"No need, Mr. Song said to regulate."

Song Moshan was a little embarrassed. Remembering that she had a rich boyfriend, he lowered his face again. Do you want to ask her boyfriend? Girls, be reserved, and you can't rely on the other party for everything. What does the other party think of her after a long time.

Song Moshan's unhappiness was written all over his face, and he said directly: "Just draw this."

"Oh." The ancient words were neither painful nor itchy.

Song Moshan was even more unhappy, and seeing that the little girl's clothes might all be from Lu Zhiyuan, he was angry and regretful, Qian Yuzhi earned so much money, waiting to be brought into the coffin!
Song Moshan turned around and left angrily. Along the way, no one's paintings were pleasing to the eye. If he painted something, he might as well switch to another department!

Zhou Xiaolan quietly moved to Gu Cici's side, and said in a low voice: "Did you find out, Mr. Song likes your paintings very much, and he has paid close attention to you in these few classes."

Gu Ci smiled: "Perhaps."

"I think he..."

"I still let you talk in class!" Song Moshan got angry at Zhou Xiaolan mercilessly. He only interrupted Gu Cici after thinking about it. What happened to that girl?
Zhou Xiaolan was baffled by the yelling, she was wronged, what happened to her, and she had such a low voice.

Gu Cici hurriedly put down the paint to comfort him.

Seeing this, Professor Yang hurriedly asked Song Moshan, what's going on, can you fire accurately? It should be said, who told you to talk!Can I tell you!
And Zhou Xiaolan is not the only one talking, besides, this is a classroom and not a creative room, anyone who comes in can shout: "Professor Song is strict, and it is for your own good, class, class." Professor Yang directly pulled old man Song out.

Zhou Xiaolan died of grievance: "I don't respect him enough, with such a small voice..."

"Yes, yes, he has never been a class teacher and is not sensible. We don't have the same knowledge as him."

"Then don't let him see your paintings next time."


"You can't be his apprentice either."

"Definitely, definitely." Gu Cici was patting her on the back when the phone vibrated suddenly, Gu Cici took a look, Gu Nian?He just separated, what's the matter with him, and he knows that she is in class every year, so he won't call her at this time, so there must be something wrong.

The ancient diction is connected.

"Sister, that old lady is back. I don't know what she said to Mom. Mom is sick. I'm on my way to take Mom to the hospital. I... I'm not familiar with the hospital here. I'm a little... Sister..."

"Okay, I see. Don't worry. I'll be there right away. Someone will call you about the hospital. Remember to answer it."

When Gu Ci called Shen Guangyao, Lu Zhiyuan was not at school, let alone looking for Lu Zhiyuan, he also called Shen Guangyao and Feng Yu, she didn't want to see Feng Yu.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange it right away, let's go now, don't worry, come out slowly, I will arrange a driver at the door."

Zhou Xiaolan: "It's okay..."

"It's okay, it's about Mr. Song, I'll talk to Professor Yang later, don't be like him..."

"Hurry up and do your business, I'm fine."

"Wen Qiong looked at Lan Lan, I'll go first."

"go Go."

Professor Yang was talking to Song Moshan, when he saw Ai Jiang running over, he was surprised: "Hey, what are you doing?"

"I have something to do at home, so I'm leaving first. Professor Yang will ask for leave for me."

Professor Yang looked at Song Moshan.

Song Moshan's face darkened even more: "Class time——"

"Yes, yes, during the class time, the next time is not an example."


When Gu Cici rushed to the hospital, Shen Guangyao and Gu Nian immediately greeted him.

Gu Nian stood directly behind his sister, a little confused by the situation in the hospital, he hugged his mother and got out of the taxi, there were so many people waiting at the entrance of the hospital, they directly transported his mother in, doctors, first aid, separate wards, all to him Mom lay on the bed, and he just stood still like a transparent person.

He was not found for the patient's name, past medical history, or registered medicine.And the man in front of him comforted him like a psycho.

Gu Cici stretched out his hand to comfort him.

Shen Guangyao reported the situation: "The doctor has used the medicine and has stabilized. You don't have to worry."

"Thank you."

"Small matter, your brother was quite frightened and was sweating when he came."

Nonsense, you are sweating all the way while holding someone in your arms.

The old saying goes back to the old year: "Go in and have a look."

"No, the old woman is inside."

Gu Ci stopped: "Why is she here?"

"I came back early in the morning with my luggage, and said that I would live with us and live in your bed, so I threw the luggage out to her." What were you thinking!Live at his sister's place.

"So you quarreled and Mom fell ill?"

"No!" She lacked confidence again: "Originally it was... But after drinking the medicine, who knows what she dragged Mom in and said, that's what happened."

(End of this chapter)

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