President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 123 123 Beauty

Chapter 123 123 Beauty
The stage was full of exotic atmosphere, and people from several small bags came out to watch the performance.

Gu Cici sits in the middle.

The people next to her waited modestly for her to express their opinions, and after she spoke, they applauded loudly and strongly echoed her.

"The dance is really good." The language is visually beautiful.

"Yes, yes, I feel good too."

"Is it a classical dance?"

Gu Cici nodded. Although the degree of difficulty is not high, it is very labor-intensive.

"Laughing at us."

"This one has a charm."

"It looks good looking back."

Not light enough, Gu Ci still listened cooperatively.

Kapok went out for a while, then sat back, and went out again after a while.

Gu Cici's eyes were all on the stage, and he also felt that Kapok was very busy today.

"Cici, look at their feet."

Looking at the ancient Ci Ci, it is delicate, small, very cute, and pays great attention to details.

Gu Cici didn't understand exactly what they were looking at, but they started laughing after they finished talking, and she laughed too.

Beibei has been looking at her in the light and shadow, to see when she loses her initial thoughts in such a compliment.

But during the whole process, she was the same as when she first came here. No matter who spoke, her eyes would chase after them. Even if the flattery was far-fetched, she listened carefully and responded shyly, as if she couldn't hear the blunt flattery at all.

It is said that people in the game cannot hear other people's clever words...

Kapok didn't know when she came back and poured a glass of wine for Beibei.

Beibei motioned her to read the ancient Cici.

Mu Mian felt that Bei Bei was just thinking too much, she was just a little girl, so she patted Gu Ci Ci on the shoulder with a smile, and asked Gu Ci Ci: "Do you like it?"

"The one next to you." Replied shyly.

Kapok waved his hand.

The long-haired beauty in the middle of the stage danced her charming body and came down step by step from the stage.

There was screaming all around.

Gu Ci also frequently looked at kapok.

Kapok signaled her to be calm.

Enchanting and colorful dancers came in front of her and danced around her enthusiastically, with a fragrant fragrance and a whimsical mind.

Looking over from where Lu Zhiyuan was sitting, his face darkened.

Shen Guangyao walked over.

But Lu Zhiyuan didn't speak.

Gu Cici dodged the hand that fell on his body, and smiled into Mu Mian's arms, touching the other's hand curiously.

Kapok smiled softly.

For a moment, Beibei couldn't figure out what kind of method Mr. Lu likes, pure?She also didn't have the resolute resistance attitude of Su's girl friend.

loyalty?In such an occasion, she can actually play well.

Can't ask for it?Gu Cici was clearly devoted to Young Master Lu.

pretty?This is most unlikely.

Even if Kapok wants to find someone to take Gu Cici's class, can he understand Lu Shao's preference from Gu Cici?At least she can't see anything now.

The dancer sat down boldly, and wanted to embrace Gu Cici's shoulders charmingly.

Beibei immediately glanced at Mu Mian: "Okay, Ci Ci just arrived, don't let him sit here." Lu Shao can be happy?

Why didn't kapok understand, but she signaled several times, but the other party didn't leave at all.

"Cici, where does Boss Lu usually spend his time? Do you often go to such occasions!" Someone took the opportunity to ask.

Gu Cici didn't let him hug him up, and he still didn't forget to reply: "School."

"Except for school?"


Some people were waiting to see the kapok's joke. Young master Lu didn't wear a cuckold when he brought his girlfriend here.

"What about leisure time? Like playing ball, golf?"

Kapok felt that these people did it on purpose.

"I've never heard of it. It seems that I like home more. Shen Guangyao said he loves home."

"Young Master Shen and Mr. Lu have a really good relationship."

"Boss Lu fell ill some time ago, do you know what happened?"

Beibei directly grabbed the dancer.

The dancer remained motionless.

Kapok's face was ugly.

Gu Cici took the wine he handed over, but didn't drink it: "I don't know, I haven't met his father, and he didn't say anything."

"Is that so..."

Kapok put her hand on Gu Cici's shoulder, signaling her not to ask any questions: "You can go."

The dancer looked at Gu Ci Ci pitifully.

Gu Cici felt that it was okay to sit for a while, and a new round of performances began on the stage: "Sister Kapok, can I have a drink?"

Kapok endured the eyes watching the show from around her, and it's not good to make an ugly mess with a dancer on such an occasion, otherwise she would be a joke.

Mu Mian smiled and took the wine in Gu Cici's hand, and changed her to a glass.

Gu Cici glanced at Miss Mumian complainingly. The wine in her hand had an extremely low alcohol concentration, which belonged to the type that would not get drunk even after drinking it all night.

Kapok wanted to get up to find the person in charge.

Shen Guangyao had already walked over with a wine glass in his hand. At his age, he was not yet fully matured. He carried the lean vigor unique to young people, but at the same time he had just begun to have the charm of a man. He looked at the clean age most: "Sisters are chatting what?"

"Master Shen?"

"Young Master Shen."

Someone immediately moved out of the way, and his arrival was even more exciting than the performance on stage, causing a small climax among the women.

Gu Cici rolled his eyes inwardly, he was almost like a boy in a crowd of girls.

Shen Guangyao unceremoniously squeezed the sexy beauty away.

The sexy beauty wanted to take advantage of her unique body to push people away. He could see that everyone here was holding this little girl, indicating that she was a big fish, but he didn't push her away.

Shen Guangyao's hand seemed to push him on the waist casually, pushing him directly to the corridor.

The beauty had no choice but to dance back to the stage unwillingly.

Kapok breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was a little nervous. Young Master Lu must have seen it too.

"Please, sisters, take care of our classmate Gu."

Immediately, a sister teased: "Young Master Shen, don't talk nonsense."

"Be careful that walls have ears."

"Okay, Young Master Lu, what is my relationship with Young Master Lu, regardless of each other."

"Yes, Young Master Shen and Mr. Lu have the best relationship. We just said that you have a good relationship."

"What do you say, let me listen."

Gu Cici felt that he was like a young man from a rich family showing his prestige in a brothel, surrounded by older sisters coaxing him to be happy, the problem was that he still enjoyed the feeling of having so many older sisters teasing him.

Shen Guangyao noticed her gaze and looked over: "What are you drinking, no alcohol?"

Gu Cici moved the cup in front of him: "Would you like to try it?" Doglegs, no matter what, changed his clothes and took a photo of him, saying that he didn't want to embarrass Shao Lu by looking at what she picked.

The eyes around her became more interested in an instant, what happened to this little girl?Isn't President Lu's girlfriend so close to Young Master Shen?

Or the relationship between her and Mr. Lu is about to fail, and she can't see that such a pure and beautiful little girl has such a heavy heart.

Kapok and Beibei were also taken aback for a moment, both feeling that they were a bit of an eye-catcher.what happened?This little girl is so good at pretending?Or is this little girl stupid, really thinking that some kind of fairy beauty can switch between Lu Shao and Shen Shao at will?

But don't be like this!
Shen Guangyao pushed it away generously: "Drink it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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