President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 124 Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Chapter 124

Gu Cici glared at him.

From the woman's point of view, this look is very careless, but rather charming.

Shen Guangyao didn't notice it, because Gu Cici himself was very delicate, and he was even more coquettish when he was with Mr. Lu, as if he had never seen a man in his life, he held it in his hand and did not let go. We exchange pleasantries.

But the way the sisters looked at them changed.

Is there something wrong with these two?

there must be?
If you dare to do this outside, how do you get along in private?

Maybe... it's just that I have seen more and have a closer relationship?

close? !Would you share a drink with someone close to you? seems unimaginable.

Immediately, someone with good intentions said: "Young Master Shen didn't bring a girlfriend with him when he came out recently, did he hide it from us?"

Bei Bei looked at Gu Ci Ci instantly.

There is nothing unusual about the ancient words.

"Young Master Shen, don't be so stingy. Without Young Master Shen's picky eyes on girlfriends, we would all be less fortunate."

"Sisters, which one is not a rare beauty, if you want to feast your eyes, it will be faster to look in the mirror." Shen Guangyao wanted to get up, but he didn't really like sitting among women.

Gu Cici was holding the light behind his back, and something stuck to the edge of his clothes.

Shen Guangyao got up: "Drink slowly, this is a good old wine."

Gu Cici smiled and helped him caress.

Shen Guangyao turned around naturally: "Drink less." I didn't see what she helped him uncover, it's normal to uncover something: "Don't let our classmate Gu drink too much."


"Definitely don't let her drink too much."

Someone boldly stopped him directly: "Young Master Shen, why can't classmate Gu drink too much? Sister, I just graduated, and I'm still a child."

"You should also drink less, she still has classes at night."

"What class, Young Master Shen?"

"Sketch a human body?"

"Yo, that's a big class, you can't be late."

"Sister Fan, what did you think of? People call it art."

"Young master Shen is called art when you become a model."

Shen Guangyao ignored the overly explicit ridicule of these people, and left politely.

The eyes of everyone looking back at Gu Cici were full of weird light, with excitement and eagerness to watch the show, they became more enthusiastic about her, wishing to praise her that it is rare in the sky and hard to find on the earth, so that she can't see it Bei, I really thought I could walk between two men.

It's not that they don't expect people to be good, it's just that the two of them are too natural, Gu Cici stretched out his hand, Shen Guangyao turned his head, the problem is that he was not surprised when he turned his head.Not surprised means it's not the first time, either the first time or many times.

This little girl is so good at what she does, she is not satisfied with Young Master Lu.

Perhaps Lu Shao is too spoiled, and really thinks that he is as beautiful as a fairy.

Ignorant and fearless, when was she dumped by Lu Shao.

Countless negative emotions roiled in Kapok's heart, what is Gu Cici going to do!That's Young Master Lu, and it's her turn to pick and choose. To become Young Master Lu's girlfriend, Young Master Lu is already blind. If she can't make money for a few years, what is she going to do!She thought she was really in love and could break up!
What annoys Mu Mian the most is that this is a relationship she managed to get into. She doesn't want to be messed up by pig teammates without using it a few times.

Kapok now has ambiguity about the way she smiles at the dancers. She has seen too many girls like this, and none of them are smart. Which one is willing to be played with by others, Young Master Lu or Young Master Shen? If you have lost the balance and don't know how to cover up, the car will overturn sooner or later.

Some people thought it wasn't enthusiastic enough, so they added fuel to the fire: "Young Master Shen is really handsome."

"Of course, how many little girls are watching."

"Master Shen has become more and more stable over the years."

Everyone secretly pushed me, I pushed you, and finally pushed a person who seemed to say inadvertently: "Cici, are there many people in your school who are chasing Young Master Shen?"

Gu Cici looked away from the stage and thought: "There are a lot."

"Then Cici, do you think Young Master Shen?"

Kapok looked over sternly: what are you doing!
Just asking, and didn't say anything, so why worry.And seeing that this road is cut off, what are you talking about, just now was just to save face.

Gu Cici nodded: "It looks good."

"Young Master Shen is more beautiful or Young Master Lu?"

"It's all right, what do you think, sister?"

"I...I also think they are all good-looking, each in its own way."

"Cici, who do you think is the girlfriend of the two of them..."

Beibei put down her wine glass and said directly: "Isn't the performance up there not good? If it's not good, you can go back and pour tea for your 'boyfriend', don't watch it."

Gu Ci gave her a puzzled look, and asked Mu Mian in a low voice, "What's wrong with Sister Beibei?"

Mu Mian now looks at Gu Ci Ci like watching an idiot, but she still coaxes patiently: "It's okay, let's watch the performance, her temper is just like that. Don't talk to her, so as not to affect your mood."

On the other side, Shen Guangyao got up after reporting the situation.

Lu Zhiyuan inadvertently glanced at the corner of his clothes, with a serious expression on his self-evaluation, if Zhou Xiaolan had something on him, would he help?Lu Zhiyuan didn't think he would.

But he is not most people, his behavior has no reference value, but Cici is a very enthusiastic person...

"Mr. Lu... is there anything else?"

Don't wear your clothes again: "No."

Shen Guangyao still felt that someone was looking at him from time to time, so he couldn't help but pay attention to Mr. Lu for a while, seeing that Mr. Lu was not busy, who?

No matter what Mu Mian thinks about, she doesn't want to lose the channel of Gu Ci Ci. Without this opportunity, she may never have another chance. No one knows when Lu Zhiyuan will have a girlfriend next time. she.

No matter how you calculate it, you can't look down on it. It is a rare opportunity to catch Gu Cici. She will never allow Gu Cici to overturn.

Taking advantage of Gu Ci's opportunity to resign from the bathroom, Mu Mian followed and said with emotion: "Now I feel that Young Master Lu is much more cheerful, and it's all thanks to you. Before, Young Master Lu... hey, Young Master Lu is really not easy."

Doubts about the coordination of ancient dictionaries.

"Because of Lu Shao's sensitive identity, his parents were not around when he was very young. You think a child will only live with a nanny... But now it's all right. With you, Lu Shao treats him wholeheartedly, and he will definitely feel you. Sincerity, I cherish you even more."

"Well, he's fine."

What do you mean he is very good? Of course Young Master Lu is very good. The question is whether you are good or not, and whether it is worth it!Mu Mian can't wait to tell her that from now on, you can only treat Lu Zhiyuan well, and it's best not to look at other men.

You can catch Lu Zhiyuan because you have saved the galaxy in your previous life, don't seek death, don't be a monster, don't be ignorant of good and evil.Otherwise, no matter how high Young Master Lu can praise you, he can let you know that you are nothing, and beat you back to your previous life in minutes: "I really envy you, first love, and the only one, this kind of relationship is the best, at my age, There have been first comers and later comers, and the feelings are not pure, not as beautiful as you."

Excitedly, Gu Cici took out his mobile phone and patted the faucet in the bathroom: "Sister Mumian, this is a cruel, ancient beast."

(End of this chapter)

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