President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 128 Chapter 128

Chapter 128 Chapter 128
Inside the Song family.

Ever since Song Wanwan was called back, she didn't go downstairs, nor did she eat any food.

Ye Man brought the milk and stood in front of her daughter's room.

Song Xing was a little worried, and whispered to his wife: "It's better not to go, she is in a bad mood, maybe she just wants to be quiet."

"Can you be quiet? You can calm down now, a house has been transferred directly."

"It's just a house."

"It's about the house?!"

Song Xing was silent.

"I know it in my heart, you go back to your room first." It's what they are used to, it doesn't look like it, it is impossible to muddle through such a big matter.

Ye Man knocked on the door: "Mom came in."

Song Wanwan put away her phone nervously.

Ye Man looked at her daughter lovingly and did not criticize: "I asked the kitchen to save some food for you, do you want some?"

"Thank you mom, I'm not hungry." Quietly pushed the phone inside.

"What are you doing so late?"

"It's nothing, chat with people." Song Wanwan was a little impatient, picked up the milk and drank it down, hoping that her mother would leave.

Ye Man didn't intend to leave at all, but sat on the side of the bed more kindly: "Has the matter from last time been resolved?"

Seeing this, Song Wanwan acted as if she had been pricked by a needle, and said in an irritable tone, "It's resolved."

Ye Man looked at her, it was a lot of money, and with the transfer of the property, a total of five million yuan flowed out of her hand: "Wanwan, you are grown up now, isn't mom going to ask you?" your business."

"Mom, it's getting late, I'm a little sleepy." Song Wanwan was afraid that she would ask. Although her mother loved her, she would never protect her without reason in some matters.

Sure enough, it's the same at this time.

Ye Man looked at her, invisible pressure spread between the two of them.

Song Wanwan hurriedly took her mother's hand and looked at her sincerely: "Mom, this is the last time, really the last time, this matter has been resolved, I really resolved it, please don't ask, I feel special Stupid, cheated by friends, I don’t know people clearly, I don’t want to say it again... Mom, just this time, I don’t want people to know my failure, including Mom, I don’t want to tear my wounds open again, Mom, please, I feel like an idiot these days... it's awful."

Seeing this, Ye Man caressed her hair distressedly: "Why are you not good? You are a good daughter of my mother. No matter what happens, my mother will stand by your side. You are my mother's pride. Now the stock market is not good. Well, there are a lot of people who can’t get in and out, and it’s okay to lose a little money. You’re old, and you should get in touch with these things. Of course it’s better to recognize a person when you lose money. Mom just wants to know, who are you trading in stocks with? Buy Which stock do you own? Mom will also avoid it later.”

She knew it, she knew it: "Mom, can you stop asking? I don't want to mention this matter again!"

Ye Man looked at the daughter who resisted, and wondered what had happened to her daughter. The stock market couldn't lose money so quickly. On the contrary, in this circle, she had acquired some bad habits, which she couldn't get rid of even if she wanted to.

But she asked her father-in-law, her daughter has been in school recently, the school management is strict, there can be no bad things, and her daughter has not done anything out of line, otherwise she would not even be in the mood to talk, and she would be fooled by her daughter's recent changes Have a mental breakdown.

But I was worried about other things, so I didn't dare to ask: "How about you and your uncle learning how to trade stocks recently?"

"No, Mom! I know you're powerful. Don't use your insinuations on me, can you! I don't want to touch those things again, so don't talk about them anymore!"

Ye Man is a little angry, she is not so good, if she is so good, she will not be so passive!But seeing her daughter getting more and more anxious, I couldn't bear to lose my temper with her, for fear that she would resist even more: "Wanwan... Mom just..."

Song Wanwan sensed that there was something wrong with her tone: "I'm sorry Mom, I shouldn't have said that to you."

After Song Wanwan finished speaking, the phone suddenly turned on. She immediately became nervous, and then felt something was wrong. She picked it up as usual, and seeing that the caller ID was a classmate, she breathed a sigh of relief, and took a look at her mother: "It's fine, Invite me to dinner tomorrow."

But they agreed that tomorrow the mother and daughter will go shopping for clothes: "Mom specially asked for leave to accompany you."

"Mom, just let me go, I've grown up." She didn't want to see her mother at all.

Ye Man did not compromise: "I know, but I don't restrict you much."

Song Wanwan was going to be annoyed by her mother, but her mother didn't say anything serious, and she didn't show any signs of anger. It was impossible for her to have a big fight and break up.

This is the first time Song Wanwan has bothered her mother's character, why can't she have a fight!She has a reason to leave home!

"So can you talk to Mom about something? We're all worried about you."

"I really didn't do anything bad, why don't you believe it."

"I know, otherwise I wouldn't be talking to you, Wanwan, it's normal that you can't solve some things when you're still young, five million is not a small..."

"Money, money, money, it's money. Why are you all talking about money? Isn't it five million? You used to say that you would spend it on me no matter how much money you have! Now it's just five million a piece! And Sandi asked me what I was doing, and called me back from school, this is your love!"

Is five million less!Who gave you the illusion that you can breathe so loudly!
"I've just entered a new environment, and I haven't established a good relationship with the classmates around me. How can others think of me if you treat me differently like this!"

Ye Man looked at her calmly and reminded: "It's very common for college students to go to school." Don't lose your temper!She doesn't eat that set.

Song Wanwan choked for a moment, and could only say: "Mom, I want to be quiet, my head hurts..."

Ye Man just looked at her like this, with concern and worry.

Song Wanwan almost went crazy, she had to change her mind, and suddenly stepped forward to hug her, crying: "Mom, I love you."

Ye Man caressed her back: "I love you too."

Song Wanwan just wanted to hug her casually, but the moment she hugged her, tears fell instantly, and she never wanted to let go of her mother's neck.Smelling the good smell of my mother, it's like going back to my childhood, every time I dance by myself, my mother patiently stays by my side, coaxing her to continue, never dissatisfied, she is in her mother's eyes, time and time again At one time, I felt that I could do better, that I could do better, and that's why I came to this day: "Mom, why do you love me?"

"Silly boy, because you are my baby."

"If I wasn't your baby, would you still love me?" You watched me grow up from a young age, watched me grow up from such a small point, taught me to read, taught me to be a man, you love me, right?No matter what happens in the future, you will love me. How could you suddenly love someone you have never met, just because of that person's blood relationship? Both I and my brother love you, only you, you know."

 On the last day of the month, those who have a monthly pass come and come.

(End of this chapter)

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