President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 129 Chapter 129

Chapter 129 Chapter 129

"I know, so tell mom what happened?"

Song Wanwan didn't expect that she would still be inseparable from this sentence, she immediately let go of her mother's neck, hysterical, touching her own wounds: "Why are you still asking! I told you not to ask."

The louder she was, the calmer Ye Man became, and the softer her tone was, but she did not compromise: "How can you make me feel at ease with your current attitude."

"But I told you, are you willing to believe it?"

"Believe me, how can I not trust my daughter? Mom just wants to know who the person who led you to trade in stocks may have been involved in breaking the law, but you didn't know it and fell into someone else's trap."

"For five million, you just look for someone like this, guess the character of the other party, do you know that the other party has lost more, if you go, what do you make others think of me, I always say that our family is very good and rich , In the end, for this little money, you go to ask people how I will get along with them in the future!"

Ye Man was not polite when he heard the words: "We don't get along anymore. Let me tell you the truth. I don't trade in stocks, but I also saw that your father has been trading in stocks for so many years. How can stocks lose so much money in such a short period of time? It's because your uncle's company is now bankrupt. Stocks haven’t come down that fast.”


"Your words are untenable. I don't believe that you don't think there is a problem. If you don't think there is a problem, why don't you say it? It proves that you also think there is something wrong with this matter. You dare not tell us for fear that we will worry. , but the more we do this, the more we will doubt and even worry about whether you have been coerced, we can't imagine that you are living under threat, understand?"

Song Wanwan cried, she was indeed living under coercion, if she had a way, she would let her mother and little uncle kill those people, but she had no choice, she was afraid, even more afraid of losing this family and everything here.

Song Wanwan could only yell to cover up her guilty conscience: "I was deceived because I was eager for quick success and wanted to make more money. I will never do it again in the future. Just this time, okay? Don't ask again."


"Mom, do you want to force me to death!" Song Wanwan stared into her mother's eyes with a firm gaze. Even if she died, she would still be the daughter of the Song family. Even if Gu Cici came back, she would never want to take her place!
Ye Man was frightened immediately: "Wanwan..."

"Don't ask, okay?"

"Wan Wan..."

"Only this time, Mom, really only this time..." Song Wanwan begged bitterly.

Ye Man was afraid that something might happen to her daughter, so she was so worried that she didn't dare to force her anymore. Her situation was too bad, so she could only comfort her first: "Only this time?"

Song Wanwan nodded quickly, this time.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong with it?"

"I'm sure, sure!" Song Wanwan wasn't sure, those people stared at her like stinky maggots, saying they wanted to be their family with her and treat her as their older sister, who would be their older sister, who would help them, But at this time, I can only bite the bullet and say: "No, I will never participate in their investment in the future."

Is it an investment? "Wanwan, this is the last time. I hope you understand that your father and I are very worried about you, and within these two weeks, all your whereabouts must be reported to grandpa."


Ye Man interrupted her directly: "Please understand our concerns."

Song Wanwan knew she couldn't refuse: "Okay."


Song Xing hasn't slept yet, how could he fall asleep: "How is it?"

He even threatened her: "Don't you know some people, send someone to watch Wanwan."

"so serious?"

"She threatened me with death. These methods sounded like being intimidated by unscrupulous people, but she didn't dare to ask for help."

"it is good."

"Has she contacted any investors recently?"

Song Xing shook his head: "No, I asked Dad about the situation in their department in detail. Wanwan didn't go out of school, and she didn't interact with anyone. Except for Xixi and her classmates, she has no contact with anyone at all."

Ye Man had a headache: "I'm still worried that she will be provoked by Zheng Qiu's matter. A few days ago, my father said that she went to find that Gu Cici, and she had some conflicts with him, but she couldn't get it right. With her I must be very angry. Also, isn’t the Aunt Gu we expelled Gu Cici’s grandma? I’m also worried that the little girl has thoughts about Wanwan because of our expulsion of Aunt Gu, and intentionally bullies her, because she is dancing now. There may be no one in the world to help her bully Wanwan."

"Who dares!"

"What are you calling? This is all my guess. Children may not think that way."

Song Xing protected his daughter: "Why not, that little girl is now backed by Zheng Qiu and Lu Zhiyuan as her backing, even her master has been recognized by her, suddenly she is so rich that she can't see how important she is, I very much doubt that she deliberately targeted our daughter."

"Even if it is targeted, five million has nothing to do with her."

"Children nowadays, that ancient speech is not from the dance department, why do they go to the dance department to take classes? I will report it to their school."

"Forget it, you also go about this matter, let others think, besides, no one said anything, let's talk about it." It's not good, as if their family deliberately targeted Ms. Zheng Qiu's lineage.

"I can't say anything for my daughter. If you don't go, I will go."


"I have a sense of proportion, or let Wanwan come out?"

"Just turned in."

Song Xing sighed: "I'll ask Dad to tell their class teacher to pay more attention to Wanwan tomorrow, no, I'll go there tomorrow."

Ye Man wanted to say no, but she was worried about her daughter: "That's fine, have a better attitude, don't let people think that we are bullying others."


Gu Nian hadn't opened his eyes yet, and he called someone as a routine.

Song Wanwan screamed hysterically: "Ah - don't call me anymore, can you? Is this your attitude towards your sister? You are simply fishing for money. If I have no meat to eat, what good will it do you! You have already taken money from me! You have taken so much money, even if you want to do something, you can do it now, so why keep biting me and ruining me, what good is it for you! You let Gu Shi listen to the phone." She doesn't communicate with this brainless person!
Under the bed, Gu Cici was woken up: "Who is it..." What is the ghost calling.

Inside Song's house, Ye Man stood anxiously outside her daughter's door and knocked: "Wanwan, what's wrong with you? Wanwan?"

Grandma Song also came over in a hurry: "What's the matter?" Calling so loudly? "Wan Wan, Wan Wan."

Gu Nian hung up the phone in an instant, woke up in an instant, hurriedly got down on the bed, and smiled: "Sister, I was disturbing you, I forgot, you can sleep a little longer, it's not yet dawn, sleep for a while."

"You still know it's not dawn!"

"I know, I know, I was wrong."

"Girlfriend?" Did you catch up with the little girl from last time?
"No way, sister, don't talk nonsense, the radio hotline."

Gu Cici immediately sat up: "You listen to unserious things, and you are still doing unscrupulous part-time jobs." Gu Nian definitely did it for money: "In ancient times, in ancient times."

(End of this chapter)

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