Chapter 139
Song Xing hugged her tightly: "Yes, it's our fault. We are not worthy of being parents. We are pretentious. Don't blame yourself. Let's go and see her to see if she is okay." He glanced at the child.

Yes, go and have a look, see what to see, bring the child back, Song Moshan glanced at the younger son with blood on the corner of his mouth, and sighed, the eldest son has already finalized Cici's identity, so don't mention it after the second child, it's nothing Good thing, no one will look bad if there is trouble, how should Cici behave!

Let Cici know about this matter, which is embarrassing.


"Get out of the car!" Song Xing didn't need Song Yue to drive.

Song Yue lowered his breath and held the doorknob without letting go: "Brother, sister-in-law...the situation is not good, take care of sister-in-law, I'll open it..."

Ye Man's eyes were red from crying, as if she was about to faint.

Song Xing looked at his wife and then at his second child.

"I won't say anything..."

Song Moshan got into the co-pilot: "Hurry up and get in the car, let's go." Long-winded.

"Dad, what are you doing next?"

Of course he's going, the Gu family is a rotten family who only hinders the child, so he's going to bring the child back.

Song Xing saw that his father had no intention of moving at all, and then looked at his wife who was immersed in pain. Besides, he didn't have the time to care about these trivial matters. Thinking of his daughter's situation for so many years, he also desperately wanted to see the child.

The car set off from the hospital, eerily quiet.

Song Moshan thought about vacating the No. [-] flower room for his granddaughter to use as a studio, moving his rice paper and ink ingots there, and vacating another room for his children to use as a dance studio. If the children like it, they must develop it well.

Her paintings also need to be re-analyzed. Many comments are too general and have no substance, which is not good for children's improvement.

Also, how can those painting schools take away as long as they collect it? It is a child's work. The child is young, and he is ignorant and cannot understand the stakes in it.It would be fine to let the school exhibit for two days. How can thousands of paintings received by students be taken back, and a painting exhibition will be held in the future to witness the children's mental journey.

Song Moshan is thinking about the future arrangements, and his mood is getting better and better. In the future, he will practice with his granddaughter. With his guidance, the child will definitely improve by leaps and bounds...

The phone vibrated.

Song Moshan took it out habitually.

Lao Yang posted a new Weibo: In the background, in the large classroom of the art department, a little girl is drawing from the back, and an unfinished painting.

The unfinished painting is enlarged and occupies two frames independently.

Accompanying text: Apprentice's latest semi-finished product, children nowadays, work too hard, really hard work.

It can be seen across the screen that he proudly shows off his apprentice's joy of having a new work so soon.And the last time he said that he did not comment on the Plum Blossom Picture. Lao Yang started to brainstorm ideas before the child finished drawing. Does he think that the rabble can see any difference.

Song Moshan snorted coldly, and then zoomed in on the painting, zooming in, and proud of it, very good, the brushwork is very good, the layout is steady, atmospheric, and thoughtful, mainly the water stone in winter, and the coloring is also very careful to add sorbet gray... seems not……

Song Moshan zoomed in to see the strokes of the stone, and zoomed in again... The pixels are too sloppy to be clear at all.

Song Moshan scolded Lao Yang again in his heart, what kind of idiot took such a stupid photo: "Where are you going?"

Song Yue felt a little guilty: "Go to Lu's house, where Cici is..."

Ye Man heard that there was almost no room to breathe.

Song Xing's eyes were red.

Song Moshan was even more angry, but he didn't know what to say: "Go to school, she's back to school, treat her as you, in her heart, major is more important than your messy things!" Everyone was blinded by the glitz. , the most talented second child, what kind of entertainment do you go to, which is called art.

Ye Man clutched her neckline, her thin fingers were bluish white, suppressing her crying, Lu Zhiyuan... There were so many gossips when she asked Ms. Zheng Qiu to be her master.

And why didn't she look down on a little girl's efforts to climb up the ladder by relying on the young master of the Lu family.

She said so many things to her daughter, what qualifications does she have to say about her, a family who wished her to drop out of school to marry and insult her reputation everywhere, how hard it was for her to get out of there and let them see her.

If she is content with the status quo, they will never find her in this life.

Song Yue looked at his elder brother and Ye Man in the mirror. As for his father, he didn't think about it at all: "Actually... you can just take a look from a distance... She may not..."

Song Moshan didn't need Song Xing to ask, "What are you talking about! That's a child of our Song family!" Regardless of whether the eldest child or the second child belongs to their Song family, what did Song Yue do!

"I advise you not to be too optimistic!" Song Yue didn't dare to rush to his eldest brother, and he didn't even dare to rush to his father!Completely the same face as I used to, thinking that the child is my own, and I can give the child more love, the child will definitely follow me, don't ask at all, why!
It was only on the way to the hospital that he figured it out: "She doesn't want to recognize us at all, or...she is very dissatisfied with us..."

The atmosphere in the car became weird.

"Why..." Song Moshan couldn't understand, he thought he was a good grandfather, and...and...

"She seems to care about her two younger brothers very much. She is very angry when Wanwan treats her two younger brothers like that."

"What kind of brother! He's only going to cause trouble for her!" One phone call after another, dealing with their family's messy affairs before a painting is finished, it doesn't matter if you don't want a brother like that, let alone that family who killed their close relatives Separation, what kind of brother are you still taking care of!
Her relatives are a brother like Lili, who loves her sister, thinks about her, and trusts her unconditionally, not a younger brother who finds trouble for her all day long!Shit family.

"Dad! Those are the two children who grew up with Cici. As long as she doesn't speak, we can't speak!"

Song Moshan didn't do it. Why, he didn't call the police immediately and put that family in prison. He restrained himself and told him that that family deserved to die, to the point of death!What kind of broken relatives is a burden that bothers his granddaughter's feet and doesn't want her granddaughter to fly.

Cici loves them so that he can embarrass Cici, which proves that the family just wants to tie down his granddaughter and is selfish. For their own selfishness, they use both kindness and power: "I will never allow my granddaughter to go to that fire pit again Jump!"

Song Yue braked suddenly!

Ye Man was about to faint.

Song Yue hurriedly drove again: "Dad! That's about Cici!"

"She's still a child!" What did she know, she was cheated by that family!

"She's gone!"

"She is!"

"she is not!"

"Enough!" Ye Man was weak, and she had to be self-reliant, how could she still be a child. Children only have vocabulary under the protection of their parents.

Ye Man closed her eyes and grabbed Song Xing's hand, not daring to face her daughter's life.


Gu Cici did go back to school, and she wanted to be alone for a while.

There are not many ways for them to vent their emotions since they were young. She paints, runs every year, and does quizzes every hour. At this time, her mind can be clearer.

Lu Zhiyuan stood at the door looking at the documents in his hand.

Professor Yang came to see him once, a little confused: "Why don't you go in?" School is over early, there are no people, so it's good to go in and wait.

"I'm a little busy." Lu Zhiyuan's tone was steady and kind.After talking about Song Yue's topic, she said that she wanted to come to school, and he could keep her, but he felt that she needed to be alone for a while.

Professor Yang thought the kid was stupid, but after he finished speaking, he turned his attention to a pile of ghost symbols, as if he was really busy.

Get busy, the younger generation just wants to get down to business!Professor Yang patted his classmate on the shoulder with high hopes, and finally patted his arm. He was sorting out the newly obtained photos and was about to leave. When he saw a group of people rushing over, he couldn't help being surprised: "Song Dashan?! What is he doing here? Huh , with his son and daughter-in-law?"

Lu Zhiyuan raised his head and closed the document in his hand.

Professor Yang immediately went up to him, he had the upper hand, what was he afraid of, this mountain used so many tricks, so what if he became a freshman instructor, Gu Cici only had a professor in his heart, this mountain was at best a substitute, So he is also very generous!

Song Moshan passed Old Man Yang directly.

Lu Zhiyuan blocked the door and looked at him.


Ye Man came over, her footsteps were flimsy, and she was in a bad mood. Song Xing supported her, and she stared blankly at the door.

Lu Zhiyuan stepped aside.

Ye Man moved forward, under the light, she saw the only little girl in the classroom, her eyes were blank for a moment, the spiritual world was empty, and then slowly filled, under the light, the little girl appeared in front of her bit by bit, beautiful and quiet It's like a moving dance music, distant and ethereal.

"Song Dashan, what does your family do?"

Gu Ci turned his head and saw the person at the door.

Song Xing had been struggling in the mall for many years, when he suddenly saw his daughter looking up, he couldn't help but grabbed his wife's arm.

The two silently gave each other the courage to see their daughter, and supported the strength to look at her.

"It's none of your business." I wanted to say it again, but felt that now was not the time.

When Gu Cici saw Song Moshan, and then looked at the people at the door, he seemed to understand, but he didn't understand that Song Yue dared to say what he said.

Gu Cici calmly put down her palette, got up, and took off her apron. She was wearing a red and white sweater and jeans, and walked slowly.The painting in front of her is half finished compared to when she was in the Lu residence.

"What's the matter?" The girl stood still, her voice was gentle and full of calm strength, polite, alienated, and dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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