President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 140 Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Chapter 140 The Song Family ([-])

Song Xing's heart was a little complicated. He didn't know if it was affected by blood relationship. It seemed that when he saw Ye Man for the first time, he had more tenacity than Ye Man.

This is a very good girl, as can be seen from the fact that her eyes are still clean. Similarly, he also remembered the absurd vigilance when he saw her the day before yesterday. At that time, the little girl who knew the truth saw their inferior performance, Have you ever been disappointed.

Song Xing avoided her gaze in shame.

Gu Cici didn't wait for them to reply, saw Lu Zhiyuan next to him, and asked in surprise, "Didn't you leave?" Although it was also a question, it was more like a little girl's coquettish, less calm, only coquettish and intimacy.

Closeness and distance are clear at a glance.

Seeing that she was in good condition, Lu Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "There is an urgent matter, I have been busy here for a while."

"Why don't you come in, it's cold outside." Gu Cici looked at the couple at the door suspiciously.

Ye Man wanted to reach out, but then flinched, her eyes have been stuck to her since the appearance of the ancient words, her daughter, she wanted to touch the child, but because she was too beautiful and distant, she didn't dare to move forward, fearing that she would be unhappy.

But, this is her daughter. If it wasn't for some people, she would feel guilty in her... Ye Man felt guilty, but she couldn't back down. She choked up and said, "I am mother..."

Gu Cici looked at her and sighed in his heart, the one who should come has come, she is more beautiful than in the photos, the years have treated the gentle beauty well, she is as noble and elegant as a distant poster, like the one at the annual meeting that Lu Zhiyuan took her to Ladies, confident and radiant.

Gu Cici has constructed countless scenes of the two meeting in her mind. She thought that she could be calm, talk politely, weigh each other's interests, and then handle the mother-daughter relationship carefully with the other party.

But she looked too emotional, her eyes fell on her, and she couldn't cry, but she restrained her mother who wanted to reach out to her.

Gu Cici finally softened her heart, she took the initiative to reach out and hold her arm distantly to prevent her from falling: "Hello..."

Ye Man's tears kept falling: not this sentence, not this sentence.

Professor Yang looked at them in shock, and then at Song Moshan.

Song Moshan wanted to straighten his waist and let him see that this is his child, so he is excellent.But seeing the child at this moment, Song Moshan now only sees his granddaughter whom he has not seen for so many years, and his love for the child, how did she get out of the hands of that family and come to where she is today.

Professor Yang didn't understand, so: "This is..."

Look at Professor Yang for the ancient words.


Gu Cici looked helplessly at Lu Zhiyuan again.

Lu Zhiyuan took the man away on his own initiative: "It's getting late, it's time for you to get off work."

Ye Man didn't care who else was around and couldn't help crying.

Gu Cici subconsciously stretched out her hand to wipe her tears. She is proficient at doing this kind of thing, and the feedback she gets is commonplace. She reacted, only to cry harder, and then blame the year and the hour.

But the moment the finger touched her cheek, there was a strange feeling in my heart, maybe I had all kinds of fantasies about the 'mother', the moment the finger landed on her soft cheek, my heart couldn't help being touched .

Ye Man held her hand desperately, and suddenly hugged her into his arms: "I'm sorry, I'm's my mother's fault." She cried for her own failure and for her guilt for her child. For so many years, she never raised her She wasn't worried at all.

Gu Cici was a little at a loss, the sudden temperature made her not used to it, and it was more of a stranger to be embraced, she forgot to push her away for a while, but she didn't push her away when she wanted to: "It's okay, it's all over..."

"How could it pass..."

Gu Cici didn't know why tears rolled down his eyes.

Song Moshan wanted to say something, but backed away.

Ye Man hugged her tightly, she didn't know what else to say except sorry.

Song Xing's eyes were also red.

Song Yue watched this scene from a distance, and restrained himself from going forward.

Song Xing took a deep breath: "We didn't take good care of you and made you suffer."

Gu Cici came back to his senses from his voice, and looked at Song Yue who was not far away: Song Yue didn't say anything?A DNA test will reveal his truth, how dare he lie?
Song Xing moved a step to block the child's gaze, and said with a final word: "It's the father and mother who are not good."

Gu Cici looked at him in surprise, thinking of the injuries on Song Yue's face, he had a new evaluation of Song Xing in his heart, he loves his wife very much, and is calm and restrained, he is a mature man, capable of dealing with everything Wisdom and calmness.

Instead of hiding aside and only getting along with each other, not avoiding to tell my grievances and frustrations again and again.

This is the role of a father, carrying all fathers on one shoulder, Song Wanwan is very lucky to have such a father, he refers to the one standing behind.The uncle in front of me is another kind of philosophical life.

It was completely foreign—the family way of getting along.

They won't be hysterical, they won't abuse at every turn, each of them looks so clean and easy to get along with...

Ye Man still hugged her tightly, feeling guilty and in pain, unable to get out.

Gu Cici thought that if she hadn't been hugged, she would probably be ashamed to stand in front of such a family member. If she was only twenty years old, she would be tied up and feel that she has nowhere to start.

But now, they are far away, and they will not participate in her life in the future, so it doesn't matter what they look like.

Gu Cici's hand was on Ye Man's back. She seemed to be more used to this role, comforting the crying family members. In those days, she also checked the reactions of countless Song family members in the school library. factor of relief.

Therefore, Gu Cici felt that he could comfort her knot: "Actually, there is no need to cry. Look, I am standing in front of you now, can I make you smile?"

Ye Man looked up at her blankly.

"I am fine. I have an independent and healthy personality, the ability to strive for myself, and I have been admitted to my ideal university. I have bright prospects in the future. Even if I follow you, you just want me to be like this. I didn't Time, everything is lost, so if your daughter is replaced, it will hit you too hard, can my excellence comfort your pain?"




Gu Cici was also a little embarrassed: "Is it too narcissistic...Actually, it is true."

"No!" Ye Man wanted to bite someone to death and hug her tightly.

The ancient words had difficulty breathing.

Song Xing and Song Yue were so guilty that they could not speak.

Song Moshan has never felt that this child is so tough, and all the good things can be used on her. He is worthy of all the glitz and glory.

Lu Zhiyuan who was standing not far away thought the same way.

Ye Man didn't care, crying became the most powerless way to vent his emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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