President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 146 Chapter 146 Encounter

Chapter 146 Chapter 146 Encounter
On the surface, Lu Zhiyuan likes Zhengping and peace, and his temperament is better than that of his peers. People who can stand beside him and have a little light must have his own unwavering inner elegance: "Senior."

Ji Yunxuan nodded politely.

Lu Zhiyuan didn't look at Ji Yunxuan, he got up and took her hand: don't cry.

Gu Ci gave him an angry look: he didn't cry.

Lu Zhiyuan: Well, you said you didn't cry if you didn't cry.

Ji Yunxuan also stood up, looking at the hands they held together, there was only bitterness left: "Sorry to bother you." There was nothing to talk about at first, and if she could be relied on to come out, there was already nothing to talk about.

Gu Ci said politely: "No way, we are also very happy to meet Senior Ji."

Ji Yunxuan glanced at her, her complexion was very bad, showing unspeakable exhaustion, who did she give away?In fact, when he stood in front of her, he realized that it was useless to come rashly. There was someone beside her, how could he comfort her? He was just a bystander like a troublemaker.

Ji Yunxuan restrained his mind: "Sister Xue is polite, just happened to meet classmate Lu and talk about some unfinished things in school."

"Have you finished talking? Do you want to find a place to sit? Speaking of which, I also miss some friends from the student union."

Ji Yunxuan smiled: "We went to the cafeteria a few days ago, Aunt Yang and the others even mentioned you, telling you to go back and see her if you have nothing to do, and they will definitely serve you the most meals."

"Really, I must go, you don't know that the pastries, sweet and sour pork ribs, fried chicken tenders, and roasted eggplant in our cafeteria are so delicious." Looking at Lu Zhiyuan with great interest: "Did you eat it too? "

Lu Zhiyuan nodded politely, with a soft voice and a calm expression: "We've finished talking just now, Senior Ji, do you want to go together?"


They said they were going together, but they just got on their own cars.

Gu Cici leaned against the car window, watching the speeding lights outside the window.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at her, and remembered the way she talked to Ji Yunxuan just now, polite and normal, just like meeting any stranger with the warmth on the surface, when the outsider is gone, she still has troubles that she can't solve.

This is the basic politeness of many people, but Lu Zhiyuan still remembered the way she walked past Ji Yunxuan, cautious and unusual.

Today, he shouldn't suspect anything, maybe she just wanted to impress Ji Yunxuan at that time, maybe it was just the girl who was confused at the time.

But a person like Gu Cici would confess his love to him before he was completely confused?Some things that had been suppressed in his heart became clear again because of Ji Yunxuan's appearance.

Lu Zhiyuan stretched out his hand to cover the back of her hand.

Gu Cici felt it, a comforting smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he glanced at him: "I'm fine..." He looked out of the window blankly again.

Lu Zhiyuan looked at the overlapping hands, pressed the partition in the middle, moved closer to her, and said softly, "Don't think about it."

An old saying: "..."

Lu Zhiyuan stretched out his hand and rested her head on his shoulder.

Gu Cici felt his move, shook his hand, and looked more gentle: "I'm fine..." But he didn't lean his head against the trend, and still leaned against the window, looking at the night scene outside the window, as if the lights of the passing years could Soothe her dazed future.

But when she was at the airport, she was still leaning on her shoulder.

Lu Zhiyuan grasped it for a while and then let go: "Would you like to go to relax with Gu Nian and Gu Shi? Here at the school, I will ask for leave for you. I will also let you know if there is anything going on between the Song family and the Gu family."

Gu Cici looked at him, and covered his hand with his hand: "I'm really fine..." It's just that some things were unexpected and unprepared, and it will be fine after a while: "Thank you..."

Lu Zhiyuan looked at her hand on the back of his hand, was she comforting him?Distracted to comfort him when she was sad and didn't want to talk?

Lu Zhiyuan smiled wryly for a moment, did he disturb her to be alone?

Lu Zhiyuan didn't seem to remember it at all. He himself needed to think about things alone a lot of the time, and felt that Ci Ci's emotions should be shared with him. Isn't it true that she is very...

Gu Cici's head rested on his shoulder, and he stretched out his arms to hug him, as if he wanted to draw strength from him to face tomorrow: "I'll sleep for a while..."

The emotions that were about to come out of Lu Zhiyuan's body instantly calmed down: "Okay..."


When Song Moshan saw the two people getting out of the car, his face darkened for a moment, and then he returned to normal: "It's so late, why are you still going out?"

Gu Cici glanced at Song Moshan, and said directly: "I'm sorry."

Song Moshan was caught off guard, and he came to apologize.

Gu Cici has already said: "The matter of the Song family and Qian Yuzhi is your private matter. You should get your own legitimate interests if you are unhappy. No matter whether the Song family sues Qian Yuzhi or does anything, it is your responsibility. Your freedom is presumptuous in my request."

Song Moshan looked excited: "It's great that you can think this way, Cici, the Gu family is not a good person, they treated you like that, maybe they want to use you to attack us, deliberately make you feel pity, and drive a wedge between you and the Song family, Cici Ci, no matter what, we love you. If we knew your existence, we would not have paid by mistake for so many years. You don’t know how sad your mother was. She fainted after returning home. I was still infusion when I came. You have suffered so many crimes, how can we suppress the tone in our hearts, Cici, do you understand?"

"I'm sorry, just avenge yourself. I... can't empathize with Mr. Song. I disappointed Mr. Song." Gu Nian cried and said that he had something to tell her, let her wait for him, and said that her sister would be very happy in the future...

Perhaps, if she was in the Song family, she would also be able to reap deeper feelings than Nian Nian and Xiao Xiao. Her bias is like another knife in the eyes of the Song family, so the 'sorry' is sincere.

The Song family didn't do anything wrong, they just had good intentions, but they had to bear the pain that their granddaughter didn't understand.

So she was reckless in those words, and the Song family has the right to vent their revenge as soon as they know the truth.

"Cici, did the Gu family say something to you? How could that family..." Song Moshan wanted to be ashamed of the fact that the Gu family had never been masked!How could they brainwash their own granddaughter in this way!It's like stabbing a knife in the heart.

"Don't be angry, they deserve to die, everyone involved in this incident deserves to die, and they should all apologize to the Song family and the old man."

"You really think so?"

"Yes, so Mr. Song can do whatever he wants, it's getting late, I'm going back to school first."

Lu Zhiyuan followed like a transparent person.

Song Moshan was still a little confused about the relationship, but he hurriedly said: "It's past ten o'clock, and I can't get into the dormitory. Why don't you... go to your house for a night. I've already asked Xiao Zhang to clean up the room for you."

"No, I'm in the studio tonight, and the sketch is not finished yet."


"Grandma, grandma!"

Grandma Song came in slowly: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know either." The nurse anxiously comforted the patient who woke up from the nightmare: "It was fine just now, maybe it was a nightmare."

Song Wanwan felt very uneasy. The video calls with her mother in her dream were replayed again and again, making her more uneasy each time.

In the afternoon, she only said a few words to her mother in the video. Her brother tried to comfort her mother, hung up the phone in a hurry, and didn't call again. Is mother angry with her?Just mad at her?
Song Wanwan told herself, it must be, otherwise what else could it be, but she was still uneasy: "Grandma, grandma!" Song Wanwan hurriedly grabbed grandma's arm.

Grandma Song sat by the bed, her voice seemed normal, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead: "Did you have a nightmare?"

"How is my mother? Is it really okay?" Maybe something happened to my mother. As a daughter, she thinks about it day and night. This is the evidence that she is a mother's daughter. Even if she is not her own, she is also raised Years of tacit understanding.

"It's okay, Lili didn't call you just now, don't think wildly, go to sleep." Wei Wei perfunctory.

Song Wanwan couldn't sleep because she was hit, but the time was very short. She was injured before, and she would definitely see her mother when she opened her eyes. Whether she was naughty or not, she felt sorry for herself first.

However, this time her mother was not there, she panicked for no reason: "Is mother really okay?" She told herself not to think wildly, maybe something happened to her mother.

"Don't be angry with her and she will be fine in a while."

"Isn't grandpa here?"

"I brought you some change of clothes. Look, I also took the little alarm clock you put on the bed." So, how well does the Song family treat you, and how does your family treat her granddaughter!
Song Wanwan followed her grandma's line of sight and saw her beloved little alarm clock, her heart instantly settled down. Grandpa still remembered what she liked, and grandma also missed her psychological comfort. It's okay, it's okay.

(End of this chapter)

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