President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 147 Chapter 147

Chapter 147 Chapter 147

Grandma Song's expression didn't change. It was obvious that the old man had prepared the things. It was true that Song Moshan loved his granddaughter, but he was not so careful. Sister Zhang had prepared them.

When servants do things, they always want to please their employers, so they have seven or eight more minds, like Qian Yuzhi...

Grandma Song's eyes turned cold.

Song Wanwan clutched the alarm clock tightly, and her flustered heart calmed down. Her grandparents still loved her, and she still remembered what she needed to sleep.

Song Wanwan's heart that had just let go suddenly saw that the liquid on the back of her hand had flowed to the end of the infusion tube, and there would be no more liquid medicine soon.

Song Wanwan was at a loss for a moment, it was time for her to change her dressing, did no one notice?Song Wanwan looked up, and grandma was slowly helping her cover the quilt without noticing, "Grandma, it's time for me to change the liquid..."

Grandma Song suddenly realized: "I am a nurse." Grandma Song pressed the bell on the bedside, and then stretched out her hand, and calmly pinched the liquid tube to prevent the liquid from flowing again.

The nurse apologized nervously, saying that she had been paying attention and was thinking of calling a nurse just now, but she just saw that the alarm clock in Wanwan's hand looked good. After looking at it for a while, who knew the liquid would be gone.

Grandma Song asked her to say less.

Song Wanwan looked at all this blankly, the calm grandma, the nurse who admitted her mistakes, everything was familiar, the grandma always had such dignity when she reprimanded the people below.

But...if it was the past, when grandma saw that her infusion had bottomed out, she would definitely be in a hurry. Between calling the nurse and not knowing how to handle the infusion tube, she panicked for a few seconds, and then comforted herself distressedly, dear baby. Allow yourself to forgive her carelessness.

But now, grandma just sat there, her expression looked so calm, as if she didn't take good care of her, it was no big deal: "Grandma, are you tired?"

Grandma Song looked at her: "It's okay, sleep when you're sleepy." It's not a big deal if the blood backflows at all, let alone it hasn't backflowed yet.

Song Wanwan stared at grandma's hand: "Let the nurse watch over me here, and go to rest if grandma is sleepy, grandma will be busy with the gallery work tomorrow."

Grandma Song is indeed sleepy, and she should not be overly worried when she is old: "The nurse came to change the fluid, I will go outside to rest for a while."



"I love you."

Grandma Song smiled: "Silly boy."

The nurse came quickly.

Grandma Song let go of her hand, and said in a calm voice, "Let me take a look, the liquid is here, there is no problem..."

Hearing this, Song Wanwan suddenly grabbed the corner of grandma's clothes: "Grandma, I know it's my fault that I offended my mother. I did something wrong, and my parents didn't want to talk to me, but I... grandma..." Song Wanwan burst into tears instantly Flow down.

Seeing her crying sadly, Grandma Song stretched out her hand... and then took a tissue to wipe her tears: "Don't cry."

The nurse handled the liquid in the drip tube: "Be careful next time, the patient is still sick."

The nurse hurriedly said, "Understood."

Song Wanwan's feeling of panic came up again: "Grandma, do you trust me? I have my reasons...I..."

"Letter." Perfunctory and indifferent, not as real as her sleepiness.

Song Wanwan said cautiously: "Grandma, you look very bad, go and rest for a while..."

"Call me for something."

Song Wanwan looked at the back of her grandma when she really went out, and she was confused for a while: "Auntie, where's my brother? Where's my father? Where's my mother? Where's my uncle? Where's my grandpa?"

The nurse hurriedly protected her: "Be careful with the needle, Mr. is accompanying Mrs. Song, Young Master Song sent the old man out just now. Your uncle came at noon. It must be something urgent in the company, so he left in a hurry."

"You're talking nonsense!" No matter how urgent things are, it's important to me. How can my uncle not be in a hurry when I broke my leg? My uncle loves her the most. He must come to see her immediately. How could he leave without even entering the door.

The nurse felt that Ms. Wanwan was confused, and she was talking nonsense. It was Miss Wanwan who asked, "That's true..."

"How could it be possible that he came here for a while... Could it be that uncle came while I was asleep?"

"No." She has been here.

"Perhaps you were out then?"

"But there are really no visitors when you are asleep. The farthest I can go is to call the nurse. If someone has been here, I will know for sure."

"How could there be no..." Song Wanwan hurriedly looked for her mobile phone, feeling a little uneasy.

But the uncle's phone could be connected, but no one answered, it rang and then stopped, and then it rang and stopped. She had just finished the operation, and there was no one beside her except the nurse: "Grandma, grandma!" Song Wanwan yelled in panic: "Grandma, grandmother!"

Grandma Song hurried in: "What's wrong?"

Regardless of the needle on her wrist, Song Wanwan tightly grasped grandma's arm: "Grandma, grandma, is something wrong? Is something wrong at home?"

"What can happen, where is your pain, I'll call the doctor to show you."

How could it not be, if not, it would be impossible not to visit her: "Grandma lied to me, right?!"

"Is it a nightmare? Your mother is not in good health. Your father just sent her back and just talked to me. Your grandpa has just been here. What happened?"

How could it be possible for my mother to not come in after the infusion, and my father has already entered the door, and it is even more impossible to leave without looking at myself. Since there is no accident at home, it is: "Grandma, tell me the truth...I...I..."

Grandma Song looked at her.

"Grandma, did someone tell you something? Don't believe it's all fake!"

Grandma Song didn't seem to know, but she could clearly see her anxiety in her eyes. She had seen the child in front of her since she was a child and was willing to give her a chance: "What are you talking about? What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Song Wanwan didn't know whether Gu Nian, Gu Shi, Qian Yuzhi, and everyone who knew about it were all dead. Now she could only tell herself that they would all die.

Even if she doesn't die, she is still a victim. She must be a victim: "Grandma, did you hear something?" Song Wanwan burst into tears.


"I am your granddaughter, grandma, am I your granddaughter, am I..."


Song Wanwan wiped away her tears: "Grandma, let me tell you what I did with that money?"

Grandma Song couldn't believe it when she heard the words: "What did you do?"

Song Wanwan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Could it be that the family members wanted to find out where the money went, and did this on purpose? "I... gave it to Aunt Gu. She didn't want me to tell anyone. She was very pitiful... She said that in order to take care of me, she didn't take care of her son and grandchildren for so many years. They all hated her and drove her away When she came out, she had no place to live, and she was beaten to the head by her grandson and granddaughter. Really, there was a lot of blood. Many people have seen it. When she came to me, there was blood on her arms. I was scared to death. She was like that look at me and beg me..."

The more Song Wanwan said, the more she felt the truth, no matter what Gu Nian said, she would not admit it, she was the victim: "She wanted me to help her, she came to me again and again, I said she could find grandma, she could Looking for my mother, you are so kind to her, and you are definitely willing to help her, but she knelt down and begged me, saying that it was all to take care of me, and told me not to tell my family. If I did, the family would hate her family even more. Then she won't be able to go back."

"I think she is pitiful, and Aunt Gu said that if she has money and a place to live, her family can accept her. I didn't want to at first. It has nothing to do with me whether her family accepts her, but... Once I saw her grandson and granddaughter beating her together, and the beating was very serious. The whole family didn't treat her as a human being. I didn't believe that grandma went to adjust the school's surveillance, and I could see Aunt Gu in a panic. I couldn't bear it, so I gave her money..."

Grandma Song was so angry that none of these words touched her!On the contrary, she had nowhere to put her anger. Qian Yuzhi came to apply for the job, they hired, Qian Yuzhi worked, and they paid; Qian Yuzhi asked for overtime, and they paid overtime pay.

Don't say whether those words are true, even if they are true, what does it have to do with the Song family!As for her grandson and granddaughter beating her, it would be better to kill her.

What's more, she didn't believe it.

Song Wanwan took grandma's hand: "Really, I think she has taken care of me for so long and treated me so well... I don't believe grandma can check my transaction records. I think I gave her money and a house. Her family is It doesn't mean that you can treat her better, but it's not at all. Her family is very bad, and she enjoys all the money she gets. Her grandson drives a very expensive car, and her granddaughter buys the most expensive things, but she only gives her a ticket. Little bed, I can't hear it, but I think this family is too much, grandma, do you think..."

(End of this chapter)

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