President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 150 Chapter 150 Return You

Chapter 150 Chapter 150 Return You
Ye Man watched Cao Xiurong get up slowly.

Cao Xiurong listened to Song Wanwan's calls with restraint, and saw Ye Man move Song Wanwan's hand away mercilessly, and her heart ached even more. This is the so-called love!The thin palm clenched tighter and tighter, but he had to lower his head.

Ye Man was sure that Cao Xiurong knew that she was also involved?Pregnant in October, it is really "unforgettable" love, if not, how would she know, she can't discover it by herself.

Also as a mother, she doesn't want to be the latter.

Ye Man turned around, with a calm voice, and said word by word: "I will file a lawsuit against you for taking my daughter away."

Cao Xiurong looked at Ye Man in shock: No!No, I panicked for a moment: "What did you say? It's nothing! Don't talk nonsense! It's my mother-in-law, and my mother-in-law just wants to cheat your daughter's money. Miss Song is the victim, and it's my mother-in-law who is wrong!"

The nurse was so touching, Ye Man smiled sarcastically, stopped, took the photocopied paternity test, and threw it on the ground: "I want you to pay the price you deserve!"

Qian Yuzhi didn't do it anymore, she didn't admit it, and her mind turned faster: "What are you talking about! What nonsense are you talking about, what do you mean we hugged your child! Who are you showing this thing to! We also said you take it away killed my child!"

But from the corner of her eye, she saw the falling paper and the conclusions on it, and knew in her heart that the dust had settled, and the Song family knew that Wanwan was not their child anymore.

Qian Yuzhi's eyes that were slapped blue turned, and he was quick to wit, he got rid of Mrs. Song's hand, grabbed the paternity test on the ground, pretended to understand, and said excitedly: "The above means that Miss Song is a child of our family. ?! Then... Cici is not our child."

Qian Yuzhi seemed to be very happy after being surprised at the beginning, and then he smiled with blood on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to have a great blessing: "That's great, Wanwan is my granddaughter! It's great! You don't even know me She hates ancient rhetoric, bad-hearted, and bad character. She knows nothing but dating and beating up with her two younger brothers. She cheats other people's money with a pure face. How do you think she got the money? Yes, she colludes with others to deceive Lu Zhiyuan, I have seen her sell Lu Zhiyuan's whereabouts to others more than once, and even sell herself for money, she is a broom star, a white-eyed wolf!"

Grandma Song slapped her instantly: "Who are you talking about!" Who caused it!
Qian Yuzhi looked at her pretending to be resentful: "She is also a white-eyed wolf when you kill me! She has a bad nature and is useless except for a little talent. How do you think my injuries came from—"

As Qian Yuzhi spoke, he took off his clothes without hesitation.

Song Moshan and Song Xing were speechless for a moment.

"These injuries were all caused by her fighting with Gu Nian and Gu Shi. She was just sitting on that sofa, watching those two bastards beat me, and she laughed so happily. What do you think she is? She is vicious! Growing up in such a family, if she was really a little white rabbit, she could easily avoid Cao Xiurong to go to college, and could almost send her fiancé's family to prison. After a series of questions, why do you think I would ask Song Wanwan for money, why would I ask Song Wanwan for money if I am so rich, or is it because of her instigation in ancient times, in ancient times, for a little profit, even grandma was not wanted!"

"Shut up! It's clear that you harbor evil intentions."

"I harbor evil intentions? Do you have evidence? Gu Cici has evidence! I said why she suddenly sent Gu Shi and Gu Nian away. It turned out that she was sending away people who knew her true character so that you Song The property of the family drove Song Wanwan out! What a scheming!"

"You still say! You don't know how to repent when you are about to die!" Grandma Song beat her harder: "You dare to take my granddaughter away!"

"I didn't! I didn't do anything! I'm just a servant, what can I do! Your family is so strict with children, how can I have a chance? Even if it's really wrong, it's the hospital's mistake. What do I know! You Blood spurting!" She absolutely denied it!

"Nonsense! Song Yue asked Song Yan, and Song Yan said that it was you, an old woman, who did it, and there can be fakes!"

Impossible, it is impossible for someone to see it, but thinking of Song Yan's sneering look every time: "Impossible! It's not me!" Qian Yuzhi would not admit it, and he did not forget to put eye drops on Gu Cici: "Who wants you so much?" The child of my family, I have long liked that child Wanwan, I don’t care about the ancient words, and even steal your child, what is there to steal from your child, is it bad enough!”


Ye Man stopped her mother-in-law's hand with a cold expression, and her voice was even colder: "Since you like your own granddaughter, your family will pick her up, and please give them the address of the hospital." After Ye Man said, she pulled her mother-in-law up and was about to leave.

Qian Yuzhi was dumbfounded when he heard the words, took it back?How can this work? They were raised by their family, and their family should be reluctant to have to keep them. After all, there is no shortage of Song Wanwan's food, and she has been carefully raised for so many years, so how can she be willing.

Qian Yuzhi quickly crawled over and grabbed Ye Man's clothes: "What are you talking about! Are you serious? If I take it away, it's not yours!"

Ye Man pulled back the corner of his clothes, with a firm attitude.

Qian Yuzhi panicked, no, absolutely not, she absolutely cannot take Wanwan back, if she takes Wanwan back and follows them, what good will they have!
They watched Wanwan grow up, so as long as she stays in the Song family, is there any benefit? "The paternity test must be fake!"

Didn't you just say it was true!Ye Man was too lazy to talk to them, so she left with her mother-in-law.

"You can't leave! You can't leave like this. Wanwan is a child of your family, don't listen to people's nonsense!" No: "You have watched Wanwan grow up since childhood, and you have the heart to watch her have nothing in the future. How are you?" With a cruel heart."

Song Li dropped the ward number and followed.

"You are so cruel. How could you leave your child in the hospital without anyone to take care of you? Ye Man, why are you so cruel..."

Song Yue was at the end and looked at them: "If you want to go for an injury test, you can do it. It doesn't matter if you get into trouble, let's see who is more unlucky."


In the hospital, Ye Man withdrew the nurse hired by the Song family, and refunded all the extra expenses with the bill of payment. Aren't the Gu family very satisfied with their granddaughter, so they can take it back and raise it for themselves.

Song Li looked at the returned money: "Mom..."

Ye Mandang couldn't hear it, she didn't want to do it so badly, it was Cao Xiurong who forced her!They knew it early on!
And even if the Song family had wrongly raised Wanwan for so many years, in the end they didn't have a word of gratitude, and everything they said was the fault of the ancient words.

Since Qian Yuzhi said so, they should raise a more obedient one.

(End of this chapter)

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