President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 151 Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Chapter 151
She, Ye Man, would never rob them!

"Mom, Wanwan is still sick..."

Ye Man wiped away the tears that fell unconsciously, and got into the car directly.


Song Xing didn't say anything and got into the car.

Song Yue was even more afraid, patted his nephew on the shoulder, and got into his own car. He came here only after hearing that his parents had gone to the Gu family.

"Uncle, don't you think you shouldn't care about Wanwan! That's Wanwan!"

"Listen to you."

Song Li didn't know what to say, there were sick people inside, and her legs were still hurt, their Song family didn't need this little money, and it was true that they had watched her grow up.

But no one offended his mother about this matter now, Song Li had no choice but to hand it in after they left.

Ye Man suddenly lowered the car window, and glanced at his son: "If you dare to intervene, don't recognize me as a mother in the future!"


"V13 bed, it's time to pay."

Song Wanwan is still silent about the affairs of the Gu family, does Qian Yuzhi understand?Will you admit it?Why is mother ignoring her?
"V13 bed, it's time to pay, go down and pay the fee later."

Song Wanwan didn't expect to hear such incredible words, maybe she made a mistake: "How can I owe money? Do you know who I am?"

Of course the nurses knew that those who could be admitted to the VIP ward, of course they had studied carefully, not to mention that the patient had an older brother who was unmarried and had a successful career.

So she was also surprised when she first saw it, and confirmed it twice before confirming it.

Song Wanwan pulled over the daily statement and couldn't believe her eyes, it was zero.If she wants a normal infusion today, does she have to pay now? ! "Aunt Cao! Aunt Cao!"

The nurse opened her mouth cautiously: "Are you calling two nurses? I saw that they just packed up and left."

"Leaving! How is it possible? I'm still lying here!" Song Wanwan suddenly remembered that after her brother left, she hadn't seen the two nurses for a while: "Where's my brother?"

"I didn't see..."

"I didn't see you looking for it! What are you doing standing here!"

The nurse took a deep breath and said politely, "Why don't you call him?"

Song Wanwan suppressed crying, and hurriedly called her brother, but her brother didn't answer: How could it be, how could it be, it was only a little money.

Song Wanwan hurriedly called the nurse again, but the nurse couldn't get through: "Impossible...Impossible..."

Song Wanwan was even more anxious, so she called her brother again, and kept calling, and kept calling.

Ye Man just looked at his son's mobile phone, expressionless, indifferent and stern, ignoring Song Wanwan's card being frozen, no money in the hospital, how to get an infusion today.

Song Li has never seen his mother look like this. Although he is worried about his sister, he also doesn't want his mother to be like this: "Mom, I know you are sad."

Ye Man didn't think he understood, if anyone knew a little bit, only her mother-in-law.Neither Song Xing nor Song Yue could do it, only they could understand where the heart and soul's hatred lies.

"Mom, just cry if you want to cry..."

Ye Mancai looked at his son, and said earnestly: "You don't have to go to see her if you have nothing to do, the Gu family likes her so much, you always go, and let the Gu family misunderstand."

Song Li opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while, what is a misunderstanding?I can only look at the father who is driving in front, and think that what my mother did in this matter is not...

Song Xing didn't say anything, Wanwan... But when this happened, the Gu family didn't have the attitude to speak well, and seeing Cao Xiurong's gaze fixed on Song Wanwan, he probably knew about it long ago, but didn't say it because he knew it.

What worries him even more is that his wife's situation is very wrong now, and he won't say anything more.


Song Wanwan still can't believe that none of the calls she made got through. Not only did she lose her fee, but no one came to see her.

Song Wanwan braced her legs in panic and was about to get out of bed. She wanted to ask, to ask.

The nurse found out and hurriedly held her down: "Miss Song, you can't do this, Miss Song, your legs can't get out of bed and walk around..."

"Let me go! Let me go! I'm going home! I'm going home!"

"Miss Song, you can't move, Miss Song, if you move again, your injury will be aggravated, Miss Song... Hurry up! Call her guardian!"

The little nurse who rushed over immediately ran out.

On the other side, Ye Man answered the phone unhurriedly, and then calmly sent Qian Yuzhi's mobile phone number to the other party, then looked at his son with disdain, "Why are you so anxious, he has money .Millions back and forth, and real estate, not to mention Qian Yuzhi took [-] yuan from the Song family! I need your mercy."

Song Li stopped talking, as long as someone took care of him.

Ye Man leaned on the seat, his voice suddenly weakened: "Go to Digong University..."


Qian Yuzhi didn't go.

"Mom, let's go see the baby, she's still sick, Mom—"

Qian Yuzhi waved Cao Xiurong's hand away, why should she go!Now it's a matter of who is more calm and who will be soft-hearted. If she goes, the Song family will ignore it. If she doesn't go, the Song family can leave Song Wanwan alone. They must not be fooled!

Cao Xiurong felt bitter, she felt sorry for the child, that little girl looked different from Ci Ci at first glance, Ci Ci was the kind of person whose parents didn't look at her, and she didn't mind.

But that little girl is delicate at first glance, she needs to be taken good care of, and she can't be left alone: ​​"Mom, she is the granddaughter you watched growing up!"

Qian Yuzhi will never go to the hospital, so what if she grows up, if she can't rely on the Song family, Song Wanwan is of no use: "What are you shouting for, will you pick her up and suffer with you! Or you can provide her with the same life as before!"

Cao Xiurong was immediately speechless.

Qian Yuzhi told her complacently: "Don't worry, the Song family will compromise. After all, Song Wanwan was raised by them, so I can't bear it..." As for her injury, it still needs to be tested, whether she needs it or can also be used in the future. The Song family said it was written by ancient diction.


The hospital called Ye Man again. The number Ye Man provided said that he did not know the patient, and the patient's guardian was Ye Man.

The patient is making a lot of trouble in the hospital now, she doesn't cooperate with the treatment, she doesn't even need to be given an infusion, and she has to go to the field, if something goes wrong, the hospital is in a hurry.

Ye Man looked at the gate of the Imperial University of Technology and understood the helplessness of the hospital, so Ye Man directly talked about Song Wanwan's life experience, without any intention of revealing her family scandal: "I am also very sorry, it is not convenient to come forward, and please ask the hospital not to give me any help in the future." called.

(End of this chapter)

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