President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 152 Chapter 152

Chapter 152 Chapter 152
The hospital didn't expect it to be like this, it's troublesome, it's very tricky!If you don't make it right, you will smash it in your own hands.

The hospital immediately called Qian Yuzhi and said that if Qian Yuzhi did not come, the hospital would call the police.

Qian Yuzhi didn't expect that woman to dare, she doesn't care whether she is or not!
Qian Yuzhi said aggrievedly: "Little sister, it's not that I don't want to go. You see, we haven't got the paternity report yet. A family like ours really can't afford that much money. Besides, what if it's not my granddaughter? When the time comes Who owns the money, right? Besides, even if it doesn’t belong to their family, doesn’t their family care about it? Legally, their Song family is still the mother of the child. It’s inappropriate for you not to go to the mother of the child to find us. In fact, you The hospital should ask those rich people how they can be so cruel when they bring up their children." After Qian Yuzhi finished speaking, she sighed and hung up the phone directly.

The hospital was very speechless, but the other party said that there was no result of the 'paternity test', as if...they couldn't blame the other party, and had no choice but to call Ye Man again.

Ye Man had expected such a result. He said that he wanted to take it back. After mentioning the money, he was just talking.

Song Wanwan can't bring the Gu family what they want, will the Gu family like her?Can Cao Xiurong always love her?
I don't want to pay any medical bills.

Ye Man looked at Song Li, with the soft-hearted mockery of the Gu family waiting for him in his eyes: This is the attitude of the Gu family, do you still want to be taken advantage of?
Song Li didn't expect that there was no one from the Gu family, and their family was not very satisfied with Song Wanwan!Not satisfied when it comes to money!

Ye Man also spoke softly to the hospital: "I'll send the paternity test report to the hospital later. We really have no responsibility here, and it's not easy to manage other people's affairs. Please take the hospital into consideration of our family's feelings and stop calling." Ye Man hang up the phone.

Song Li: "Didn't they say they like Wanwan, how can they not help, it's just a small fee, and they get more than that from Wanwan!"

Ye Man looked out the window: "..."


The hospital acted faster and directly transferred Song Wanwan from the VIP ward to the ordinary ward, taking care of the patient's feelings inside and outside the words, but behind every sentence, they did not forget to gently remind her that it was time to pay, and if she didn't pay, she would not be able to get out Medicine, no infusion, how can the disease be cured.

Song Wanwan quarreled and cried, crawled on the ground and wanted to ask her mother why she didn't care about her, but the nurse said, "The Song family has shown the result of the paternity test" and drove her into the abyss.

The Song family knew that she was not their biological daughter, but the ancient Ci Ci was!So... leave her alone... leave her here to fend for herself,
Song Wanwan was lying on the bed in a daze, the noise around her made her feel strange and frightened, when did they know, was it yesterday? "I am mother's daughter...I am mother's daughter..."

The nurse suddenly felt a headache: "We know, we know, please calm down, you must calm down, think about it carefully, do you have any private money?"

Private money?How could she have no money, even if she had no money, who would dare to send her to the general ward, where she would be crowded with three or four people! "I'm going to call my mother... call my mother..."

But all calls went to nothing.

Song Wanwan broke down and cried, why, after so many years of love between mother and daughter, how could her mother not want her, she is still sick, how could her mother be so cruel, she is their child.

The people around looked over.

A child who came to see the doctor said in a childish voice: "This man is crying so loudly, will it disturb Grandpa to rest?"

"Shh, don't talk."

It wasn't until Song Wanwan realized that everyone was looking at her. The unfamiliar eyes, the eyes watching a drama, were like the inferior people on TV who knew how to inquire about other people's family by doing nothing. They were more like... the couple from the Gu family. Disgusting.

She absolutely does not allow herself to live with these people, she is different from them, she is the only daughter of the Song family!
Holding the phone, Song Wanwan hesitated and called Qian Yuzhi viciously.

Qian Yuzhi is very straightforward: "I have no money, Wanwan is not what I said, how can you be so stupid, how much money do we have, at this time you should take hold of the Song family, you..."

"Stop talking nonsense! I don't live in a general ward, you come and pay for me, pay for me!"

Qian Yuzhi: "I have no money, the Song family has money..."

"Shut up, where is the money I gave you?"

"It's all in the hands of Gu Nian and Gu Shi, and I don't have any."

"Then let them come and pay the money!" It happened that all of them died in an accident, why didn't their family die yesterday? If they died, how could anyone know about their life experience.

"Unfortunately, they are gone, they are not in the imperial city, they said they want to go out to play for a few days, doesn't your uncle love you very much, if you cry a little more, it's too bad, and cry to the young master, he loves you very much , how can I watch you suffer, right?"


"You child, we are doing it for your own good. If we go, how can you be pitiful in front of the Song family, don't you think?"


"Hey, hello, the signal is bad, I'll hang up first." Qian Yuzhi snorted coldly, and Qian Yi thought about it separately.


Song took Qian Yuzhi to court with a paternity test, and sued her for various crimes of extortion and trafficking.

Among them, Qian Yuzhi was arrested because of the suspected large amount of extortion and the sale of houses, with conclusive evidence.

Qian Yuzhi couldn't believe it, she was about to be taken away by the police just after dressing her wound, why!What legal effect does a paternity test have? She didn't steal the child, let alone abduction. As for extortion: "The money was given to me by Song Wanwan, but she really gave it to me. How can it be considered a fraud?"

Cao Xiurong held on to her mother-in-law tightly, and she still expected her to find a way to save Wanwan: "Police, did you arrest the wrong person? My mother-in-law is not that kind of person, and it was really Song Wanwan who gave my mother-in-law money."

"You let me go, you wronged a good person, I did nothing, I don't know anything, Song Wanwan gave it to me, if you don't believe me, you can ask her, yes, you can ask Song Wanwan!" She don't wear handcuffs, don't go to the police station !She didn't even cheat!
The police calmly took out Song Wanwan's photo: "Whether the Song Wanwan you are talking about is her, that's right. She also sued you for fraud and wants to recover her losses. Are you saying that you are devoid of conscience and are in the hospital? You also lied to her about more than one million yuan and a flat."

Cao Xiurong was shocked, more than one million, so much! ? "Mom! Why are you using Wanwan's money!"

Qian Yuzhi was puzzled, how could it be more than one million yuan, and in ancient times, people got more than one million yuan: "I didn't cheat money! Song Wanwan, you bastard! I want to confront her! I want to confront her, I You can't arrest me without defrauding her of the money, she—she is my granddaughter, how can the money she gave me be a deception—"

(End of this chapter)

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