President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 153 Chapter 153

Chapter 153 Chapter 153

"Anyway, come with us first and accept the investigation."

Qian Yuzhi doesn't want it, she doesn't want to go to jail, but this is not something that can be solved by rolling around. Amid Cao Xiurong's crying, Qian Yuzhi was still taken away, and she could hear from a distance, "Why don't you arrest the Song family for beating people?" !I want to sue the Song family'!
Cao Xiurong received a call from Song Wanwan in a panic: "Is it... Wanwan?"

after an hour.

Cao Xiurong took her mother-in-law's salary card, paid Song Wanwan's hospitalization fee, and watched her daughter be re-elevated from the ordinary ward to the VIP ward.

Gu Qiang's face was ugly, he was eating money!

Cao Xiurong took her husband and told him to be calm, and followed into the VIP ward. The room was beautiful, just like the daughter in the photo, and she couldn't match it.

Cao Xiurong didn't dare to get close to her daughter, timidly took the payment slip, and reminded distressedly: "Let's not live here anymore, it's too expensive, and we don't need so many rooms, these equipments cost thousands of dollars a day. , one payment is hundreds of thousands, Wanwan, your grandma doesn't have much money on this card, let's live in a normal ward..."

Song Wanwan felt disgusted when she saw her, it's only a few hundred thousand, can she afford it! "Don't call me by my name!"

"How did you talk to your mother!" Ci Ci would not.

Song Wanwan immediately screamed when she heard the words: "She is not my mother, not my mother! My mother is Ye Man, a famous dancer, what is she! What is she!"

"Say it again! You are my mother! Do they recognize you! Don't forget who paid your hospital bill!"

Cao Xiurong quickly grabbed her husband: "Stop it, stop it..."

"I won't tell you what she looks like! Look down on anyone, and ask me to talk a thousand times or ten thousand times better than her!"

Song Wanwan yelled hysterically, waving her hands and smashing everything she could touch: "Go find Gu Cici! You go! Who cares about your daughter? You are worthy of what you are. You are only worthy of Gu Cici. daughter!"

The nurse heard the sound and arrived soon. The heart rate monitor, oxygen cylinders, tables and chairs, and pagers were all pushed to the ground.

When the list was placed in front of Cao Xiurong.

Gu Qiang's anger came up again, it was the first time he saw such a prodigal person, couldn't he throw the quilt when he lost his temper!Even the bastard in Gu Nian knew that you can't throw expensive things when you lose your temper, but look what she did.

Gu Qiang dragged Cao Xiurong to leave: "Let her pay for it herself, we don't have such a daughter!"

Cao Xiurong has seen the Song family's family background, such a beautiful big yard, and a garden-like residence. Naturally, the daughter she raised doesn't know how expensive daily necessities are: "Don't be like this, she's just in a bad mood..."

"She's in a bad mood! She's in a bad mood, it's worth it! Nurse, you push me in, push me—" Thinking of Cici's tribute to his electric wheelchair, he went in with full power: "Song Wanwan, let me tell you! You don't like it We, we look down on you too! The money belongs to your grandma, and now only this card can be used under your grandma’s name, and the other cards have been frozen. This card has [-] in it. , After the compensation, there is not much left! You can do it yourself!"


"It's right that the Song family doesn't want you!"


The nurse hurried in: "The patient's condition is very unstable, don't stimulate the patient."

Gu Qiang dragged Cao Xiurong to leave directly. It was the first time he saw something so inappropriate after so many years of careful planning!Do you think you are made of gold?


"She's Ci Ci?" Song Li stood on the playground, looking at the people who were joking with his good friends below, and there was no trace of growing up in that kind of family, and the disguise was very good.

Song Xing nodded, his mind was on his wife.

Ye Man never took his eyes off Gu Cici's body, poked his head out, and looked again and again.

Song Li didn't mean that he didn't like the new younger sister, but because of her family conditions, it was a fact that she was wearing famous brands, and she used them very carefully. But now...

Some of Qian Yuzhi's words may not be correct, but the girl in front of her is really good at using her strengths. She is beautiful, scheming, and good at forming small groups. The girls obviously crowd out the quiet one who passed by them. girls.

Song Moshan walked over with an ugly face: "What are you doing, this is a school, you will affect the normal teaching order, go back quickly."

Song Xing looked at Ye Man.

Song Moshan frowned: "You guys, what do other students think? Cici has enough right and wrong. Let her figure it out slowly. Didn't the child understand us quickly about the Gu family? Let the child think again, Maybe you can see her at home in a few days, you all go first."

Ye Man suddenly said: "Dad, does the Imperial University of Technology still recruit teaching assistants? I'll come. You don't need a formal contract, and temporary workers are fine."

"Mom, at your level—"

Ye Man looked at Song Moshan: "Dad, please."

Song Moshan sighed: "Let me ask for you."

"Thank you dad."

Zhou Xiaolan looked at the seductive family in the stands, and it was very helpful: "Did you see, Mr. Song's family, a scholarly family, several generations of inheritance, look at that temperament, tsk tsk, really enviable, their daughter-in-law, come close The one on the railing is Ye Man, Ye Man, you know, you learn to dance with your master, you should have heard of her, she is super powerful, her temperament is really amazing, I heard that when I was young, there were many suitors, the goddess in the eyes of a generation .”

Gu Cici took a look: "Yes."

"What do you mean by um, their family has been rich for three generations and is an aristocrat, Wen Qiong, don't you think so?"

Li Wenqiong gave Zhou Xiaolan a sympathetic look: "Cici has met too many nobles, and he is numb. Think about our classmate Xiao Lu, we have to meet aristocratic families."

"Aren't the great families all associated with subjugation?"

"Say a few words less."

Gu Ci smiled, thinking that there are some things that should be shared with friends: "Who do you think they are looking at?"

"Look at who? Aren't they basking in the sun?" It's a rare good weather, aren't they also sitting here basking in the sun.

The ancient Ci Ci pointed to himself: "Look at me."

Zhou Xiaolan and Li Wenqiong gave her a look: "Narcissism."

"It's almost enough. If you think Mr. Song's family is Mr. Song, you will know to keep an eye on you."

The ancient words tell the truth: "I may be the daughter of their family."

Zhou Xiaolan and Li Wenqiong patted her head at the same time: "It is enough to have a classmate Xiao Lu, don't think too much, Mr. Song just cherishes talents."

"Don't expect too much, they don't love you, and we love you."

Gu Cici thought it was time for them to go back to painting: "They should love me very much..." At least Ms. Ye Man loves her very much, and this matter is the most unfair to Ms. Ye Man. If I can have more admiration For her, just fine.

(End of this chapter)

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