President Lu's sweet wife

Chapter 158 158 Helpless

Chapter 158 158 Helpless
"Brother! I'm cold, brother, I'm cold, let's go home..."

"It's not cold anymore, go home when you get better, then you can beat her."

"Why don't you ask why you beat her? She kept yelling and making troubles, and she insisted on looking for you. Where can I go to find you? I have the cheek to ask your family to take it back. Do you take it? Your family even I can’t even get through the phone. Should I call her? What kind of VIP ward does she want to live in? Does our family have money? Our family doesn’t have a penny, why don’t you call a disobedient child!?”

"It's just unreasonable." This is the daughter of their Gu family, the daughter who kept saying that she was very satisfied yesterday, this is their family's attitude towards sick children!Song Li looked at his sister: "You wait for me, let's go back to the VIP ward." No one can live here!She was sick and couldn't go back.

Song Wanwan didn't let go, she couldn't let her brother leave.

"Just for a moment..."

Song Wanwan shook her head, if her brother left, she would have nothing left, this lunatic would still beat her, Cao Xiurong herself had a mental problem, the police would never arrest people, no one would call the police, she should not be with this family !don't want!

Song Li had no choice but to put her on the wheelchair and push her to go through the formalities.

Gu Qiang and Cao Xiurong didn't speak, as long as they didn't spend their money, they could live wherever Song Wanwan wanted.

But Song Li found out at the toll window that all the cards on him had been frozen, and even his own salary card showed that the application was being processed for some reason.

Song Li couldn't believe his eyes, what's going on?It's fine if he can't move the company's card and the secondary card at home, why can't he move his own too!

This is his own income!Song Li immediately called his mother, but his mother didn't answer, so he called his father again.

Song Wanwan grabbed Song Li's sleeve: What's wrong?
On the other side, Song Xing rubbed the center of his brows. He dared to go back to the company and was busy until now when his wife had Cici to accompany him. Unexpectedly, his son really called him: "Your mother said to let you calm down for two days."

"Dad, this is my private matter."

"I know, but you are in the hospital, how dare you say you are not in the hospital."


"What does your mother think? I can cancel the restriction, but you really want to make your mother unhappy because of this? Your mother is in a very bad situation and is already seeing a psychiatrist. Now she only asks for this, and you have to follow She is coming? Have you ever thought about it, you are his son, and your betrayal of her is worse than Qian Yuzhi..."


"Besides, there are people looking after Wanwan. We gave Qian Yuzhi a lot of money back then, including the more than five million that their family cheated from Wanwan. We haven't recovered it yet. The five million, only one Millions have been frozen by the police, and most of them have been transferred away by their family. We have not requested to investigate further." Of course, we will investigate, but there is no need to say this to my son: "So it is impossible for them to know that they have no money? They are extremely It might be waiting for you to soften your heart." His stupid son has been in the Academy of Sciences, and his knowledge is good, but his heart is not good.

"Wanwan is still sick..." It's not a matter of being soft-hearted, Song Li walked to a place where no one was around, looked at his sister who was struggling to hold him: "...they beat Wanwan, when I came, Wanwan There were injuries all over her face, her mother was not in good spirits, she was a mother, and she was hit with minor injuries. There was no one to help her. People, let these people watch Wanwan constantly being beaten and scolded, she...Dad, you know Wanwan's character, and you know better how she lives in our house, how can she bear such a life?"

Song Xing listened and sighed, how could that family... Ke: "Didn't Gu Cici also come here after so many years?
Song Li choked for a moment and knew what his mother was upset about: "But... Wanwan was grown up by you, you..."

"So I didn't ask for the money to be returned now...their family has money."


Song Xing leaned on the seat wearily: "If you care about her, it's okay to go and see more. After all, it's your sister. You feel sorry for her. Dad understands very well, but you should also pay attention to the method. Life in the Gu family, you can help her this time, what about next time? A few more nurses, a good ward is easy to solve, but her family conflicts, her parents, her younger brother, and their family because you may treat your daughter with ease It's possible, if you slow down one day, will they hate you, will they think it's your responsibility for what happened to Wanwan, the Gu family may sue you for abducting their daughter, when the time comes you and Wanwan In the end, if you lose any affection, it will hurt Wanwan, so you take Wanwan to adapt well, that's the way to love your sister, not to be special."


"Since you're here, just stay with her and come back when she's in a stable condition. Reason with her more and let her recognize the reality. As for other things, don't think about it."

Song Li did not expect such a result.

Song Wanwan looked at her brother eagerly: "Brother..."

Song Li looked into his younger sister's relying eyes, he was always high-spirited, and it was the first time he doubted his ability, was his father right?Of course not, what happened to his own sister, what happened to him!Just take care of her all the time, so what if she gets old and dies.

With the funds, shares, and property in his hands, he can't afford to support Wanwan: "Let's go back to the ward first..." He knows that more money comes from the Song family. Wanwan couldn't afford both halls.

Song Wanwan looked at her brother in fear: "Father doesn't want me anymore..."

"No, Wanwan, don't..."

Song Wanwan didn't cry, if it was normal, she would definitely cry, but what else does she have now!
Song Wanwan grabbed her brother's sleeve in an instant, feeling very guilty: "Did I embarrass my brother? I'm fine. I can live wherever I live. I heard from the police uncle that my parents suspected that Qian Yuzhi was the one who gave birth to me and my parents." It’s right for my parents to hate me now, because I’m the daughter of a villain, so my parents should hate me..."

"Wanwan, no, give mom a little time, mom will figure it out..."

Song Wanwan tried her best to hold back her tears: "Brother, I can do it..." But the tears kept falling: "But they beat me, brother, I'm afraid... Brother, can you stay with me, I just don't want to be beaten, I don't want to see my parents anymore, bro..."

"...Brother is here."


In the dark, Gu Cici lay on the soft bed, turned over, and counted the time in the other hemisphere to send Gu Nian a message: [Did it land? 】

Gu Nian looked at the message, and both of them heaved a sigh of relief.Does sister know?Has the matter over there been completely exposed? Do you know what they are involved in? What do you think of them?

My sister hasn't sent them a message in the past few days, and they thought: [It's here, it's here, sister, it's so late and you haven't slept yet? 】Ask carefully and tentatively.

(End of this chapter)

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